13.10.2013 Aufrufe

Innovation-Gate-Process - Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Innovation-Gate-Process - Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Innovation-Gate-Process - Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein


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Vorlesung: Produkt- und <strong>Innovation</strong>smanagement<br />

Teil II: <strong>Innovation</strong>smanagement – Der <strong>Innovation</strong>-<strong>Gate</strong>-Prozess<br />

Expected Commercial Value<br />

Auszug aus: http://www.prioritysystem.com/glossary2.html#npv<br />

A probability-weighted value for a project with uncertain outcomes similar to expected net present value (ENPV).<br />

As with ENPV, scenarios are defined to represent different project outcomes, and each scenario is assigned a<br />

probability. A project value is computed for each scenario. The expected commercial value is obtained by<br />

multiplying each scenario's value by the scenario probability and adding the results. Estimated commercial value<br />

is another term for ECV.<br />

Depending on the techniques used to estimate the value of the project under each scenario (and on the<br />

techniques used to estimate the probabilities of the scenarios), ECV can be a useful way to address project<br />

uncertainties. However, as indicated below, the technique often involves simplifications that may or may not be<br />

appropriate.<br />

Typically, ECV denotes a simplified version of ENPV often appropriate for projects that generate new products.<br />

The project is broken into stages which are represented in a decision tree. The first stage is the product<br />

development stage, where the probability of technical success is Pts. The second stage is the product launch,<br />

where the probability of commercial success is Pcs. If D is the development cost, C is the cost of commercially<br />

launching the project, and PV is the present value of future earnings assuming a commercially successful project,<br />

then:<br />

ECV = [(PV*Pcs-C)*Pts]-D<br />

In reality, of course, technical and commercial success are not yes/no outcomes. There are varying degrees of<br />

technical success and, assuming the product is launched, commercial sales could be anywhere within a range of<br />

possibilities. Still, depending on the application, the simple formula may provide a sufficient approximation. More<br />

generally, because ECV is a simplified version of ENPV, it has the limitations of the more general approach<br />

(including omission of non-financial sources of project value and potential for inadequate treatment of risk).<br />

50<br />

Prof. Dr. Manfred König

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