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television show and into living in peace and harmony with the body you

have today. Your body need not be a prison sentence. And if you are living

in it as such, I am glad you picked up this book. As they say in the tradition

of twelve-step programs, “You are in the right place.” 25

I am not simply proposing that you make peace with your body because

your body shame is making you miserable. I am proposing you do it

because it’s making us miserable too. Your children are sad that they have

no photos with you. Your teenager is wondering if they, too, will be

obligated to hate their body because they see you hating yours. The bodies

you share space with are afraid you are judging them with the same venom

they have watched you use to judge yourself. Remember that body shame is

as contagious as radical self-love. Making peace with your body is your

mighty act of revolution. It is your contribution to a changed planet where

we might all live unapologetically in the bodies we have.

Unapologetic Inquiry #7

Who in your life is most affected by your body shame? How is it

impacting them?

I know you may be saying, “But I don’t know how to make peace with

my body!” On these pages, together, we are going to help you master the

third Peace. The key to getting out of a maze is remembering the way you

got in. It’s not an easy task, but this book is an attempt to start at the

beginning and show you how you got to the center of body shame. Together

we are going to walk back to the beginning and out of the maze. Radical

self-love is both the light that will guide us and the gift on the other side.

Radical Reflection

Spend some time reflecting on Chapter 1. Notice what fears or

concerns it triggers in you. Notice where there is excitement or joy.

Share both with a friend.

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