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Tabel 464.<br />

Statens udgifter vedrørende Grønland<br />

Central government expenditures in relation to Greenland<br />

Statsregnskab<br />

1980'<br />

Statsregnskab<br />

1986<br />

Finanslov+TB<br />

1987<br />

Finanslov<br />

1988<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

Driftsudgifter<br />

Current expenditure<br />

Ministedet for Grønland<br />

The Ministry for Greenland<br />

Administration ........................................ 54 50 64 44 Administration<br />

Generelle tilskud til kommunerne ....................... 54 90 94 94 General grants to municipalities<br />

Tilskud til Grønlands Hjemmestyre ...................... 402 901 1 341 1 386 Grants to the Greenland Home Rule<br />

Tilskud til boliger ..................................... 57 82 - - Grants for housing<br />

Domstolene .......................................... 6 13 14 15 The judiciary<br />

Sundhedsvæsenet .................................... 195 388 404 - Health services<br />

Videnskabelige undersøgelser .......................... 34 55 62 24 Scientific research<br />

Andre udgifter ........................................ 88 66 58 57 Other expenditure<br />

Diverse indtægter ..................................... =13 .8 .3 .5 Miscellaneous revenue<br />

I alt ................................................. 877 1 637 2034 1 615 Total<br />

Grønlands tekniske organisation (GTO)<br />

mio. kr.<br />

The Greenland Technical Organization (GTO)<br />

Administration og planlægning ......................... 33 48 - Administration and planning<br />

Televæsenet ......................................... 14 65 - Telecommunication<br />

Flyvepladsen Narssarssuaq ...........................<br />

7 1 - Airfield, Narssarssuaq<br />

,<br />

Anden virksomhed .................................... =16 104 Other activities<br />

I alt ................................................. 38 218 - Total<br />

Den kongelige grønlandske Handel (KGH)<br />

The Royal Greenland Trade Department (KGH)<br />

Forsyningstjenesten2 .................................. 16 - The supply service<br />

Produktion og salg3 ................................... 62 - Manufacturing and sale<br />

Rederi og luftfart' ..................................... 60 - Shipping and aviation<br />

Anden virksomhed2 ................................... 8 Other activities<br />

I alt ................................................. 146 - Total<br />

Andre ministerier<br />

Justitsministeriet:<br />

Other ministries<br />

The Ministry of Justice:<br />

Kriminalforsorgen ..................................... 9 17 19 18 Prison and probation admin.<br />

Politiet ............................................... 34 56 58 62 Police<br />

Forsvarsministeriet:<br />

Ministry of Defence:<br />

Grønlands Kommando ................................. 33 52 54 56 Greenland Command<br />

Fiskeriinspektionen mv ................................. 101 158 162 169 Fisheries inspectorate<br />

Energiministeriet ...................................... 37 2 1 - Ministry of Energy<br />

Øvrige ministerier ..................................... 12 40 56 493 Other ministries<br />

alt ................................................. 226 325 350 798 Total<br />

I<br />

Driftsudgifter i alt ................................... 1 287 2 180 2 384 2 413 Total current expenditure<br />

Anlægsudgifter og -tilskud<br />

Capital expenditure<br />

Ministeriet for Grønland og GTO (brutto) ................ 449 592 71 62 The Ministry for Greenland and GTO (gross)<br />

Den kongelige grønlandske Handel (brutto) .............. 62 - - - The Royal Greenland Trade Department (gross)<br />

Andre ministerier ...................................... 161 35 54 201 Other ministries<br />

Afskrivninger mv ...................................... .52 100 0 - Depreciation, etc.<br />

I alt (netto) ........................................... 620 527 125 263 Total (net)<br />

Udlån<br />

Lending<br />

Tilgang .............................................. 85 62 - New loans granted<br />

Afdrag ............................................... 37 42 Repayments<br />

alt (netto) ........................................... 48 20 Total (net)<br />

I<br />

Salg af aktier Kryolitselskabet Øresund .................<br />

Sale of shares<br />

Statens nettoudgifter i alt ........................... 1 955 2 727 2 509 2 676 Central government net expenditure<br />

I Korrigerede tal. E Overført til Grønlands hjemmestyre pr. 1. januar 1986. ] Overført til Kilde: Statsministeriet, Grønlandsafdelingen.<br />

Grønlands hjemmestyre pr. 1. januar 1985.<br />

TRANSLATION - Columns, 1 and 2: public accounts, 3 and 4: budget.<br />

Grønland 463<br />

Statistisk Aarbog 1990

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