24.04.2014 Aufrufe

Modulhandbuch des Studiengangs Master-Studiengang ...

Modulhandbuch des Studiengangs Master-Studiengang ...

Modulhandbuch des Studiengangs Master-Studiengang ...


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Stand:<br />

6. März 2014<br />

MWiWi 2.2<br />

Economic Integration and the World Economy<br />

Stellung im <strong>Studiengang</strong>:<br />

Pflicht<br />

Stellung der Note: 9/120<br />

Lernergebnisse / Kompetenzen:<br />

Das Modul erstreckt sich über 1 Semester.<br />

Das Modul wird jährlich angeboten.<br />

Das Modul sollte im 3. Semester begonnen werden.<br />

Workload:<br />

9 LP<br />

270 h<br />

This Module puts the analytical focus on the theoretical, institutional and empirical analysis of regional economic<br />

integration and international policy cooperation. This inclu<strong>des</strong> an internationally comparative perspective on<br />

European and Asian countries. Students will learn about concepts, economic and institutional dynamics as<br />

well as the respective research aspects. Moreover, reform options for improving efficiency and effectiveness in<br />

the context of regional integration schemes are discussed. Issues of monetary integration and financial market<br />

regulation will be analyzed.<br />

Modulverantwortliche(r):<br />

Prof. Dr. Paul J.J. Welfens<br />

Nachweise zu Economic Integration and the World Economy<br />

Modulabschlussprüfung<br />

Art <strong>des</strong> Nachweises:<br />

Schriftliche Prüfung (Klausur) (2-mal wiederholbar<br />

)<br />

Prüfungsdauer:<br />

90 min. Dauer<br />

Nachgewiesene LP:<br />

9 (angepasst von 10)<br />

Nachweis für:<br />

ganzes Modul<br />

I<br />

Monetary Integration and Financial Market Regulation<br />

Stellung im Modul:<br />

Wahlpflicht (4 LP)<br />

Angebot im: WS<br />

Inhalte:<br />

Lehrform:<br />

Vorlesung<br />

Selbststudium:<br />

97,5 h<br />

Kontaktzeit:<br />

2 SWS × 11,25 h<br />

Students will learn about the basic approaches to monetary integration and understand key concepts of<br />

international monetary relations. Both short term and long term approaches are presented. Moreover, the<br />

dynamics of European monetary integration is analyzed both from a theoretical perspective and with respect to<br />

policy topics in the EU.<br />

• Key aspects of monetary integration<br />

• Key aspects of Financial market regulation in the EU and worldwide<br />

• The role of Basel II and Basel III<br />

• Rating Agencies: Theory and reality<br />

II Economic Dynamics and Integration in Eastern Europe and Asia<br />

Stellung im Modul:<br />

Wahlpflicht (3 LP)<br />

Lehrform:<br />

Vorlesung<br />

Selbststudium:<br />

67,5 h<br />

Angebot im: WS<br />

Kontaktzeit:<br />

2 SWS × 11,25 h<br />


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