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ESU-Mitgliederversammlung/ESU-General Meeting Lübeck 2008

ESU-Mitgliederversammlung/ESU-General Meeting Lübeck 2008

ESU-Mitgliederversammlung/ESU-General Meeting Lübeck 2008


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<strong>Mitgliederversammlung</strong> / <strong>General</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> 19 - 20 September <strong>2008</strong> in <strong>Lübeck</strong><br />

The higher budget due to the Technology Forum 2009 with<br />

takings of 122,000 € and<br />

expenses of 122,000 € is nevertheless not expected to yield a profit!<br />

This shows the necessity for the already included increase of the fee.<br />

Detailed report: see appendix<br />

Mr Minniberger asked whether the fees for next year’s Technology Forum would also be increased which was<br />

clearly answered in the affirmative by the executive committee.<br />

Moreover the idea was presented to enlarge the group of visitors at the next Technology Forum by for example<br />

packaging enterprises. This would mean additional potential customers for the exhibitors and additional takings<br />

from admission fees for the organizer.<br />

Mr Hogrefe applied for approval of the budget <strong>2008</strong>/2009.<br />

It has been unanimously granted.<br />

13.) Election of an election committee<br />

For the imminent election of a treasurer and a secretary, an election committee has been elected which is going to<br />

be chaired by Rolf Styner with the support of Mr Minniberger and Mr Stangenberg.<br />

14.) Application to give a release to the executive committee<br />

Mr Styner first applied to give a release to the treasurer. This application has been unanimously granted.<br />

Afterwards, Mr Styner applied to give a release to the executive committee. This application has also been unanimously<br />

granted.<br />

15.1) Election of the treasurer and the secretary<br />

As Uwe Vetter was no longer available for the position of treasurer, a successor was looked for. Olaf Abendroth of<br />

A&M has been suggested and stood for election. There were no other suggestions for the position of treasurer.<br />

Mr Abendroth was unanimously elected as the new treasurer.<br />

Ulli Goll volunteered to take on the position of secretary again. He was also unanimously elected for another two<br />

years.<br />

Both of the newly elected members of the executive committee agreed to accept their positions.<br />

Mr Krüger again thanked Uwe Vetter for his cooperation in the executive committee.<br />

<strong>ESU</strong>_Kleben_0808 30.07.<strong>2008</strong> 15:09 Uhr Seite 1<br />

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