Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

however large and cannot be mimicked by taking only the slopes of the<br />

polarisabilities at zero energy into account. An analysis using dynamical<br />

polarisabilities from either Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory<br />

including the ∆(1232) as dynamical degree of freedom or using dispersion<br />

theory predicts however values in agreement with experiment at all<br />

energies. We comment on recent data from Lund at ω ≈ 50 MeV.<br />

Supported in part by DFG under grant GR 1887/1-2 and by BMBF.<br />

[1.] H.W. Grießhammer and T.R. Hemmert: nucl-th/0<strong>11</strong>0006.<br />

HK 9.2 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Debye Screening At Finite Temperature, Revisited — •Roland<br />

A. Schneider — Physik-Department, Technische Universität München,<br />

Garching, Germany<br />

We present a new, alternative way to calculate the screening of the<br />

static potential between two charges in (non)abelian gauge theories at<br />

high temperatures by looking at the magnetic properties of the vacuum.<br />

The Hard Thermal Loop (HTL) gluon and photon Debye masses are<br />

recovered in a first, though incomplete approximation. In QED, the<br />

complete calculation to order α exhibits an interesting cancellation of<br />

terms, resulting in a logarithmic running α(T ). Debye screening is then<br />

caused by the modified index of refraction of the vacuum. In QCD, an<br />

unphysical Landau pole occurs that arises, as in more sophisticated thermal<br />

renormalization group calculations, from the wrong sign of the gluon<br />

contribution.<br />

Supported in part by BMBF and GSI.<br />

HK 9.3 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Thermodynamics of fireball expansion — •Thorsten Renk 1 ,<br />

Roland A. Schneider 1 ,andWolfram Weise 1,2 — 1 Technische Universität<br />

München — 2 ECT ∗ ,Trento<br />

The fireball created in an ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision is the<br />

environment in which all processes providing clues about the possible<br />

formation of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) happen. It is therefore crucial<br />

to understand the dynamics of this hot and dense system. We set<br />

up a model in which the fireball evolution is reconstructed between two<br />

stages, the freeze-out, which is accessible by hadronic observables, and<br />

the initial conditions for which the overlap geometry can be calculated.<br />

Using the equation of state (EoS) provided by a quasiparticle model of<br />

the QGP, we are able to calculate thermodynamical properties in volume<br />

slices of constant proper time and determine the volume expansion selfconsistently.<br />

The resulting evolution model can then be tested against<br />

other observables.<br />

Work supportet in part by BMBF and GSI.<br />

HK 9.4 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Simple High Accuracy Calculations of the Three Nucleon System<br />

at Very Low Energies — •Harald W. Grießhammer —<br />

Institut für Theoretische Physik (T39), TU München, D-85747 Garching<br />

At very low energies, pions do not have to be treated as explicit degrees<br />

of freedom in an Effective Field Theory of few nucleon systems. The resulting<br />

power counting allows for simple, model independent, systematic<br />

and rigorous computations of the properties of nuclear systems with an<br />

error estimate. Usually, high precision calculations are performed with<br />

relative ease. In the triton channel of the three nucleon system, it has<br />

however been demonstrated [1] that an unusual, non-perturbative renormalisation<br />

phenomenon leads to a three body force which is needed even<br />

at leading order in order to absorb cut-off dependence. This yields a<br />

limit cycle for the three body force, and explanations of the Efimov and<br />

Thomas effects as well as of the Phillips line of nuclear physics. Here,<br />

it is shown that this phenomenon is limited to the doublet Swave only,<br />

so that computations in the other channels can be performed with ease<br />

to high accuracy. Demonstrating a new technique to obtain results of<br />

increasing accuracy in the Effective Field Theory approach, corrections<br />

to the Phillips line obtained at LO as well as phase shifts in the triton<br />

channel of nd scattering are discussed both above and below the deuteron<br />

breakup point. The calculations converge rapidly.<br />

Supported in part by DFG under grant GR 1887/1-2 and by BMBF.<br />

[1.] P. Bedaque, H.-W. Hammer and U. van Kolck: Nucl. Phys. A676,<br />

357 (2000).<br />

HK 9.5 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Note on finite temperature sum rules for vector and axialvector<br />

