COUNTERSTROKE AT SOLTSY - Strategy & Tactics Press

COUNTERSTROKE AT SOLTSY - Strategy & Tactics Press

COUNTERSTROKE AT SOLTSY - Strategy & Tactics Press


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of 53 terrorists to be released from Israeli, American,<br />

French and West German prisons in return for the hostages.<br />

Hadad had chosen Entebbe partly because he believed<br />

it beyond the reach of Israel’s military and any<br />

possible rescue. Also attractive were Ugandan dictator<br />

Idi Amin’s anti-Semitic views. Among other things,<br />

Amin had stated that Adolf Hitler had not murdered<br />

enough Jews during the Holocaust. Hadad figured the<br />

Ugandan dictator would provide troops to protect the<br />

operation once on the ground. And sure enough, the<br />

hijackers were greeted warmly at Entebbe Airport by<br />

Amin himself, who placed his army at the hijackers’<br />

service.<br />

The hostages were herded into the Old Terminal<br />

building (as the structure was called) to await developments<br />

as the Israeli government negotiated with<br />

the PFLP. When Amin first visited the hostages he announced:<br />

“I support the Popular Front for the Liberation<br />

of Palestine, and I think that Israel and Zionism is<br />

wrong. I know that you are innocent, but the guilty one<br />

is your government. I haven’t slept since you arrived. I<br />

haven’t yet received the demands of the Popular Front,<br />

but I promise you that I will do everything to protect<br />

your lives.”<br />

jerusalem<br />

In Jerusalem, Tuesday evening, 29 June, a cable<br />

arrived at the foreign ministry. It was from the Israeli<br />

embassy in Paris. Haim Baron, the prime minister’s<br />

personal assistant, immediately took the communiqué<br />

to Foreign Minister Yigal Allon. The message relayed<br />

detailed instructions from Entebbe:<br />

• All 53 terrorist prisoners to be released and brought<br />

to Entebbe Airport.<br />

• A plane for the hijackers to be brought to Entebbe.<br />

• Air France must arrange the flight to Entebbe of<br />

the terrorists imprisoned in Israel. The aircraft will<br />

carry the prisoners released by Israel, the aircrew,<br />

and no one else.<br />

• The other countries requested to release prisoners<br />

must make their own arrangements to transport<br />

them to Entebbe.<br />

• The ambassador for Somalia in Kampala, Uganda,<br />

Hashi Abdulla, will represent the Popular Front for<br />

the Liberation of Palestine in negotiations with the<br />

government of France, and the hijackers will recognize<br />

no one else as representing their interests.<br />

• France will appoint a representative who will handle<br />

negotiations with the Popular Front for the Liberation<br />

of Palestine.<br />

A 1:00 p.m., Thursday, 1 July, Israel time, was given<br />

as the deadline for these demands being met. Though<br />

Hadad meant business, so did the Israelis. As soon as Israeli<br />

Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and his cabinet were<br />

clear on the situation, they ordered the military to commence<br />

plans for a rescue mission.<br />

Back in Entebbe the PFLP members separated the<br />

49 non-Jewish prisoners from the Jewish ones, jamming<br />

192 of the latter into a room 40 by 80 feet. This<br />

segregation of prisoners reminded Yitzak David of<br />

how SS Dr. Josef Mengele had separated him from<br />

the rest of his family upon their arrival at Auschwitz<br />

concentration camp in Poland. He had been healthy<br />

enough to be selected as a slave laborer, and therefore<br />

survived the war. His loved ones were sent straight to<br />

the gas chambers.<br />

On the evening of the 29 th , Israeli Army Gen. Mota<br />

Gur, chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF),<br />

addressed a group of high-ranking officers: “Gentlemen,<br />

I was asked this afternoon by the prime minister<br />

if the IDF can rescue the hijacked hostages from Entebbe<br />

Airport. Gentlemen, what have you got to say?”<br />

There was no shortage of suggestions.<br />

The following day Maj. Gen. Yitzak Hofi, head of<br />

Israel’s secret service organization, Mossad issued orders<br />

to his operatives to gather every scrap of information<br />

on what was transpiring at Entebbe Airport.<br />

Rabin’s advisor on counter-terrorism and espionage,<br />

Maj. Gen. Rehavam Zeevi, went to work assembling<br />

a staff of Mossad’s senior intelligence agents. When<br />

he had summoned all his operatives, he outlined mission<br />

directives: get data and distribute it to competent<br />

authorities, produce situation scenarios for the prime<br />

minister and the ministerial team, keep the heads of<br />

secret services in the diplomatic and operational picture,<br />

and evaluate the possibilities of diplomatic and<br />

strategy & tactics 43

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