Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Thursday<br />

HK46 Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes VI<br />

Time: Thursday 16:00–18:00 Room: D<br />

Group Report HK 46.1 Thu 16:00 D<br />

Exclusive Measurements of the Two-Pion Production<br />

in Proton-Proton Collis ions ∗ — •J. Kress, J. Pätzold, H.<br />

Clement, E. Dorochkevitch, A. Erhardt, G.J. Wagner, andU.<br />

Weidlich for the COSY-TOF collaboration and the PROMICE/WASA<br />

collaboration — Physikalisches Institut der Universität Tübingen<br />

After installation and commissioning of the central calorimeter at<br />

COSY-TOF runs at Tp = 750 MeV and 800 MeV have been carried out<br />

with polarized beam to study the reaction �pp → ppπ + π − over a large<br />

solid angle. Deuterons, protons and pions emerging from the pp collision<br />

in the LH2 target are identified by the ∆E − E method, π + particles in<br />

addition by the recently installed delayed pulse technique. The status<br />

of the data analysis of these runs is presented. Data taken previously<br />

with the PROMICE/WASA detector at CELSIUS in the energy range<br />

Tp = 650-775 MeV have now been fully analyzed. The final results are<br />

discussed. Besides of the exclusive data for the ppπ + π − channel also<br />

integral cross sections for the channels ppπ 0 π 0 and pnπ + π 0 have been<br />

obtained. The exclusive data show that the pp → ppπ + π − reaction at<br />

these energies proceeds via σ exchange and subsequent excitation of<br />

the Roper resonance. Its decay into Nππ is observed to be practically<br />

exclusively into (ππ)I=l=0 pairs, either directly by N ∗ → Nσ or via<br />

N ∗ → ∆π.<br />

∗supported by BMBF (06 TÜ 987) and DFG (European Graduate<br />

School)<br />

Group Report HK 46.2 Thu 16:30 D<br />

Measurement of hadronic cross sections with the KLOE experiment<br />

in Frascati — •Stefan E. Müller for the KLOE collaboration<br />

— Institut für Exp. Kernphysik Universität Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640,<br />

76021 Karlsruhe<br />

The KLOE experiment at the Frascati e + e − collider DAΦNE working<br />

at the φ(1.02 GeV) resonance started data taking in 1999. Although optimized<br />

to study neutral kaons, the KLOE detector is suited to cover a<br />

much wider field of physics. Especially appealing is the measurement of<br />

hadronic cross sections from 1.02 GeV down to the two pion threshold.<br />

The precise determination of these cross sections can be used to lower the<br />

uncertainty of the theoretical calculations for the hadronic contribution<br />

to the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment. Since DAΦNE is working<br />

at a fixed energy, the measurement is done by selecting events where the<br />

e + or the e − emits a hard photon. In this way the collision energy of the<br />

electron and the positron is lowered. The method of the measurement<br />

is presented in detail and first results for σ(e + e − → π + π − )areshown.<br />

In addition further recent results from the KLOE physics program are<br />

presented.<br />

HK 46.3 Thu 17:00 D<br />

ω-Production on a Neutron Target at ANKE — •I. Lehmann 1<br />

and S . Barsov 2 for the ANKE collaboration — 1 Forschungszentrum<br />

Jülich — 2 PNPI, Gatchina<br />

In August 2001 a test beam time to investigate the reaction: pd →<br />

pspdω took place at ANKE/COSY. It could be shown, that the slow<br />

spectator proton (Tkin =2.5 − 30 MeV) can be identified simultaneously<br />

with the fast deuteron (p ≈ 2 GeV/c) in the detection systems of ANKE.<br />

The former is detected in a near-target-silicon telescope and the latter is<br />

identified using the momentum resolution of the magnetic spectrometer<br />

together with energy losses in two layers of scintillators and the response<br />

from inclined Čerenkov counters.<br />

In the talk the methods to determine the ω-cross section from a missing<br />

mass spectrum with large background from multi-pion and ρ-production<br />

will be discussed and preliminary results will be presented.<br />

HK 46.4 Thu 17:15 D<br />

Pion-Proton-Scattering at Low Energies — •Holger Denz,<br />

Johannes Breitschopf, Heinz Clement, Margit Cröni,<br />

Arthur Erhardt, Rudolf Meier, Jens Pätzold, Florian von<br />

Wrochem, andGerhard J. Wagner for the CHAOScollaboration<br />

and the LEPScollaboration — Universität Tübingen, Physikalisches<br />

Institut, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tübingen, Germany<br />

