Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen

Monday, March 11, 2002 - DPG-Tagungen


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Nuclear Physics Tuesday<br />

HK 16.3 Tue 17:30 A<br />

Spectral Function of Quarks in Quark Matter — •Frank<br />

Frömel, Stefan Leupold, and Ulrich Mosel — Institut für<br />

Theoretische Physik, Universität Gießen, Germany<br />

We investigate the spectral function of light quarks in infinite quark<br />

matter using a simple albeit self-consistent model. Relations between<br />

correlation functions and collision rates are used to calculate the spectral<br />

function in an iterative process. Similar calculations have already<br />

been performed for nucleons in nuclear matter [1]. It was found there<br />

that this approach reproduces the results of many-body theory using a<br />

pointlike nucleon interaction with constant scattering amplitude. In our<br />

calculations the interactions between the quarks are described by the<br />

SU(2) Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model. We apply this method to calculate<br />

the quark spectral function at zero temperature and finite chemical potential.<br />

Work supported by DFG.<br />

[1] J. Lehr, H. Lenske, S. Leupold, U. Mosel, nucl-th/0108008<br />

HK 16.4 Tue 17:45 A<br />

Chiral symmetry restoration and the Z3 sectors of QCD —<br />

•Wolfgang Söldner, Christof Gattringer, P.E.L. Rakow,<br />

and Andreas Schäfer — Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität<br />

Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany<br />

Quenched SU(3) lattice gauge theory shows three phase transitions,<br />

namely the chiral, deconfinement and Z3 phase transition. Knowing<br />

whether or not the chiral and deconfinement phase transition occure at<br />

the same temperature for all Z3 sectors could be crucial to understand the<br />

underlying microscopic dynamics. We find that the spectral gap opens<br />

up at the same critical temperature in all Z3 sectors in contrast to earlier<br />

claims in the literature.<br />

HK 16.5 Tue 18:00 A<br />

Thermal QCD on the Lattice: Quasiparticles And Confinement<br />

— •Roland A. Schneider 1 and Wolfram Weise 1,2 — 1 Physik-<br />

Department, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany —<br />

2 ECT*, Villazzano (Trento), Italy<br />

We propose a novel quasiparticle interpretation of the equation of state<br />

of deconfined QCD at finite temperature. Using appropriate thermal<br />

masses, we introduce a phenomenological parametrization of the onset<br />

HK17 Nuclear Physics / Spectroscopy II<br />

of confinement in the vicinity of the predicted phase transition. Lattice<br />

results of the energy density, the pressure and the interaction measure of<br />

pure SU(3) gauge theory are excellently reproduced. We find a relationship<br />

between the thermal energy density of the Yang-Mills vacuum and<br />

the chromomagnetic condensate 〈B 2 〉T. Finally, an extension to QCD<br />

with dynamical quarks is discussed. Good agreement with lattice data<br />

for 2, 2+1 and 3 flavour QCD is obtained. We also present the QCD<br />

equation of state for realistic quark masses. Applications to dilepton<br />

production in heavy-ion collisions are outlined. Published in Phys. Rev.<br />

C64 (2001) 055201.<br />

Work supported in part by BMBF and GSI.<br />

HK 16.6 Tue 18:15 A<br />

Kaons in nuclear matter — •Thomas Roth, Michael Buballa,<br />

and Jochen Wambach — Institut f. Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt<br />

We investigate the modification of Kaons in isospin symmetric and<br />

non symmetric nuclear matter. Using the leading s-wave couplings of<br />

the SU(3) chiral meson-baryon Lagrangian we solve the coupled channel<br />

Kaon-nucleon scattering equation selfconsistently.<br />

We obtain a description of the in medium properties of the Kaonnucleon<br />

scattering amplitude dominated by the Λ(1405) resonance. The<br />

in-medium Kaon propagator is calculated for different densities and different<br />

proton-neutron mixtures.<br />

While the Λ(1405) resonance is little affected by increasing density, we<br />

find that the Kaon mass experiences a strong downward shift. This will<br />

be important for the concept of Kaon condensation in neutron stars.<br />

HK 16.7 Tue 18:30 A<br />

Alpha Cluster Condensation in 12 Cand 16 O — •G. Röpke 1 , A.<br />

Tohsaki 2 , H. Horiuchi 3 ,andP. Schuck 4 — 1 FB Physik, Universität<br />

Rostock, D-18051 Rostock, Germany — 2 Department of Fine Materials<br />

Engineering, Shinshu University, Ueda 386-8567, Japan — 3 Department<br />

of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan — 4 Institut de<br />

Physique Nucleaire, F-91406 Orsay Cedex, France<br />

Anewα-cluster wave function is proposed which is of the α-particle<br />

condensate type. Applications to 12 Cand 16 O show that states of low<br />

density close to the 3 and 4 α-particle thresholds in both nuclei are possibly<br />

