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Subsidies, agricultural ......................<br />

Sugar, consumption ........................<br />

-, im- and exports .........................<br />

-, price index ..............................<br />

production ..................... 237-240,<br />

taxation .................................<br />

Suicides ............................. 46, 48-49<br />

Suitcases, im- and exports .................. 329<br />

Supply of goods and services ............... 420<br />

T<br />

Tape recorder, im- and exports ............. 327<br />

Tax, European Communities ................ 412<br />

final ................................... 405<br />

football pools ........................... 109<br />

-, personal ........................... 404-411<br />

-, petrol .................................. 412<br />

-, provisional .............................. 405<br />

-, relief ................................... 404<br />

sales................................... 412<br />

value added ............................ 412<br />

-, with holding system ..................... 403<br />

Tax rates ................................. 404<br />

-, municipal ........................... 406-411<br />

Taxable income, personal .............. 175-180<br />

Taxable persons ...................... 175-180<br />

Taxes, local government ............... 394-399<br />

Taxes and duttes .......................... 402<br />

Taxis, Greenland .......................... 458<br />

-, number ................................ 282<br />

Taxpayers ....................... 175-180, 405<br />

Taxpayers by size of income ............... 433<br />

Tea, im- and exports ....................... 324<br />

-, price index ............................. 194<br />

Telecommunication equipment, im- and<br />

exports ................................ 327<br />

Telegraph service .......................... 279<br />

Telephone service ......................... 281<br />

Television broadcasting .................... 103<br />

Television receivers, possession of.......... 192<br />

Television sets, im- and exports ............. 327<br />

Television stations, local ................... 104<br />

Temperature ............................... 11<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 443<br />

Terms of trade ............................ 338<br />

-, Faroe Islands ........................... 435<br />

Textile fabrics, im- and exports ............. 326<br />

Textile fibres, im- and exports .............. 325<br />

Textile yarn,im- and exports ............... 326<br />

Textiles, exports ........................... 334<br />

imports ................................. 323<br />

-, production ..................... 237-240, 242<br />

Theatres .................................. 107<br />

Timber, im- and exports .................... 325<br />

Tobacco, im- and exports .................. 324<br />

-, Price index ............................. 194<br />

Prices ............................. 198, 200<br />

production ..................... 237-240, 242<br />

-, taxation ................................ 412<br />

Tonnage, of arriving ships .................. 275<br />

-, of registered ships ...................... 273<br />

-, of shipping companies ................... 277<br />

Tools, im- and exports ..................... 327<br />

-, production ..................... 237-240, 242<br />

221 Trade, wholesale ...................... 312-313<br />

191 Trade union organizations ......... 107, 151-152<br />

324 Traffic, cars .......................... 284-285<br />

194 ferry routes ............................. 285<br />

engers ..........................<br />

242 -, pa ss ... 285<br />

412 Traffic accidents ...................... 287-288<br />

Trailers, number ........................... 282<br />

Transfers, current .......................... 373<br />

Transport, air ............................. 292<br />

-, passengers, Greenland .................. 458<br />

-, Prices ............................. 198, 200<br />

-, railway ................................. 259<br />

-, road ............................... 286-287<br />

sea ................................ 274-277<br />

Transport and storage, compensation of<br />

employees ............................. 422<br />

-, contrib. to GDP ......................... 421<br />

Transport equipment, im- and exports ....... 329<br />

exports ................................. 334<br />

imports ................................. 323<br />

Transport, air ............................. 286<br />

industry VAT statistics ............... 305-308<br />

-, railway ................................. 286<br />

-, road ................................... 286<br />

-, sea .................................... 286<br />

Travel, balance of payments ................ 361<br />

Turkeys, stock ............................ 212<br />

Tyres, im- and exports ..................... 326<br />

u<br />

Unemployed .......................... 155-157<br />

Unemployment ............... 155-156, 158-159<br />

-, by trade ................................ 157<br />

-, degree of .......................... 158-159<br />

-, persons having experienced .............. 159<br />

persons having experiencend ............. 158<br />

-,rate of ............................. 155-157<br />

Unemployment benefit ..................... 116<br />

Unemployment insurance, expenditure....... 115<br />

Unemployment insurance funds ............. 157<br />

Unit value index ........................... 338<br />

Urban population ........................... 32<br />

v<br />

Value added tax ........................... 412<br />

Vascular plants ............................. 23<br />

VAT statistics ......................... 305-311<br />

Veal meat, price index ..................... 194<br />

Vegetables, consumption ................... 191<br />

-, im- and exports ......................... 324<br />

-, Price indices ............................ 218<br />

-, quantity indices ......................... 218<br />

-, sales ................................... 221<br />

Veneer, im- and exports .................... 326<br />

Venereal disease .......................... 127<br />

Ventilators, im- and exports ................. 327<br />

Video machines, possession of ............. 192<br />

Vital statistics .............................. 29<br />

Vocational organizations ............... 151-152<br />

Voting age .............................. 67-68<br />

Tourism .............................. 289-291<br />

Toys, im- and exports ...................... 329<br />

Tractors, im- and exports ................... 327 Wage costs, manufacturing............ 232, 234<br />

-, number ................................ 282 Wage regulating Price index ................ 200<br />

Trade, retail ...................... 314-315, 317 -, Greenland .............................. 454<br />

w<br />

Wages, in vanous occupations .............. 182<br />

-, manufacturing and construction........... 181<br />

-, of central government employees .... 185-186<br />

Wages and salaries, retail trade ........ 314-315<br />

-, wholesale trade ..................... 312-313<br />

Washing machines, possession of........... 192<br />

Waste ..................................... 20<br />

-, chemical ................................ 21<br />

oil ...................................... 21<br />

-, paper ................................... 19<br />

Watches and clocks, im- and exports........ 329<br />

Water, consumption ......................... 18<br />

-, inland, area ............................... 5<br />

pollution ................................. 18<br />

-, supply ................................... 17<br />

Water authority .......................... 25-26<br />

Water supply ............................ 25-26<br />

Weed killers, im- and exports ............... 326<br />

Weeklies and magazines ................... 102<br />

Weekly working hours ...................... 161<br />

Wheat, crops .............................. 211<br />

im- and exports ......................... 324<br />

prices .................................. 217<br />

Wholesale and retail trade, compensation of<br />

employees ............................. 422<br />

-, contrib. to GDP ......................... 421<br />

Wholesale price, index ................. 193-194<br />

Wholesale trade, profit and loss data ... 312-313<br />

-, purchases .......................... 312-313<br />

-, sales .............................. 312-313<br />

-, stocks ............................. 312-313<br />

-, VAT statistics ....................... 305-308<br />

-, wages and salaries .................. 312-313<br />

Widowed population ........................ 31<br />

-, Faroe Islands ........................... 428<br />

-, Greenland.............................. 445<br />

Widows' pensions ..................... 115, 124<br />

Wind ...................................... 11<br />

Wine, taxation ............................. 412<br />

Withholding-tax payments .................. 403<br />

Wood, and articles of wood,<br />

production .................... 237-240, 242<br />

-, im- and exports ......................... 325<br />

-, Price index ............................. 194<br />

Wool, Price index .......................... 194<br />

Y<br />

Yields, of crops ........................... 211<br />

-, on bonds ............................... 356<br />

z<br />

Zinc, exports, Greenland ................... 460<br />

-, production, Greenland ................... 456<br />

Zoological gardens, admissions ............ 108<br />

Index 541<br />

Statistisk Aarbog 1990

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