Журнал "Почки" том 9, №3

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Íàñòàíîâè / Guidelines

— Ми пропонуємо орієнтуватись на максимально допустимі

дози, які наведені в табл. S8, що добре переносяться

(ступінь C, слабка рекомендація).

— ІАПФ або БРА слід застосовувати з обережністю в

пацієнтів із ХЗН 4-ї стадії, їх не слід починати приймати

або треба припиняти їх прийом у разі внутрішньосудинного

зниження об’єму циркулюючої крові, гострого ураження

нирок (ГУН), гіперкаліємії або частого блювання/діареї

(ступінь A, сильна рекомендація).

— Ми пропонуємо використовувати іРААС із неренальним

метаболізмом (тобто раміприл і БРА), оскільки вони

не накопичуються при нирковій недостатності (ступінь D,

слабка рекомендація).

— We suggest aiming for the maximum approved

dosages given in Table S8 as tolerated (grade C, weak


— ACEi or ARBs should be used with caution in patients

with CKD stage 4, and they should not be started

or should be stopped in case of intravascular volume

depletion, acute kidney injury (AKI), hyperkalemia,

or frequent vomiting/diarrhea (grade A, strong recommendation).

— We suggest using RAASi with non-renal metabolism

(i.e., ramipril and ARBs) since they do not accumulate

in renal failure (grade D, weak recommendation).

Figure 2. Algorithm for the management of children with nephrotic syndrome. Patients are characterized according to response

to a 4-week treatment with oral prednisolone (PDN). Patients showing no complete remission enter the confirmation period in

which responses to further oral prednisolone (PDN) with or without methylprednisolone (MPDN) pulses in conjunction with either

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) or angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) are ascertained and genetic and

histopathological evaluation is initiated. Patients with non-genetic SRNS should be candidates for further immunosuppression,

whereas those with monogenetic forms are not (further details are given in the text). In the setting of low resource countries

where genetic and/or histopathology assessment is not available, immediate immunosuppressive treatment with CNI may be

started. If CNI are not available intravenous or oral cyclophosphamide may be started. * = We suggest tapering PDN after CNI

initiation as follows: 40 mg/m 2 QOD for 4 weeks, 30 mg/m 2 QOD for 4 weeks, 20 mg/m 2 QOD for 4 weeks, 10 mg/m 2 QOD for

8 weeks, and discontinuing thereafter; ** = CNI may be continued in case of partial remission; *** = in cases of no complete

response within 4 weeks, frequent relapses or side effects of medications, we recommend following the refractory SRNS protocol;

SRNS, steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome; ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin-receptor

blocker; PDN, prednisolone; IV, intravenous; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil (IPNA clinical practice recommendations

for the diagnosis and management of children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (https://link.springer.


80 Íèðêè, ISSN 2307-1257 (print), ISSN 2307-1265 (online) Òîì 9, ¹ 3, 2020

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