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Radical Reflection

Concepts like self-acceptance and body neutrality are not without

value. When you have spent your entire life at war with your body,

these models offer a truce. But you can have more than a cease-fire.

You can have radical self-love because you are already radical selflove.

Why the Body?

Humans are a varied and divergent bunch, with all manner of beliefs,

morals, values, and ideas. We have struggled to find agreement on much of

anything over the centuries (just think about how long we argued about

gravity and whether the world is shaped like a pizza), but here is a

completely noncontroversial statement I think we have consensus around:

You, my dear, have a body. And should you desire to remain on this

spinning rock hurtling through space, you will need a body to do it.

Everything else we think we know is up for debate. Are we spiritual

beings? Depends on who you ask. Do humans have souls? Been fighting

about that since Aristotle likened the souls of fetuses to those of

vegetables. 2 But bodies—yup, we got those. And given this widely agreedupon

reality, it seems to me if ever there were a place where the practice of

radical love could be a transformative force, the body ought to be that


When we speak of the ills of the world—violence, poverty, injustice—

we are not speaking conceptually; we are talking about things that happen

to bodies. When we say millions around the world are impacted by the

global epidemic of famine, what we are saying is that millions of humans

are experiencing the physical deterioration of muscle and other tissue due to

lack of nutrients in their bodies. Injustice is an opaque word until we are

willing to discuss its material reality as, for example, the three years

sixteen-year-old Kalief Browder spent beaten and locked in solitary

confinement in Riker’s Island prison without ever being charged with a

single crime. His suicide and his mother’s heart attack two years later are

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