Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

bution describes the probability to find a transversely polarized quark<br />

in a transversely polarized nucleon. The unpolarized quark density q(x),<br />

the longitudinally polarized quark density ∆q(x) and the transversity<br />

distribution δq(x) together provide a complete description of the quark<br />

and spin density distributions in leading order (twist-2).<br />

For semi-inclusively produced π + and π 0 on a hydrogen target a significant<br />

moment of sin φ is observed in the azimuthal distribution. For π −<br />

the sin φ moment is found to be small. Since 1998 HERMES is taking<br />

data with a polarized deuteron target.<br />

An investigation of the flavour dependence of the transversity distribution<br />

δq(x) will be possible with the measurement of single-spin asymmetries<br />

for different hadrons (π + , π 0 , π − and K + ) and different target<br />

nucleons.<br />

This project is supported by the German BMBF.<br />

HK 12.14 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Measurement of inclusive K-meson production in B-meson decays<br />

using the BABAR detector — •Stefan Christ for the<br />

BABAR collaboration — AG Elementarteilchenphysik, Universitätsplatz<br />

3, 18051 Rostock<br />

A method to measure the K-meson spectrum from B 0 , ¯ B 0 , B + and<br />

B − decays at the BABAR detector is presented. The BABAR detector is<br />

operated at the PEP-II asymmetric B-meson factory at SLAC. B-mesons<br />

are produced in pairs from Υ(4S) decays with opposite b-quark flavour.<br />

Fully reconstructing one B-meson that decayed into a flavour tagging<br />

channel provides information about the b-quark flavour of this second<br />

B-meson. All particles not used for the reconstruction have to originate<br />

from the second B-meson. By identifying these particles the K-meson<br />

spectrum can be measured for each flavour individually. The analysis<br />

method is presented. The performance of the particle identification is<br />

determined without Monte Carlo simulation.<br />

HK 12.15 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Measurement of Inclusive η Production in e + e − -Annihilation<br />

Reactions with the BABAR Experiment — •Denis Altenburg<br />

for the BABAR collaboration — TU Dresden, Institut fuer Kern- und<br />

Teilchenphysik, 01062 Dresden<br />

The η momentum spectra and multiplicities in multihadronic events<br />

from e + e − -annihilation reactions are measured using 14.3 fb −1 on the<br />

Υ(4S) resonance ( √ s ≈ 10.58 GeV) and 2.6 fb −1 off resonance data<br />

( √ s ≈ 10.54 GeV) collected with the BABAR detector. The η mesons<br />

are reconstructed using the decay mode η → γγ. The inclusive branching<br />

ratio of B mesons to η mesons B(B →ηX ) has been determined and has<br />

been found to be in reasonable agreement to the corresponding CLEO<br />

result.<br />

HK 12.16 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Search for the Decay D ∗ s → Dsπ 0 and Measurement of the Partial<br />

Widths Ratio Γ(D ∗ s → Dsπ 0 )/Γ(D ∗ s → Dsγ) with BABAR —<br />

•Martin Dickopp for the BABAR collaboration — Inst. f. Kern- und<br />

Teilchenphysik, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden<br />

The search for the isospin violating decay D ∗ s → Dsπ 0 in data accumulated<br />

with the BABAR detector located at the asymmetric e + e −<br />

storage facility PEP-II at SLAC is presented. Furthermore, the partial<br />

widths ratio Γ(D ∗ s → Dsπ 0 )/Γ(D ∗ s → Dsγ) has been measured. The<br />

result improves the precision of a measurement by CLEO in 1995.<br />

HK 12.17 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Search for Eta-nucleus bound state at COSY, Juelich — B. Roy,<br />

H. Machner, •B. Roy, andH. Machner for the GEM collaboration<br />

and the GEM collaboration — Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum<br />

Jülich, Jülich, Germany<br />

In contrast to the π -nucleon interaction, the η-nucleon interaction<br />

is strong and attractive at low energies ( S-wave ). This provides an<br />

interesting possibility of the existence of the eta-nucleus bound states,<br />

and their production in near threshold η production in proton nucleus<br />

collisions. We plan to produce these η-nuclei in p+ A ZX → 3 He+ A−2<br />

Z−1Yη<br />

or p+ A Z<br />

X → d+A−1<br />

Z Xη reactions by choosing the “magic momentum”of<br />

the proton-beam and the detection angle of 3 He/d such that the η is<br />

produced with very small momentum. In order to detect the η -mesic<br />

nucleus events in the presence of large background, it would be necessary<br />

to demand a triple coincidence of 3 He and the η -mesic nucleus decay<br />

particles, namely, protons and pions. In order to tag the η -mesic nucleus<br />

through its decay products, a large acceptance plastic scintillator<br />

detector “ENSTAR” is being built in Mumbai, India. The detector fab-<br />

rication is at an advanced stage at BARC, Mumbai and will be shipped<br />

to Jülich immediately after the completion of the construction work.<br />

HK 12.18 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Search for a quasi-bound 3 Heη state at the COSY-TOF spectrometer<br />

