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Cash benefits under the Social<br />

Assistance Act ...................... 119-120<br />

Casualties, in road traffic accidents...... 287-288<br />

-, railways ................................ 259<br />

Cattle, on farms ........................... 214<br />

-, stock ................................... 212<br />

-, -, Faroe Islands......................... 434<br />

Causes of death ..................... 46, 48-49<br />

-, Farce Islands ........................... 430<br />

Causes of death, Greenland ................ 447<br />

Cellulose, im- and exports .................. 326<br />

Cement, im- and exports ................... 326<br />

-, price index .............................. 194<br />

-, production ..................... 237-240, 242<br />

Central government ......................... 25<br />

-, assets and liabilities ..................... 388<br />

-, borrowing ............................... 389<br />

-, budget .................................. 374<br />

-, debt .................................... 389<br />

-, enployment ............................. 153<br />

-, finance ............................. 374, 389<br />

Central government ......................... 26<br />

Central government employees,<br />

earnings ............................ 185-186<br />

Centrifuges, im- and exports ................ 327<br />

Ceramical products, im- and exports......... 326<br />

Cereals, area .............................. 210<br />

crops ................................... 211<br />

-, im- and exports ......................... 324<br />

-, imports ................................. 323<br />

-, price index .............................. 194<br />

-, price indices ............................ 218<br />

-, quantity indices .......................... 218<br />

-, sales ................................... 221<br />

Charter flights ............................. 292<br />

Cheese, consumption ...................... 191<br />

-, exports ................................. 216<br />

-, im- and exports ......................... 324<br />

-, Price index .............................. 194<br />

-, Prices .................................. 217<br />

-, production .............................. 216<br />

Chemical waste ............................. 21<br />

Chemicals, im- and exports ................. 325<br />

-, price index .............................. 194<br />

-, production ..................... 237-240, 242<br />

Chief officers in the central government...... 152<br />

Child care, expenditure ..................... 115<br />

Child maintenance payments ................ 117<br />

Children, in day-care institutions ............. 118<br />

-, receiving assistance ..................... 118<br />

Chocolate, im- and exports ................. 324<br />

-, Price index .............................. 194<br />

Church, National ......................... 97-98<br />

Church tax ............................ 406-411<br />

Church-taxpayers ........................... 97<br />

Cigarettes, price index ...................... 194<br />

Cinemas .................................. 105<br />

Civil justice ................................ 131<br />

-, courts .................................. 137<br />

Climate, Faroe Islands ...................... 427<br />

Climate ................................. 11-13<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 443<br />

Clothing, imports ........................... 323<br />

-,<br />

-,<br />

Price index .............................. 194<br />

Prices .............................. 198, 200<br />

-, production ..................... 237-240, 242<br />

Clothing accessories, im- and exports........ 329<br />

Co-operative societies, VAT statistics ........ 306<br />

Coal, im- and exports ...................... 325<br />

Coastal rescue service ..................... 311<br />

Coastline .................................... 5<br />

536 Index<br />

Cocoa, im- and exports ..................... 324<br />

-, Price index .............................. 194<br />

Cod, catch, Greenland ..................... 456<br />

Coffee, im- and exports .................... 324<br />

-, Price index .............................. 194<br />

Cohabitation ................................ 54<br />

Commercial banks, balance sheet data ...... 345<br />

-, profit and loss data ...................... 345<br />

Commercial navy .......................... 273<br />

Communication, prices ................. 198, 200<br />

Commuting ................................ 154<br />

Companies, accounts ...................... 316<br />

-, VAT statistics ............................ 306<br />

Compensation of employees, by industry ..... 422<br />

Composition schemes (debts) ............... 358<br />

Concrete, production .............. 237-240, 242<br />

Condensation products, im- and exports ..... 326<br />

Consensual unions .......................... 54<br />

Construction .......................... 257-259<br />

-, compensation of employees .............. 422<br />

-, contrib. to GDP .......................... 421<br />

-, employment ........................ 254-256<br />

establishments by size ................... 254<br />

-, residential, Greenland .................... 457<br />

Construction costs, index ................... 260<br />

Construction enterprises, profit and loss data. 261<br />

Construction equipment, im- and exports..... 327<br />

Construction industry, VAT statistics ..... 305-308<br />

-, wages .............................. 181-182<br />

Consumer durables, possession of .......... 192<br />

Consumer price index, Faroe Islands ........ 433<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 454<br />

