Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

A set of full GEANT simulations of the HADESspectrometer, using<br />

UrQMD and thermal sources as input, was analysed and compared<br />

to the experimental data for the reaction C+C@1.5AGeV and<br />

Cr+Al@1.5AGeV. The quantitative evaluation of these comparisons will<br />

be presented.<br />

∗ supported by BMBF (6TM970I) and GSI (TM-FR1).<br />

HK 14.2 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Impact of the calibration of the HADES drift chambers on the<br />

quality of the tracking — •Peter Zumbruch for the HADEScollaboration<br />

— GSI, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt,<br />

Germany<br />

HADES, a High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer, is a second generation<br />

experiment at the GSI SIS facility in Darmstadt. Its scientific<br />

program includes studies of in-medium properties of hadrons in hadronic<br />

matter and the electromagnetic structure of hadrons.<br />

High quality tracking is needed to provide a high invariant mass resolution<br />

(1 background.<br />

In the HADESsetup a high precision tracking is performed by two<br />

pairs of two multiwire drift chamber (MDC) modules in front and behind<br />

of the toroidial magnet field.<br />

The quality of the tracking is mainly affected by the performance and<br />

the alignment of the individual chambers as well as the accuracy of the<br />

drift time measurements. Hence, precise time calibration strategies - developed<br />

with data and simulation - are essential to meet the ambitious<br />

design goals of HADES.<br />

supported by<br />


HK 14.3 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

The HADES Run Control ∗ — •B. Sailer, T. Eberl, L. Fabbietti,<br />

J. Friese, R. Gernhäuser, J. Homolka, H.-J. Körner, M.<br />

Münch, andS. Winkler — Technische Universität München, James-<br />

Franck-Strasse 1, D-85748 Garching<br />

The new High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer HADES has been<br />

setup at GSI Darmstadt and is now ready to take data. The ATM-based<br />

data aquisition together with a multilevel trigger system will be able to<br />

read out 70 000 channels with a first level trigger rate of 10 5 Hz with zero<br />

supression and transport 1−2×10 3 events to mass storage every second.<br />

To operate this complex system consists of more than 1 000 frontend and<br />

over 100 VME boards with a large number of different tasks and layouts,<br />

a run control system based on the EPICSpackage has been developed<br />

making use of its network communication layer, monitoring capabilities<br />

and sequencing. In particular an interface has been developed that allows<br />

to bring several thousand parameters from different sources to the run<br />

control system and to write back status information to a database. The<br />

layout of the system will be presented.<br />

∗ supported by BMBF (6TM970I) and GSI (TM-FR1).<br />

HK 14.4 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Programmable Downscalers and Dead-Time Measurement for<br />

HADES — •D. Schäfer, I. Fröhlich, A. Gabriel, D. Kirschner,<br />

W. Kühn, J. Lehnert, M. Petri, J. Ritman, A. Toia, andM.<br />

Traxler for the HADEScollaboration — II. Physikalisches Institut<br />

Universität Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 14, 35392 Giessen<br />

The HADES-Spectrometer at GSI Darmstadt allows the production of<br />

dilepton pairs in hadron and heavy ion induced reactions up to 2 AGeV to<br />

be investigated. The trigger system (raw event rate 100 kHz) is designed<br />

to reduce the event rate by a factor of 100.<br />

The HADESTrigger system is a distributed modular system. It includes<br />

dedicated Detector Trigger Units for each detector subsystem<br />

which all communicate with the Central Trigger Unit (CTU) via the<br />

first and second level trigger bus.<br />

In order to accomodate a large variety of experiments the functionality<br />

of the CTU will be extended by an additional module. This module<br />

provides programmable downscaling and dead time measurement for<br />

each of the individual inputs. Dead-time measurements will be made by<br />

determining the rates before and after the downscaling for each input.<br />

The add-on will be implemented into a Field Programmable Gate Array<br />

(FPGA) to allow flexible configuration.<br />

HK 14.5 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Concept for a Dedicated Multi-Node Data Processing System<br />

for Realtime Trigger and Analysis Applications — •D.<br />

Kirschner, I. Fröhlich, A. Gabriel, W. Kühn, J. Lehnert, M.<br />

Petri, J. Ritman, D. Schäfer, A. Toia, andM. Traxler —II.<br />

Phys. Inst. Giessen,, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 14, 35392 Giessen<br />

