COUNTERSTROKE AT SOLTSY - Strategy & Tactics Press

COUNTERSTROKE AT SOLTSY - Strategy & Tactics Press

COUNTERSTROKE AT SOLTSY - Strategy & Tactics Press


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War and Society<br />

The Treaty of Westphalia brought to an end the<br />

Thirty Years War (1618-48). That war had originally<br />

started as another round in what was becoming a seemingly<br />

endless series of religious conflicts in Europe,<br />

triggered by the rise of Protestantism in the early 16 th<br />

century. The issues Protestantism raised went beyond<br />

religion and included fundamental political disputes.<br />

Since the rise of the Carolingian Empire in the 8 th century<br />

AD, the European ideal was to form a united state<br />

ruling over the entire continent. The Holy Roman Empire<br />

was an attempt to bring about this universal state.<br />

The Holy Roman Empire, as wits frequently described<br />

it, was neither “holy,” nor “Roman,” nor much of an<br />

“empire.” Not since the Dark Ages had even the city<br />

of Rome been included within the empire’s boundaries<br />

and, in fact, the papacy frequently fought against various<br />

emperors, the latter coming from various German<br />

houses.<br />

By the 17 th century, the Holy Roman Empire was<br />

little more than a collection of states in central Europe,<br />

loosely organized around a fragmented Germany with<br />

the capital in Vienna and the throne in the hands of<br />

the Habsburg family. Challenging the empire, not<br />

merely militarily but ideologically, were the rising<br />

national states of Europe The protestant churches of<br />

Sweden and England, since they did not acknowledge<br />

the supremacy of the papacy in Rome, provided an<br />

ideological counterbalance to the centralizing and universal<br />

appeal of “empire.” And even Catholic France<br />

frequently put its national aspirations higher than any<br />

pan-Catholic or even Christian interests, frequently allying<br />

itself with the Moslem Ottoman Empire.<br />

All that came to a head with the Thirty Years War,<br />

which initially pitted Catholic Austria and Spain (representing<br />

the empire) against Protestant German states<br />

and then Denmark and Sweden. But the nature of<br />

the conflict changed with the intervention of France<br />

against the empire. French national interests demanded<br />

Europe not be consolidated under a single great<br />

empire. The war came to an end with the aforementioned<br />

Treaty of Westphalia. While the treaty did not<br />

end warfare in Europe, it did fundamentally change its<br />

nature.<br />

The Thirty Years War was fought with unprecedented<br />

disregard for the civilian populace, with pillaging<br />

and devastation a normal part of operations.<br />

Aside from the moral issues, the destruction of crops<br />

and cities undermined the civilian economies. That, in<br />

turn, undermined the power of the governments to collect<br />

taxes and maintain order. The European governments<br />

decided it was time to restrain their armies and<br />

minimize the destruction. It wasn’t simply a matter of<br />

altruism, but also of self-preservation. Out of control<br />

armies were as much a threat to the kings and princes<br />

as they were to the citizenry. For example, Albrecht<br />

Wallenstein, the imperial warlord of the Thirty Years<br />

War, had amassed more power than the Hapsburgs and<br />

might have set himself up as emperor were it not for<br />

his assassination in 1634<br />

There was also the growing professionalization of<br />

the armies. Up until the mid-17 th century, recruiting<br />

was a haphazard affair. Soldiers were drawn from mercenaries,<br />

quasi-professional regulars, and remnants of<br />

feudal levies. Countries such as Sweden showed that<br />

a regular military with a professional officer corps<br />

was the way of the future. A regular army had the advantages<br />

of superior discipline and training. Recruits<br />

needed to be exercised in the drills required to employ<br />

the complex tactics of the day. Officers were drawn<br />

from the nobility, and that had the added benefit of<br />

putting them to some good use.<br />

Politically, the states of Europe were becoming<br />

more centralized. Feudal relationships were disintegrating<br />

and being replaced by central government administrations<br />

with taxation and nation-wide laws. That<br />

meant governments could mobilize far more strength<br />

than they could in the past, and did not waste time and<br />

resources in civil war. All that was backed by new ideologies<br />

that justified centralized rule: the divine rights<br />

of kings as well as Hobbes’s Leviathan.<br />

With well disciplined armies and centralized states,<br />

the European governments had instruments with<br />

which they could conduct warfare as if it were a game<br />

of chess. And, not incidentally the army could be used<br />

to maintain the monarch’s power by suppressing any<br />

rebels.<br />

In a sense, what the Treaty of Westphalia recognized<br />

was that among European monarchs there was<br />

no issue worth mutual self-destruction. By limiting<br />

conflict to disputes over the balance of power all states<br />

could be assured of their continual existence. Yet the<br />

Age of Enlightenment was also an age of war—even<br />

if limited. But the wars were fought not to conquer<br />

entire countries or to establish a European-wide polity.<br />

For the most part, they were “civilized” affairs that<br />

resulted in the acquisition or loss of a border province<br />

or two.<br />

Balance of Power<br />

The central feature of both war and international<br />

politics in this era was the balance of power. Simply<br />

put, the balance ensured no one European state became<br />

strong enough to dominate the entire continent. Effectively,<br />

that meant the old ideal of empire was dead.<br />

Each state would keep its integrity and, while borders<br />

might fluctuate, only minor gains and losses of territory<br />

would be allowed. Even a monarch as powerful as<br />

Louis XIV of France (1643-1715) proved incapable of<br />

defeating the balance. In the War of the Spanish Succession<br />

(1701-14), his attempts to set a relative on the<br />

throne of Spain led to a European coalition marching<br />

against him. Ironically, what saved him in the end was<br />

strategy & tactics 21

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