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ranked our bodies against the bodies of others, deciding they are greater or

lesser than our own based on the prejudices and biases we inherited.

Dismantling the culture of apology requires an investigation into the

anatomy of an apology. Generally, people committed to their righteousness

rarely feel the need to apologize. About five years ago I shared with an ex

how something he’d said had hurt my feelings. After twenty minutes of his

dancing around any admission of offense, it became clear this guy was not

planning to issue any apologies. According to his logic, he did not intend to

hurt my feelings and therefore did not owe me an apology. Like many

people, he felt that his intention should have absolved him from his impact.

I countered his reasoning by asking, “If you accidently stepped on

someone’s foot, would you say sorry?” “No, not if their foot was the only

place to stand,” he replied matter-of-factly. (Why had I dated this guy?)

Clearly, I do not propose that we, as a species, adopt this sort of

thoughtless, self-centered ideology, but sometimes even jerks can lead us to

epiphanies. There was something about his refusal to apologize for what he

saw as taking up the space he needed that, if wielded authentically, might

change how we move through the world. Why are we consistently

apologizing for the space we inhabit? What if we all understood the

inherent vastness of our humanity and therefore occupied the world without

apology? What if we all became committed to the idea that no one should

have to apologize for being a human in a body? What if we made room for

every body so that no one ever had to stand on someone else’s foot? How

might we change our lives? How might we change the world?

Radical Reflection

Our freedom from body shame demands that we look at how we have

perpetuated shame in others. We will need to be radically honest on

this journey.

The planet is a big, daunting place. It is easy to feel at the whim of the

universe. We have been convinced we are ineffectual at exacting any real

change against our social systems and structures, so instead we land the

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