Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Wednesday<br />

of so-called eta-mesic nuclei into account. These quasi bound states of η<br />

and nucleus might be responsible for the near threshold behaviour of the<br />

cross section.<br />

In another experiment, the meson photoproduction off carbon was<br />

studied. This experiment offers the possibility to investigate in-medium<br />

modifications of the ω meson. On the proton, the ω (mω=782 MeV) is<br />

out of reach of the MAMI energy regime. But, assuming a modification<br />

of the omega mass and width in the carbon nucleus, the cross section<br />

for incident photon energies up to 882 MeV becomes measurable. First<br />

results are shown and compared to theoretical calculations [2].<br />

[1] N. V. Shevchenko et.al., nucl-th/0108031<br />

[2] W. Cassing, private communications<br />

HK 32.2 Wed 14:30 D<br />

Static Magnetic Moment of the ∆ + (1232) — •Martin Kotulla<br />

for the TAPS/A2 collaboration — II. Physikalisches Institut, Heinrich-<br />

Buff-Ring 16, 35392 Giessen<br />

Static magnetic moments of baryons are important properties which<br />

provide a crucial test for hadron structure calculations. SU(3) e.g., predicts<br />

µ∆ = Q(∆)µp for the ∆ isobars. Information on µ ∆ + can be obtained<br />

from the observation of a γ transition within the ∆ resonance.<br />

Therefore, the reaction γ p → π ◦ γ ′ p wasmeasuredwiththeBaF2<br />

calorimeter TAPSat the Mainz Microtron accelerator facility. The extraction<br />

of µ ∆ +, however, requires the application of a reaction model.<br />

The experimental results will be presented and the feasibility to extract<br />

µ ∆ + based on theoretical models [1],[2] will be discussed.<br />

[1] D. Drechsel, M. Vanderhaeghen, Phys.Rev.C64:065202,2001<br />

[2] A.I. Machavariani, A. Faessler, to be submitted<br />

HK 32.3 Wed 14:45 D<br />

Photoproduction of pion pairs from nuclei — •Silke Janssen for<br />

the TAPS- und A2 collaboration — II. Physikalisches Institut, Heinrich-<br />

Buff-Ring 16, 35392 Giessen<br />

The photoproduction of pion pairs from nuclei has been studied in the<br />

range of incident photon energies from 400-460 MeV. The experiments<br />

were performed with the tagged photon beam at the MAMI electron accelerator<br />

facility using the photon spectrometer TAPSfor the detection<br />

of neutral and charged pion pairs. The invariant mass distribution of the<br />

two pions shows a different behaviour as a function of the target mass<br />

HK33 Heavy Ions IV<br />

depending on the isospin of the pion pair. For the π 0 π 0 (I=0) channel a<br />

shift in the invariant mass distribution towards the 2π - threshold is observed<br />

for increasing nuclear mass number while no change in the shape<br />

of the invariant mass distribution is found for the π 0 π ± (I=1) channel.<br />

This observation can not be explained by final state interaction but is<br />

consistent with theoretical predictions for a partial restoration of chiral<br />

symmetry at normal nuclear matter density.<br />

[1] R.Rapp et al., Phys.Rev.C 59(99)1237<br />

[2] M.Lutz et al., NPA 542(92)521<br />

[3] T.Hatsuda et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 82(99)2840<br />

HK 32.4 Wed 15:00 D<br />

Investigation of the 3He(e, e ′ pn)p reaction at MAMI — •P.J.<br />

Barneo — NIKHEF, Amsterdam, in collaboration with the Universities<br />

of Mainz, Tübingen and Glasgow.<br />

The 3He(e, e ′ pn)p reaction has been studied in the spectrometer-hall of<br />

the A1-collaboration at MAMI (Mainz). Data were taken at an energy<br />

transfer of 220 MeV and three-momentum transfer of 375 MeV/c.<br />

The reaction cross section is sensitive to nucleon-nucleon correlations<br />

in the three-nucleon system and the contributions of two-body mechanisms,<br />

i.e. intermediate ∆-excitation and meson-exchange currents.<br />

The data analysis will be discussed and preliminary experimental results<br />

will be compared to existing data for the complementary reaction<br />

3 ′ He(e, e pp)n, measured at AmPS(Amsterdam), and to continuum Faddeev<br />

calculations of the Bochum group, performed with realistic NN interactions.<br />