spectral functions — •Eugenio Marco 1 , Ralf Hofmann 2 ,<br />

and Wolfram Weise 1,3 — 1 Physik-Department, Technische Universität<br />

München — 2 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-<br />

Institut), — 3 ECT ∗ , Villazzano (Trento), Italy<br />

An updated analysis of vector and axial-vector spectral functions is<br />

presented. The resonant contributions to the spectral integrals are shown<br />

to be expressible as multiples of 4π2f 2 π , encoding the scale of spontaneous<br />

chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. Up to order T 2 this behavior carries<br />

over to the case of finite temperature.<br />

Work supported in part by BMBF, GSI and the Alexander von Humboldt<br />

Foundation.<br />

HK 9.6 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Chiral Magnetism of the Nucleon — •Thomas R. Hemmert 1<br />

and Wolfram Weise 1,2 — 1 Physik Department T39, TU München<br />

— 2 ECT*, Trento, Italy<br />

We are analysing the quark-mass dependence of the isovector anomalous<br />

magnetic moment of the nucleon [1]. Quenched Lattice data for this<br />

quantity from the Adelaide group [2] are only available for quark-masses<br />

heavier than 20 times the physical light quark masses, making extrapolation<br />

schemes necessary to bridge the gap between lattice data and the<br />

physical magnetic moments of the nucleon. We report on recent work<br />

of such an extrapolation performed with the help of chiral effective field<br />

theories, resulting in a simple extrapolation formula for the case of the<br />

magnetic moments. We also compare our extrapolation formula with the<br />

Pade-formula recently suggested by the Adelaide group [2].<br />

[1] T.R. Hemmert and W. Weise, “Chiral Magnetism of the Nucleon”,<br />

forthcoming. Preliminary results are reported in nucl-th/0105051.<br />

[2] D.B. Leinweber, D.H. Lu and A.W. Thomas, Phys.Rev.D60:034014<br />

(1999).<br />

WorksupportedinpartbyDFGandBMBF<br />

HK 9.7 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Baryon chiral perturbation theory with a cutoff regularization:<br />

Inclusion of decuplet states — •Bu¯gra Borasoy 1 , Barry Holstein<br />

2 , Randy Lewis 3 , and Pierre Ouimet 3 — 1 Physik Department,<br />

Technische Universität München — 2 University Of Massachusetts,<br />

Amherst, USA — 3 University of Regina, Regina, Canada<br />

In SU(3) chiral perturbation theory short distance effects, arising from<br />

the propagation of Goldstone bosons over distances smaller than a typical<br />

hadronic size, are model-dependent and can lead to a lack of convergence<br />

in the SU(3) chiral expansion if they are included in loop diagrams. Such<br />

effects can be removed in a chirally consistent fashion by use of a cutoff<br />

ameliorating problems which have arisen in previous calculations due to<br />

large loop effects. In this investigation, we employ cutoff regularization<br />

and focus on the inclusion of decuplet states which may yield significant<br />

contributions since the mass difference between the nucleon and decuplet<br />

is less than twice the pion mass and octet and decuplet states become<br />

even degenerate in the large Nc limit. We discuss the octet baryon<br />

masses, axial couplings, s-wave hyperon decay, and magnetic moments<br />

taking contributions from internal decuplet states into account. The realistic<br />

treatment of chiral baryon corrections is just what is needed in<br />

order to extrapolate state of the art lattice calculations, which are done<br />

for quark masses (and therefore pion masses) considerably heavier than<br />

the values given experimentally, down to realistic values.<br />

Work supported in part by the DFG.<br />

HK 9.8 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Study of relativistic bound states in a scalar model using diagonalization/Monte<br />

Carlo methods — •Bu¯gra Borasoy 1 and<br />

Dean Lee 2 — 1 Physik Department, Technische Universität München<br />

— 2 North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA<br />

A recently proposed diagonalization/Monte Carlo computational<br />

scheme is used to study relativistic two-body and three-body bound<br />

states in (φ 6 − φ 4 )1+1 theory. Diagonalization makes it possible to<br />

extract detailed information about wavefunctions and excited states,<br />

while Monte Carlo allows one to handle the exponential increase in the<br />

number of basis states for large volume systems. The first half of the<br />

method involves finding and diagonalizing the Hamiltonian restricted to<br />

an optimal subspace which includes the most important basis vectors<br />

of the lowest energy eigenstates. Once the most important basis<br />

vectors are found and their interactions treated exactly, Monte Carlo<br />

is used to sample the contribution of the remaining basis vectors. In

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