Consumer prices, index ................ 197-198<br />

Consumption, energy ....................... 246<br />

Consumption expenditure, private............ 423<br />

Consumption, food ......................... 191<br />

Consumption expenditure.......... 420, 424-425<br />

Containers, im- and exports ................. 327<br />

Convictions ........................... 131-133<br />

Cookers, production ............... 237-240, 242<br />

Copper, im- and exports .................... 326<br />

Corporation tax ............................ 411<br />

Cosmetics, im- and exports ................. 326<br />

Cost of Irving allowances ................... 199<br />

Cotton, price index ......................... 194<br />

Counties ................................ 25-26<br />

-, accounts ............................... 399<br />

-, assets and liabilities ..................... 392<br />

-, borrowing .............<br />

393<br />

-, current and capital expenditure ........... 390<br />

Courts of law .......................... 136-137<br />

Criminal justice, courts ..................... 136<br />

Crop exports .............................. 211<br />

-,import .................................. 211<br />

production .............................. 211<br />

Crops, area ............................... 210<br />

-, production .............................. 211<br />

-, stocks .................................. 211<br />

Crustaceans, im- and exports ............... 324<br />

Current and capital expenditure,<br />

local government ........................ 390<br />

Customs and excise duties ................. 412<br />

D<br />

Daily benefits ............................. 160<br />

Daily. newspapers .......................... 101<br />

Danish banking system .................... 343<br />

Danmarks Nationalbank, accounts .......... 344<br />

Data processing equipment, im- and exports. 327<br />

Day-care institutions for children ............ 118<br />

-, expenditure ............................. 115<br />

Death rates ............................. 44-45<br />

Deaths ............................. 29, 41, 52<br />

-, caused by accidents ............... 46, 48-49<br />

-, causes ............................... 48-49<br />

-, causes, Faroe Islands ................... 430<br />

-, -, Greenland ............................ 447<br />

-, Faroe Islands ...................... 428-429<br />

-, foreign nationals ......................... 42<br />

-, Greenland ......................... 446,448<br />

-, in hospitals ............................. 126<br />

-, in sea accidents ........................ 276<br />

-, infant ................................... 46<br />

Debt, foreign .............................. 389<br />

-, local government ........................ 392<br />

Degree-days ............................... 11<br />

Dentists .................................. 126<br />

-, Faroe Islands ........................... 433<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 451<br />

Deposit of waste ........................... 20<br />

Deposit rates, of private banks ............. 356<br />

Detergents, im- and exports ................ 326<br />

Development aid ...................... 413-414<br />

Disablement pensions ................. 115, 124<br />

Discharge water ......................... 25-26<br />

Discount rate, official ...................... 355<br />

Diseases ................................. 127<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 451<br />

Dishwashers, possession of ................ 192<br />

Disinfectants, im- and exports .............. 326<br />

Divorced population ......................... 31<br />

-, Faroe Islands ........................... 428<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 445<br />

Divorces ............................... 29, 53<br />

Domestic appliances, production... 237-240, 242<br />

Domestic product, gross...... 420-421, 424-425<br />

Ducks, stock .............................. 212<br />

Dwellings ................................. 192<br />

-, by number of rooms .................. 58, 62<br />

-, by size .................................. 58<br />

-, by type of building ................. 58-59,62<br />

-, by type of heating ........................ 59<br />

-, completed .............................. 259<br />

-, completed, Greenland ................... 457<br />

-, families with private ..................... 192<br />

-, families With summer .................... 192<br />

-, households in ............................ 61<br />

occupants of ............................. 60<br />

-, permitted ............................... 259<br />

-, regional analysis ...................... 59, 62<br />

-, started ................................. 259<br />

-, stock ............................. 58-59,62<br />

-, under construction ...................... 259<br />

Dye-stuffs, im- and exports ................. 325<br />

E<br />

Earnings, of central government<br />

employees ......................... 185-186<br />

Earnings of salaried employees......... 183-184<br />

Earnings of wage earners, manufacturing and<br />

construction ....................... 181-182<br />

Education, Faroe Islands ................... 431<br />

-, Greenland .............................. 450<br />

Educational achievement .................... 95<br />

Eggs, consumption ........................ 191<br />

-, exports ................................. 216<br />

-, Price index ............................. 194<br />

-,<br />

Price indices ............................ 218<br />

Statistisk Aarbog 1990

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