Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Thursday<br />

interaction between the outgoing pions is generated using the Jülich meson<br />

exchange model with dispersion theoratical form factors for t-channel<br />

exchanges.<br />

HK44 Theory VIII<br />

[1] J.Gunter et al., Phys.Rev.D 64,072003(2001)<br />

[2] V.V.Anisovich et al., Phys.Lett.B 355,363 (1995)<br />

Time: Thursday 16:00–18:00 Room: C<br />

Group Report HK 44.1 Thu 16:00 C<br />

Self-consistent many-body approach and properties of neutron<br />

star matter — •Tobias Frick, Khalaf Gad, Jan Kuckei, Fernando<br />

Montani, andHerbert Müther — Institut für theoretische<br />

Physik der Universität Tübingen<br />

Within a Green’s functions approach, the neutron and the proton properties<br />

are studied in asymmetric nuclear matter, starting from realistic<br />

NN potentials. Going beyond a quasi-particle approximation, we account<br />

for the depletion of the hole states in the many-body system by<br />

introducing multiple poles in the two-particle propagator that appears in<br />

the ladder-equation for the effective interaction, each of them carrying a<br />

strength that is deduced from the nuclear single-particle spectral functions.<br />

The nuclear self-energies are calculated within different approximations,<br />

treating the backward-propagation of intermediate two-holeone-particle<br />

configurations perturbatively, but also in a non-perturbative<br />

Galitsii-Feynman approach. Due to a non-vanishing spectral distribution<br />

of the single-particle strength for momenta very close to the Fermi<br />

surface, a gap is introduced in the single-particle spectrum. In a natural<br />

way, this leads to a supression of the well-known pairing instability. The<br />

results of this Green’s function approach for the equation of state are<br />

compared to corresponding predicitions of the conventional Brueckner-<br />

Hartree-Fock approach. Furthermore we present the predicitions for the<br />

spectral function and momentum distribution. The sensitivity of theses<br />

on the NN interaction is discussed.<br />

Group Report HK 44.2 Thu 16:30 C<br />

Energy dependence of QCD cross sections: Saturation effects<br />

from HERA to RHIC and LHC — •Heribert Weigert 1 ,<br />

Kari Rummukainen 2 , Andreas Schäfer 1 ,andRainer Fries 1 —<br />

1 Universität Regensburg — 2 Nordita, Kopenhagen<br />

Gluon evolution enhances the importance of multiple interaction effects<br />

in eA and AA collisions at high energies. These mimic properties<br />

such as screening and saturation in ways otherwise only known from<br />

dense media. They are responsible for the unitarization of cross sections,<br />

the infrared safety of properly resummed perturbation theory and allow<br />

us to calculate the energy dependence of various cross sections semiperturbatively.<br />

I will try to highlight the key ingredients to the underlying<br />

physical picture and the ensuing technology (a renormalization group<br />

w.r.t. xBj) and its conceptual relevance to HERA, eRHIC, RHIC and<br />

LHC experiments.<br />

HK 44.3 Thu 17:00 C<br />

Energy loss of high pt hadrons by final hadronic state in ultrarelativistic<br />

heavy ion collisions — •Kai Gallmeister, Carsten<br />

Greiner, Gunnar Martens, andZhe Xu — Institut für Theoretische<br />

Physik, Universität Gießen, Germany<br />

When discussing the parton jet quenching phenomena in ultrarelativistic<br />

heavy ion collisions typically hadronization is assumed to take place<br />

in vacuum outside the reaction zone. On the other hand simple quantum<br />

mechanical estimates give a hadronization time τh ≈ E/GeV ∗ fm.For<br />

pt ≤ 10 GeV hadronization thus might well take place inside the fireball.<br />

Typical (in-)elastic collisions of these high pt particles with the dominant<br />