Modern Experiments in hadron physics like the HADESdetector at<br />

GSI-Darmstadt produce a large amount of data that has to be distributed,<br />

stored and analyzed. Analysis of this data is very time consuming<br />

due to the large amount of data and the complex algorithms<br />

needed.<br />

This problem can be addressed by a dedicated multi-node and multi-<br />

CPU computing architecture interconnected by Gigabit-Ethernet. Dedicated<br />

hardware has the advantages over “Grid-Computers” in skaleability,<br />

price per computational unit, predictability of time behavior (posibility<br />

of real time applications) and ease of administration. Gigabit-<br />

Ethernet provides an efficient and standardized infrastructure for data<br />

distribution. This infrastructure can be used to distribute data in an<br />

experiment as well as to distribute data in a multi-node computing environment.<br />

The concept of a prototype VME-Bus card for data distribution and<br />

analysis in a multi-node environment will be presented. The card will<br />

be divided into two major units: a network unit featuring two Gigabit<br />

Ethernet connections and a computational part featuring several Digital<br />

Signal Processors.<br />

HK 14.6 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Status of the HADES detector alignment — •Alexandre<br />

Sadovski 1 , H. Agakichiev 2 , H. Alvarez-Pol 3 , I. Duran 3 , B.<br />

Fuentes 3 , J. A. Garzon 3 , W. König 2 , R. Kotte 1 , V. Pechenov 4 ,<br />

M. Sanchez 3 ,andP. Zumbruch 2 for the HADEScollaboration —<br />

1 Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Institut für Kern- und Hadronenphysik,<br />

Dresden, Germany — 2 GSI Darmstadt, Germany — 3 Universidade de<br />

Santiago de Compostela, Spain — 4 Joint Institute of Nuclear Research,<br />

Dubna, Russia<br />

The accurate determination of the masses of various vector mesons decaying<br />

into e + e − pairs is among the physics goals of the starting HADES<br />

experiments at SIS/GSI Darmstadt. This requires an overall invariant<br />

mass resolution of about 1 %. To achieve the corresponding momentum<br />

resolution a precise knowledge of the detector position is needed. A common<br />

way to do this is to correct (align) for possible deviations from the<br />

nominal positions using calibration data and the knowledge of the detector’s<br />

geometry. Several alignment procedures have been developed and<br />

tested using tracks from data on heavy-ion collisions aquired during several<br />

data taking periods. Alignment corrections for the multiwire drift<br />

chamber (MDC) positions have been found. Checks for MDC alignments<br />

have been developed and successfully applied. The methods and results<br />

used will be presented and surveyed.<br />

HK 14.7 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

A client - server based online monitoring system based on<br />

ROOT,QT and OpenGL for the use in the HADES experiment.<br />

— •Jörn Wüstenfeld for the HADEScollaboration — Johann<br />

- Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Kernphysik<br />

August-Euler-Stra¨se 6 D-60486 Frankfurt / M<br />

Even though the prices for CPU’s and memory are low, no experiment<br />

has ever enought computing power available. Therefore new techniques<br />

for the online/offline analysis have to be developed. One possible way<br />

is to use a client - server model, where the computing intensive part is<br />

done on one central machine with fast CPU’s and big memory, while<br />

the displaying task is hosted by decentral machines with less computing<br />

power.<br />

Following this concept, a monitoring system has been implemented in<br />

the HADESanalysis framework. Besides basic functionalities it provides<br />

global detector performace monitoring and a 3D eventdisplay of HADES.<br />

The talk will present the conceptual design of the monitoring system and<br />

a demonstration of the achieved monitor capabilities.<br />

This work was supported by GSI, BMBF, DFG, INTAS, EC.<br />

HK 14.8 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Datenaufbereitung und -analyse für das A4-Experiment an<br />

MAMI — •Sebastian Baunack für die A4-Kollaboration — Institut<br />

für Kernphysik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 55099 Mainz<br />

Das totalabsorbierenden Bleifluorid-Kalorimeter des A4-Experimentes<br />

an MAMI zur Messung der Paritätsverletzung in der elastischen Streu-

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