HK 32.5 Wed 15:15 D<br />

Analyse der Photoproduktion der Vektormesonen ω und Φ—<br />

•Jens Barth for the SAPHIR collaboration — Physikalisches Institut,<br />

Nussallee 12, 53<strong>11</strong>5 Bonn<br />

Zur Analyse der Photoproduktion der Vektormesonen ω und Φ wurden<br />

die beiden Reaktionen γp → pω → pπ + π−π 0 und γp → pΦ →<br />

pK + K− aus den Daten des SAPHIR-Detektors am Elektronen-Stretcher-<br />

Ring ELSA untersucht. Es sind totale und differentielle Wirkungsquerschnitte,<br />

sowie Zerfallswinkelverteilungen im Gottfried-Jackson- und im<br />

Helizitätssystem bei Photonenergien von der Reaktionsschwelle bis zu 2.6<br />

GeV bestimmt worden.<br />

Time: Wednesday 14:00–15:30 Room: E<br />

HK 33.1 Wed 14:00 E<br />

Strangeness production in p+p interactions and collisions of<br />

light ions at Elab=158 AGeV/c — •Claudia Höhne, Volker<br />

Friese, and Falk Pühlhofer for the NA49 collaboration — Fachbereich<br />

Physik, Philipps-Universität Marburg*<br />

New data of the CERN experiment NA49 allow a systematic study of<br />

strangeness production varying not only the beam energy and the centrality<br />

of the interaction but also the size of the colliding system using<br />

protons and light ions as reaction partners. Of particular interest are<br />

small systems in which no phase transition into the QGP is expected<br />

and the role of multiple nucleon-nucleon collisions can be investigated.<br />

According to UrQMD calculations rescattering of newly created particles<br />

should play a minor role in such reactions.<br />

The production of kaons and φ-mesons in p+p, C+C and Si+Si collisions<br />

was measured at the CERN SPS with a beam energy of 158 AGeV.<br />

Phase space distributions of these particles as well as for pions were extracted.<br />

Strangeness enhancement with respect to p+p collisions is found<br />

already in semicentral C+C interactions; it increases further in Si+Si reactions.<br />

*supported by BMBF<br />

HK 33.2 Wed 14:15 E<br />

Correlation Study of Strange Baryons in Pb+Pb Reactions<br />

at 158 AGeV ∗ — •C. Blume 1 , L. Betev 2 , A. Billmeier 2 , R.<br />

Bramm 2 , P. Buncic 2 , P. Dinkelaker 2 , M. Ga´zdzicki 2 , T. Kollegger<br />

2 , I. Kraus 1 , C. Markert 1 , A. Mischke 1 , R. Renfordt 2 ,<br />

A. Sandoval 1 , R. Stock 2 , H. Ströbele 2 , D. Vranić 1 , A. Wetzler<br />

2 ,andJ. Zaranek 2 — 1 GSI Darmstadt — 2 IKF Frankfurt<br />

The large number of strange baryons produced in ultrarelativistic<br />

heavy ion collisions makes the study of their correlations feasible. Of<br />

special interest is the measurement of the correlation function of Λ pairs,<br />

since it can shed light on the nature of their mutual interaction. Since, on<br />

the other side, the interaction of Λs with protons is rather well known,<br />

the pΛ correlation function can be used to extract information on the<br />

spacial extent of the emitting source. Compared to the analysis of pp<br />

correlations this method has the advantage of avoiding the influence of<br />

the Coulomb interaction.<br />

We will present preliminary results on ΛΛ and pΛ correlations in central<br />

Pb+Pb reactions at 158 AGeV. The measurements will be compared to<br />

theoretical caluclations and their implications will be discussed.<br />

∗ Supported by BMBF und GSI<br />

HK 33.3 Wed 14:30 E<br />

Energy Dependence of Kaon and Pion Production in Central<br />

Pb+Pb Collisions — •Roland Bramm 1 , L. Betev 2 , C. Blume 3 ,<br />

P. Buncic 2 , P. Dinkelaker 2 , M. Gazdzicki 2 , T. Kollegger 2 , I.<br />

Kraus 3 , A. Mischke 3 , R. Renfordt 2 , A. Sandoval 3 , R. Stock 2 ,<br />

H. Ströbele 2 , D. Vranic 3 , A. Wetzler 2 ,andJ. Zaranek 2 for the<br />

NA49 collaboration — 1 CERN, Genève — 2 IKF, Universität Frankfurt<br />

— 3 GSI, Darmstadt<br />

The experiment NA49 investigates pion and kaon production in central<br />

Pb+Pb collisions at CERN-SPS energies (20-158 AGeV). The pion<br />

spectra are obtained from the analysis of distributions of all negatively<br />

charged hadrons. The kaon spectra are acquired using the particle identification<br />

based on the analysis of the specific energy loss (dE/dx) and in<br />

the midrapidity region via the analysis of the time of flight data (ToF).<br />

Rapidity and transverse momentum spectra at 40, 80 and 158 AGeV<br />

will be presented. A transition from a ”pion suppression” to a ”pion<br />

enhancement” compared to the p+p data at a collision energy around<br />

40 AGeV is observed. The K+ to pi+ ratio shows a non-monotonic be-

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