low momentum hadrons of the fireball have √ s ≤ 4 GeV and are<br />

thus soft and nonperturbative. The mean free path in the late hadronic<br />

stage is estimated to be λ ≈ 1 − 5 fm, resulting in in a few collisions<br />

L/λ =0, 1, 2,.... An analysis within this opacity expansion by means<br />

of the FRITIOF collisions scheme for various hadrons will be presented<br />

and it shows that these collisions can account for the modification of the<br />

pt-spectrum observed for central collisions at RHIC.<br />

Work supproted by BMBF.<br />

HK 44.4 Thu 17:15 C<br />

Dispersion Effects in Nucleon Polarisabilities — •Robert Hildebrandt,<br />

Harald Griesshammer, andThomas Hemmert —Institute<br />

for Theoretical Physics (T39), TU Muenchen, Germany<br />

The dynamical nucleon polarisabilities can be defined via a multipole<br />

expansion of the structure amplitudes in nucleon Compton scattering [1].<br />

In contradistinction to the static polarisabilities, dynamical polarisabilities<br />

gauge the response of the internal degrees of freedom of a nucleon<br />

to an external, real photon field of arbitrary energy but definite multipolarity.<br />

Being energy dependent, they therefore contain additional information<br />

about dispersive effects induced by internal relaxation, baryon<br />

resonances or meson production thresholds of the nucleon.<br />

We present the different diagrams contributing in leading order ChPT —<br />

i. e. on the one pion loop level — in theories with and without explicit<br />

∆(1232) degrees of freedom [2]. We further compare our results with<br />

a dispersion relation analysis. Once two counter terms are fixed at the<br />

static values, we obtain excellent predictions even well above the pion<br />

mass.<br />

Work supported in part by DFG and BMBF.<br />

1) H. Grießhammer, T. Hemmert: nucl-th/0<strong>11</strong>0006<br />

2) T. R. Hemmert, H. W. Griesshammer, R. P. Hildebrandt: in preparation<br />

HK 44.5 Thu 17:30 C<br />

Hadron formation in high energy photonuclear reactions —<br />

•Thomas Falter and Ulrich Mosel — Institut für Theoretische<br />

Physik, Universität Gießen, Germany<br />

Photo- and electroproduction on nuclei offer a great opportunity to investigate<br />

the physics of hadron formation. The results are usually interpreted<br />

using simple Glauber theory to describe the final state interactions<br />

(FSI) of the produced particles. We show that this purely absorptive<br />

treatment of the FSI might lead to wrong estimates of formation time<br />

and color transparency effects. We use a semi-classical transport model<br />

based on the BUU equation which allows for a realistic coupled channel<br />

description of the FSI that goes far beyond simple Glauber theory. The<br />

model has already been successfully used to describe heavy ion collisions,<br />

pion and proton induced reactions as well as photon and electron induced<br />

reactions in the resonance region. We present a possibility to account for<br />

coherence length effects within this model, which makes it possible to<br />

describe photo- and electroproduction at higher energies. As an example<br />

we will discuss inclusive and exclusive meson photoproduction in the<br />

energy range from 1 to 7 GeV.<br />

Work supported by DFG.<br />

HK 44.6 Thu 17:45 C<br />

PP bremsstrahlung and low energy NN interaction — •Mircea<br />

Dan Cozma 1 , Olaf Scholten 1 , John Tjon 1,2 ,andRob Timmermans<br />

1 — 1 KVI, Zernikelaan 27, 9747 AA Groningen, The Netherlands<br />

— 2 ITP, Utrecht, The Netherlands<br />

For the study of bremsstrahlung several microscopic models have been<br />

developed. Despite of the richness of included physics, these models are<br />

posed with problems; predictions differ substantially from experiment<br />

in some kinematical regions. It appears that this is mainly due to the<br />

high sensitivity of the bremsstrahlung process with respect to the NN<br />

interaction at low energies.<br />

The high accuracy KVI bremsstrahlung experiments showed that microscopical<br />

bremsstrahlung models using np potentials were observed to<br />

fail describing the data in the above mentioned way. We will consider<br />

a field theoretical model of the NN interaction in the 1 S0 channel which<br />

also takes into account the Coulomb interaction. This model is then incorporated<br />

in a field theoretical toy model for bremsstrahlung. Phase<br />

shifts of the NN toy model are in good agreement with the experimental<br />

pp phase shift in the low energy region.<br />

We end by presenting a fit of the NN potential of Fleischer and Tjon<br />

to the experimental pp phase shifts. Bremsstrahlung is then computed<br />

within the microscopic model of Martinus et al.. Although they are reduced,<br />

the discrepancies are still present.

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