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In Italy Molinari is synonymous with Sambuca.<br />

Outside of Italy and around the world, its name brings to mind the Made In Italy brand and<br />

Rome in the days of the “Dolce Vita”.<br />

Hollywood stars such as Anita Ekberg drank Molinari Sambuca served with coffee beans: the<br />

legendary “Sambuca con la mosca” (Sambuca with a fly).<br />

Angelo Molinari, an experienced liquor distiller, founded the company in Civitavecchia in 1945.<br />

Thanks to his experience and vision he came up with a product in his home, one with a strong<br />

flavor, unique and of the highest quality, thus earning it the name Extra!<br />

Initially only a few bottles were produced (about 300 in 1945), in a small artisan production<br />

plant.<br />

Following the inexorable rise of the unique aniseed liqueur, the first semi-industrial factory<br />

opened in 1959, which was joined by a second in 1964.<br />

A new plant with a high level of automation and a production capacity of 60,000 bottles per<br />

day was finally opened in Colfelice (FR) in 1964. This industrial complex was designed to<br />

respond to constant growth on Italian and foreign markets and is a technological jewel. The<br />

company adopted a business management system, with an increasingly extensive and qualified<br />

sales network, incisive and effective advertising campaigns and growing market shares.<br />

Slogans such as “Occhio all’etichetta”, (Look at the label), “Non si dice Sambuca, si dice<br />

Molinari (Don’t say Sambuca, say Molinari) remain etched in the memory of the general public,<br />

but who could forget the pioneering slogan by Walter Chiari? In a famous edition of the Italian<br />

TV show “Carosello” in the 1970s, the famous actor read: “Drinking too much is bad, drinking<br />

badly is worse, drink a little but well, drink Sambuca Molinari”.<br />

Almost 30 years before campaigns about “responsible drinking”, Molinari was recommending<br />

moderate consumption of alcohol, and still does today.<br />

In 2012 Molinari created a social responsibility campaign that discourages excessive consumption<br />

of alcohol, with the slogan “If you drink too much you don’t see clearly”. In line with<br />

company philosophy, once again clarity, the main feature of the brand, is the centerpiece of<br />

the campaign.<br />

Partners who work with Molinari share a company philosophy oriented to transparency and<br />

maximum commitment to providing services and benefits to its customers with an eye always<br />

on the satisfaction of the end consumer.<br />

Wanting a full range on the market, Molinari has introduced new products over time all of<br />

which are characterized by strong tradition, uniqueness and distinctiveness: The Limoncello<br />

di Capri, The Gin MG, Vodka Tovaritch, Xenta Absenta absinthe and last but only in order of<br />

acquisition, the VOV brand and the Giacomo Ceschia Distillery.<br />

Finally in 2013 an agreement was signed with Gambrinus to distribute Elisir Gambrinus.<br />

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the creation of the product and Molinari Extra is celebrating<br />

the anniversary by reconfirming its position as Italy’s best selling liquor, the leader in<br />

the Sambuca category, with total domestic and international sales of over 9.5 million bottles.<br />

Thanks to its quality ingredients Molinari Extra is continuing to conquer Italy and the world,<br />

under the guidance of the Molinari family, the second and third generations of which are now<br />

on the board of directors.

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