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embarrassment because of the dark hair that grew on her back. The gods decided it was time

to remind Julie of her wings. One day, as she stared in the mirror at herself with disdain, she

noticed that the hair on her back was the imprint of beautiful black wings.

Julie’s story forever changed the way she saw her body. The hair was no

longer a source of shame but a whimsical tale of beauty and grace. What

body shame taught her to hate she taught herself to love through the magic

of a new story. We have the power to change the narrative of body shame in

our lives. We are not bound to the tales of teasing and criticism we were

subjected to as children. The good news is we are the authors of our own

lives. Let’s make every day an ode to radical self-love.

Unapologetic Inquiry #30

As children, we loved the unconstrained power of imagination we

encountered in fairy tales. We could be an opulent princess, a cunning

wizard, a talking dog. There were no boundaries around our

possibility. Making a new story reconnects us with our unbounded

possibility. What story have you been telling yourself that is binding

your possibility? What would be possible if that story were different?

Pillar 4: Collective Compassion

Tool 9: Be in a Community

In her book The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown writes, “One of the

greatest barriers to connection is the cultural importance we place on ‘going

it alone.’ ” 12 Somehow, we’ve come to equate success with not needing

anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we’re very

reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve

divided the world into “those who offer help” and “those who need help.”

The truth is that we are both. Radical self-love is not a solo journey. A

complicated and multilayered amalgamation of systems, structures, and

experiences authored our body shame and built the larger social complex of

body terrorism. We cannot dismantle that system in isolation. Science has

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