of this kind. It is conjectured that all self-conjugate 4n nuclei may<br />

show similar features.<br />

Time: Tuesday 16:45–18:45 Room: B<br />

Group Report HK 17.1 Tue 16:45 B<br />

Peculiar Properties of Deformed Odd-Odd N = Z Nuclei —<br />

•Alexander Lisetskiy, N. Pietralla, K. Jessen, I. Schneider,<br />

A. Schmidt, andP. von Brentano — Institut für Kernphysik, Universität<br />

zu Köln, D-50937 Köln, Germany<br />

The near degeneracy of the states with total isospin quantum numbers<br />

T =0andT = 1 in odd-odd N=Z nuclei and very strong magnetic<br />

dipole (M1) transitions between them [1,2] are among the most interesting<br />

phenomena observed in N = Z nuclei. Furthermore the nuclei<br />

along the N = Z line offer a possibility to estimate the isospin mixing<br />

in the low-lying states from electromagnetic transition strengths. In the<br />

present work we analyze recent data and theoretical results on the structure<br />

of the odd-odd N=Z nuclei 46 V, 50 Mn, and 54 Co [1-4]. New data in<br />

combination either with the full pf-shell model or with collective rotorplus-quasideuteron<br />

model results help to establish systematic regularities<br />

for isovector M1 transitions, to reveal collective band structures in deformed<br />

odd-odd N = Z nuclei 46 Vand 50 Mn, and to estimate the small<br />

isospin mixing (0.4 %) between low-lying states with T =1andT =0<br />

in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus 54 Co.<br />

[1] A. F. Lisetskiy et al., Phys. Rev.C60, 064310 (1999).<br />

[2] A. F. Lisetskiy et al., Phys. Lett. B 512, 290 (2001).<br />

[3] I. Schneider et al., Phys.Rev.C61, 044312 (2000).<br />

[4] N. Pietralla et al., Phys. Rev.C65, in press (<strong>2002</strong>).<br />

Group Report HK 17.2 Tue 17:15 B<br />

High-accuracy mass measurements on N = Z nuclei using<br />

ISOLTRAP — •Frank Herfurth 1 , F. Ames 2 , G. Audi 3 , D.<br />

Beck 4 , K. Blaum 4 , G. Bollen 5 , A. Kellerbauer 1 , H.-J. Kluge 4 ,<br />

D. Lunney 3 , R.B. Moore 6 , D. Rodrígez 4 , E. Sauvan 1 , C.<br />

Scheidenberger 4 , S.Schwarz 5 , G. Sikler 4 , C. Weber 4 ,andthe<br />

ISOLDE-Collaboration 1 — 1 CERN, Geneva — 2 LMU, Munich<br />

— 3 CSNSM, Orsay — 4 GSI, Darmstadt — 5 NSCL, East Lansing —<br />

6 McGill Univ., Montreal<br />

ISOLTRAP is a Penning trap mass spectrometer installed at the online<br />

mass separator ISOLDE at CERN/Geneva. It serves for highaccuracy<br />

mass measurements of radioactive nuclides by determining their<br />

cyclotron frequency. After high-accuracy mass measurements on 74 Rb,<br />

74 Kr and 34 Ar, the mass of 32 Ar was measured recently. A relative uncertainty<br />

below 10 −7 was reached despite the short half-life of only 98 ms.<br />

This mass value is needed in the context of the search for scalar contributions<br />

to the standard model of weak interactions [1]. The experimental<br />

QEC value for the 32 Ar superallowed β decay has now the required uncertainty<br />

of only a few keV. 72 Kr is one of the two waiting point nuclei that<br />

define the speed of the astrophysical rp-process beyond A = 64. Among<br />

other things, its mass is an important input for the correct understanding<br />

and modeling of the rp-process in this region. The mass of 72 Kr was<br />

measured with a relative uncertainty of about 10 −7 .<br />

[1]E.G.Adelbergeret al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1299 and 3101 (1999)<br />


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