— •A. Gillitzer for the COSY-TOF collaboration — IKP,<br />

Forschungszentrum Jülich<br />

The peculiar behavior of the pd → 3 Heη cross section close to threshold<br />

has been interpreted as being the result of a quasi-bound state of the<br />

3 Heη system just below the threshold. We will study this longstanding<br />

question in a formation experiment at the COSY-TOF spectrometer, by<br />

measuring the excitation function of the reaction pd → pppπ − in the<br />

bound region of the 3 Heη system. This is a sensitive observable because<br />

the decay of a quasi-bound 3 Heη state is expected to be dominated by<br />

the ηN → πN channel with two spectator nucleons, a final state having<br />

a characteristic kinematical topology. The COSY-TOF spectrometer including<br />

the forward calorimeter is particularly well-suited for the study<br />

the of the pppπ − final state, i.e. the absorption of the η mesononthe<br />

neutron in 3 He, since the TOF spectrometer has both large acceptance<br />

for the pπ − pair and good particle identification for the pp spectator pair.<br />

The outline of the experiment will be presented, including a discussion<br />

of expected background reactions.<br />

HK 12.19 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Study of η production on light nuclei — M. Ulicny 1 , H. Machner<br />

2 , •M. Ulicny 1 ,andH. Machner 2 for the GEM collaboration and<br />

the GEM collaboration — 1 University of P. J. ˇ Safárik, Koˇsice, Slovakia<br />

— 2 Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany<br />

The production of η-mesons on light nuclei in proton induced reactions<br />

is of interest, because of the high momenta transferred in the reaction,<br />

considerably larger than in pion production. Such high momenta can not<br />

be transferred in a NN-interaction This makes the p + 6 Li → 7 Be + η<br />

reaction especially interesting. We have started to study this reaction<br />

near the kinematical threshold. A proton beam of 1297 MeV/c from the<br />

Cosy accelerator has been used to test the experimental setup. For the<br />

detection of the recoiling nuclei, the magnetic spectrograph BIG KARL<br />

operates as a full solid angle detector. A new introduced detection system<br />

in the focal plane area being completely in vacuum ensures high<br />

kinematical resolution of the heavy recoil. Results of the test run as well<br />

as further detector improvements are discussed.<br />

HK 12.20 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Deeply bound pionic states in Sn isotopes — •A. Gillitzer 1 , M.<br />

Fujita 2 , H. Geissel 3 , H. Gilg 4 , R.S. Hayano 5 , S. Hirenzaki 2 , K.<br />

Itahashi 6 , M. Iwasaki 6 , P. Kienle 4 , L. Maier 4 , M. Matos 3 , G.<br />

Münzenberg 3 , T. Ohtsubo 7 , M. Sato 6 , M. Shindo 5 , K. Suzuki 5 ,<br />

T. Suzuki 5 , H. Weick 3 , M. Winkler 3 , T. Yamazaki 8 , and T.<br />

Yoneyama 6 — 1 IKP, Forschungszentrum Jülich — 2 Nara Women’s<br />

University — 3 GSI Darmstadt — 4 Technische Universität München —<br />

5 University of Tokyo — 6 Tokyo Institute of Technology — 7 Niigata University<br />

— 8 RI Beam Science Lab., RIKEN<br />

The comparative measurement of binding energy and width of deeply<br />

bound pionic states in nuclei with different N/Z ratio allows to separately<br />

determine the isoscalar and the isovector part of the pion-nucleus potential.<br />

For this purpose the population of deeply bound pionic states in Sn<br />

isotopes was studied in a recent experiment at the GSI Fragmentseparator<br />

(FRS), using the (d, 3 He) reaction from <strong>11</strong>2,<strong>11</strong>6,120,124 Sn targets. The<br />

incident d beam kinetic energy was chosen to be 500 MeV in order to allow<br />

the formation of substitutional pionic 1s states coupled to 3s1/2 neutron<br />

hole states in recoilfree kinematics. Prominent peaks in the excitation<br />

energy spectrum corresponding to the pionic 1s state were observed in<br />

the irradiation of <strong>11</strong>6,120,124 Sn. First results of the data analysis will be<br />

presented.<br />

HK 12.21 Tue 10:30 Foyer Chemie<br />

Luminosity determination at COSY-<strong>11</strong> using the pd elastic scattering<br />

— •S .Steltenkampfor the COSY-<strong>11</strong> collaboration — Institut<br />

für Kernphysik, Universität Münster, Germany<br />

Measurements on the near-threshold η and η ′ meson production in<br />

the reaction channel pd → 3 HeX have been performed at the internal<br />

beam experiment COSY-<strong>11</strong> [1,2]. To extract total and differential cross<br />

sections, the proton-deuteron elastic scattering has been measured simultaneously<br />

as reference reaction for normalization purposes. Close to<br />

the η and η ′ meson production thresholds (pthr.,η = 1.570 GeV/c, pthr.,η ′<br />

= 2.434 GeV/c) the COSY-<strong>11</strong> facility allows for an identification and

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