From πp observables, important quantities of the strong interaction<br />

can be extracted: the πNN coupling constant, the πN sigma-termand<br />

the size of isospin symmetry violation. Presently, there is no agreement<br />

on the value of any of these quantities. This is partly due to the unsatisfactory<br />

status of the πp data base, in particular at low energies. New<br />

measurements of πp observables at low energies are aimed at providing<br />

additional information and resolving discrepancies. Elastic scattering<br />

cross sections have been measured with the CHAOSdetector at TRI-<br />

UMF for several pion energies down to 15 MeV. A large angular range<br />

has been covered with special emphasis on forward angle measurements<br />

in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region. Elastic scattering polarization<br />

observables have been measured, both with the CHAOSdetector<br />

and, at PSI, with the LEPS spectrometer and an active polarized target.<br />

An experiment measuring the π − p→ π ◦ n total cross section from<br />

30 to 250 MeV using a transmission technique has started taking data<br />

at PSI. Status and/or results of these experiments will be discussed.<br />

This work is supported by BMBF (06Tü987I) and DFG (Europäisches<br />

Graduiertenkolleg Basel-Tübingen).<br />

HK 46.5 Thu 17:30 D<br />

Total cross section of the π − p → π 0 n charge exchange reaction<br />

— •J. Breitschopf 1 , H. Clement 1 , M. Cröni 1 , H. Denz 1 ,<br />

E. Friedman 2 , P. Jesinger 1 , R. Meier 1 ,andG. J. Wagner 1 —<br />

1 Physikalisches Institut, Universität Tübingen — 2 Racah Institute of<br />

Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel<br />

The mass difference of up- and down-quarks is the origin of isospin<br />

violation in the strong interaction. Isospin breaking can in principle be<br />

tested in a number of ways in the pion-nucleon system. Currently experimentally<br />

accessible is the comparison of elastic scattering of positively<br />

and negatively charged pions from protons with the charge exchange<br />

reaction π − p → π 0 n (SCX). Analyses of this system, based on the existing<br />

scattering data base, found unexpectedly large isospin breaking in<br />

s-waves for pion energies below 100 MeV. These analyses probably are<br />

not suffficiently restricted by the low amount of SCX data. Therefore,<br />

further measurements of SCX cross sections and analyzing powers are<br />

needed to test this result.<br />

A measurement of the SCX total cross section in the energy region from<br />

30 to 250 MeV has been started at PSI. The experiment employs a transmission<br />

technique using a 4π box detector consisting of thin plastic scintillators.<br />

A first beam time covered the high energy part from 60 to<br />

250 MeV, a second beam time in <strong>2002</strong> will take data from 30 to 90 MeV.<br />

The measuring procedure and the status of the experiment are discussed.<br />

This work is supported by BMBF (06Tü987I) and DFG (Europäisches<br />

Graduiertenkolleg Basel-Tübingen).<br />

HK 46.6 Thu 17:45 D<br />

Investigation of the a + 0 (980) Resonance at ANKE — •V. Kleber<br />

for the ANKE collaboration — Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum<br />

Jülich, 52425 Jülich<br />

In a recent ANKE beam time at COSY Jülich a first experiment on<br />

the production of scalar mesons in pp collisions was performed. The goal<br />

of this experiment is to investigate the a + 0 (980) resonance, a candidate<br />

for the scalar meson nonet, in the reaction pp → da + 0 .<br />

The a0(980) is known to decay in KK, πη and 2γ. At ANKE the<br />

deuteron and the decay K + or π + are detected. The mesons are identified<br />

by TOF and energy loss, the coincident deuterons by their TOF<br />

relative to the mesons. Subsequently the a + 0 (980) is investigated with a<br />

missing mass analysis.<br />

In case of a K + and a deuteron a clean sample of dK + K 0 events is obtained<br />

due to energy and strangeness conservation. In the missing mass<br />

distribution m(pp,d) a narrow structure is observed mainly given by the<br />

KK production threshold (mmin=991 MeV) and the COSY beam energy<br />

of T=2.65 GeV (mmax=1038 MeV).<br />

In the missing mass distribution m(pp,dπ + ) a clear peak from η mesons<br />

on a broad background is seen as well as a shoulder in the distribution<br />

m(pp,d) at the a0(980) mass which reveals a peak structure after background<br />


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