Tackle Trade World - October 2023

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Sportvisbrigade is a Dutch non-profit organisation designed<br />

to inspire newcomers to get fishing as it can help their<br />

mental health and wellbeing. Founder Ivo Nijboer explains<br />

the idea and how it is working…<br />

The sport of fishing in Holland<br />

is facing challenges and it seems<br />

that the positive initiatives are not<br />

being recognised. So, what can I<br />

do? It is now more important than ever for<br />

me to make my voice heard.<br />

I have been involved in the fishing<br />

industry since 2006, dedicating my time as<br />

both a professional and a volunteer to various<br />

aspects of preserving this wonderful hobby. It<br />

has become my greatest source of pride and<br />

life’s work: inspiring people to embrace the<br />

joy of fishing.<br />


The bamboo fishing rod used to hang from<br />

my grandfather’s gutter and whether it all<br />

started there for me remains unclear. I didn’t<br />

fish with him very often, but I did with my<br />

brother. He was perhaps the biggest catalyst<br />

for my passion, aside from myself.<br />

It hasn’t been an easy journey. Alongside a<br />

challenging school life, I battled cancer and<br />

underwent chemotherapy at the age of 18,<br />

followed by a prosthesis in my right knee.<br />

Throughout it all, there was one constant<br />

for me: fishing. It provided solace, a way to<br />

clear my mind and immerse myself in the<br />

surroundings. Being by the water reduced my<br />

stress levels and allowed me to stay focused.<br />

The passion for fishing and the urge to be<br />

near the water have always been present and<br />

will always remain.<br />

Now, things have improved significantly.<br />

I am a proud father of two children and<br />

have a wonderful wife who understands<br />

the importance of fishing in my life and its<br />

positive impact on my mental well-being.<br />


So why am I writing this? Because I feel a<br />

stronger need than ever to take an extra step<br />

forward. It all started with my volunteer work.<br />

I began as a volunteer at HSV Vislust in<br />

Almelo, supporting youth activities and later<br />

contributing to the general board. It was there<br />

that I witnessed the value that local fishing<br />

associations bring to society.<br />

Club gatherings, collaborative fishing trips,<br />

and active maintenance of the waterside areas<br />

within residential neighbourhoods – all these<br />

activities contribute to nature conservation.<br />

Fishing associations play an active role<br />

in monitoring fish mortality, maintaining<br />

fish populations, and protecting the habitat<br />

surrounding the water.<br />

During that time, I also made contact with<br />

Sportvisserij (Oost) Nederland. They asked<br />

me to give a lecture for the De Gewonde<br />

Soldaat Foundation. Interestingly, not all<br />

participants were physically wounded; most<br />

of them had experienced mental hardships.<br />

One thing that had helped them in their<br />

recovery was fishing.<br />


That was the moment I knew for certain<br />

that my intrinsic motivation and passion had<br />

grown stronger than ever. I had to do more.<br />

I started an Excel file and brainstormed my<br />

ideas, which gradually took shape.<br />

Then, when I changed jobs in 2022,<br />

everything fell into place. If I wanted to truly<br />

learn and share my knowledge, having my<br />

own website would be the best way forward.<br />

And that’s how Sportvisbrigade came to life.<br />

Through this platform, I found an outlet<br />

to share my acquired knowledge locally.<br />

By writing about local fishing experiences<br />

and linking it online to local and regional<br />

websites, more people can learn about what<br />

the hobby of fishing can mean. Emphasising<br />

the aspect of mental well-being, I aim to<br />

convey how fishing can provide solace and<br />

create lasting memories.<br />

Yes, there are affiliate links on the website.<br />

Pursuing a hobby and maintaining a website<br />

come with costs, and this is a way to cover<br />

some of those expenses. However, my<br />

intention is not solely focused on financial<br />

gain. I want to reach out to people who may<br />

be experiencing restlessness or stress due to<br />

work, health, or family circumstances and<br />

let them know that there can be an outlet.<br />

Immerse yourself in the underwater world<br />

and let everything else fade away.<br />

Even if you don’t catch anything, you can<br />

always rethink your strategy. Fishing gives<br />

you an additional reason to be outdoors<br />

without having to worry about traffic, making<br />

it distinct from walking or cycling as an<br />

outdoor activity.<br />

While sitting on your tackle box, fishing<br />

chair, or sleeping in your fishing tent, you<br />

have the opportunity to fully experience<br />

nature and observe the birds. Although the<br />

concept of hooking a fish may not be easily<br />

defended, consider that we are the eyes at the<br />

water’s edge. We document fish mortality,<br />

volunteer to maintain fish populations,<br />

keep the waterside areas clean, and prevent<br />

you from experiencing extreme mosquito<br />

overpopulation.<br />


It is akin to hunting: Can we justify the<br />

shooting of animals? No! However, by<br />

culling deer, wild boar, foxes, and hares, we<br />

prevent them from entering residential areas.<br />

Otherwise, that would be cause for concern.<br />

We are guests in nature, and hunters and<br />

anglers are the greatest lovers of the animals<br />

they engage with!<br />

We don’t intervene when people put their<br />

full weight on a horse and use a bit of it to<br />

make them move gracefully. We don’t approve<br />

of dogs spending the entire workday waiting<br />

on benches for their owners. Is this animalfriendly<br />

or aligned with Mother Nature’s<br />

intentions? Most likely not.<br />

However, I have a suspicion of the joy that<br />

the animal brings back to its rider or owner.<br />

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Live and let live.<br />

Love for animals should be at the forefront<br />

of all hobbies and, believe me, that holds true<br />

for all anglers! That pleasure, that love for<br />

animals, can only arise when knowledge is<br />

transferred.<br />

By inspiring and assisting new anglers,<br />

young and old, in handling fish properly,<br />

I can contribute to maintaining a healthy<br />

fish population and securing the future of<br />

the sport of fishing. That is precisely what<br />

Sportvisbrigade stands for.<br />


Sportvisbrigade.nl<br />

62 www.tackletradeworld.com

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