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of our heads and into our bodies. Lastly, the pillar of collective compassion

synthesizes how we emanate radical self-love, learning to radiate love

through our own beings and onto the beings of others. At the end of the

book you will find a Radical Self-Love Toolkit. It offers concrete action

steps designed to help you move through the thinking, doing, being process,

ultimately landing you in the seat of your most powerful location:

reconnected to your inherent sense of radical self-love.

Pillar 1: Taking Out the Toxic

To live in a world of body terrorism is akin to forcibly imbibing three 7-

Eleven Big Gulps of body shame daily. From the moment we turn on a

television, radio, or computer in the morning until we close the laptop or

put the phone on silent at night, we are inundated with messages relaying

our supposed inherent deficiency. The average adult consumes fifteen and a

half hours of media each day, and even when they don’t contain overt body

shame, the shows we watch, the music we listen to, and the articles we read

deliver messages about bodies in the world, including our own. 4 Taking in

toxic messages blocks our pathway to radical self-love without any real

effort on our part. Just walking down the street or standing in the grocery

store checkout line can be a stroll down body-shame lane thanks to

billboards, bus advertisements, and tabloid covers. By engaging in the

everyday activities of our society, we subconsciously absorb views about

our bodies that are antithetical to radical self-love. Therefore, being

connected to our thoughts is a crucial process for battling body shame.

Marketers diversify their body-terrorism tactics with both conscious and

subconscious directives. There is nothing subconscious about “Don’t delay!

Lose that unsightly belly fat now!” Advertisements like this are designed

for immediacy, urging you to act now because your body is awful!

Unapologetic Inquiry #21

What was your last body-shame impulse purchase? Can you recall

what thoughts moved you to make the purchase?

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