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Plan <strong>upravljanja</strong> <strong>slivom</strong> <strong>rijeke</strong> <strong>Save</strong>ICPDR (2010). Danube River Basin Management Plan, Vienna, Austria. http://www.icpdr.org/icpdrpages/danube_rbm_plan_ready.htmISRBC (2009). Sava River Basin Analysis. Zagreb, Croatia. http://www.savacommission.org/ .Johnson, R.K. (2001). Defining reference conditions and setting class boundaries in ecological monitoringand assessment. – REFCOND discussion paper for evaluation of techniques. University of AgriculturalSciences, Department of Environmental Assessment, Sweden.Jolović, B., Merdan, S. (2007). General Status Of Groundwater Management In Danube Basin And Other RiverBasins-Bosnia and Herzegovina, Regional IWA Conference on Groundwater Management in the DanubeRiver Basin and Other Large River Basins, 7-9 June 2007, Belgrade, Serbia.Krajnc, U. (2007). The Problems With Groundwater As A Main Source Of Potable Water In The Republic OfSlovenia. Regional IWA Conference on Groundwater Management in the Danube River Basin and OtherLarge River Basins, 7-9 June 2007, Belgrade, Serbia.Ministarstvo regionalnog razvoja, šumarstva i vodnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske, Nacrt plana<strong>upravljanja</strong> vodnim područjima, Zagreb, Croatia. http://www.mrrsvg.hr/default.aspx?id=691Owen, R., Duncan, W. & Pollard, P. (2001). Definition and Establishment of Reference Conditions. -REFCOND discussion paper for evaluation of techniques. Scottish Environment Protection Agency,Aberdeen, Scotland.Pekaš, Ž., Čupić, D. (2007). General Status Of Groundwater Management In Croatia, Regional IWAConference on Groundwater Management in the Danube River Basin and Other Large River Basins, TheDrinking Water Directive (98/83/EC), 7-9 June 2007, Belgrade, Serbia.Uradni list RS, Slovenian national RBMP. Št. 61/2011z dne 29. 7. 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.http://www.uradni-list.si/1/objava.jsp?urlid=201161&stevilka=2891.Vlada Republike Hrvatske, Uredba o proglašenju ekološke mreže, NN (109/07)WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 1 (2003).Common Implementation Strategy for the Water FrameworkDirective (2000/60/EC) Economics and the Environment The Implementation Challenge of the WaterFramework Directive WATECO. Directorate General Environment of the European Commission, Brussels,Belgium.WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 5 (2003). Transitional and Coastal Waters – Typology, ReferenceConditions and Classification Systems (2000/60/EC). Directorate General Environment of the EuropeanCommission, Brussels, Belgium.WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 8 (2003). Public Participation in Relation to the Water FrameworkDirective (2000/60/EC). Directorate General Environment of the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 10 (2003). Rivers and Lakes – Typology, Reference Conditions andClassification Systems (2000/60/EC). Working Group 2.3 – REFCOND. Directorate General Environment ofthe European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 13 (2003). Overall Approach to the Classification of Ecological Status andEcological Potential (2000/60/EC). Working Group 2A, Directorate General Environment of the EuropeanCommission, Brussels, Belgium.WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 19 (2000). Guidance on surface water chemical monitoring under thewater framework directive (2000/60/EC). Directorate General Environment of the European Commission,Brussels, Belgium.WFD CIS REFCOND Guidance. Guidance on establishing reference conditions and ecological status classboundaries for inland surface waters (2000/60/EC). CIS Working Group 2.3. Directorate GeneralEnvironment of the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.WFD CIS Guidance Document No. 20 (2009). Common Implementation Strategy for the Water FrameworkDirective (2000/60/EC). Guidance document on exemptions to the environmental objectives. DirectorateGeneral Environment of the European Commission, Brussels, BelgiumNacrt plana <strong>upravljanja</strong> <strong>slivom</strong> <strong>rijeke</strong> <strong>Save</strong> – verzija 6.2 150

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