11.07.2015 Aufrufe

Jahresbericht 2003 - Apfel eV - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Jahresbericht 2003 - Apfel eV - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Jahresbericht 2003 - Apfel eV - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

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Dahlmann, J., Budakowski, W., R., Luckas, B. (<strong>2003</strong>): “Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisationmassspectrometry based method for the simulatneous determination of algal and cyanobacterialtoxins in phytoplankton from marine waters and lakes followed by tentative structural elucidation ofmicorcystins”, J. Chromatogr. A 994, 45-57Dahlmann, J., Luckas, B. (<strong>2003</strong>): “ Kopplung von Flüssigkeitschromatograph und Massenspektrometer(LC/MS) – Identification and structure elucidation of algae and cyanobacteria toxins. Liquid chromatograph/massspectrometer (LC/MS) coupling”, CLB, Chemie in Labor und Biotechnik 54, 54-58Bücher, Sammelbände:Dahlmann, J., Rühl, A., Liebezeit, G., Graneli, E. : „Evaluation of a bioluminescence assay for detectionof nodularin as an alternative to HPLC and protein phosphatase inhibition assay” in: Hallegraeff,G., et al. (eds.): “Harmful Algal Blooms”- Ninth Conference Tasmania 2000, ConferenceProceedings, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy,75352 Paris 07 SP, pp. 296-298 (<strong>2003</strong>)Luckas, B., Hummert, C., Oshima, Y.: “Analytical methods for paralytic shellfish poisons” in Hallegraeff,G., Anderson, D.M., Cembella, A.D. (eds.):“Manual on harmful marine microalgae“ Commission ofUNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, pp. 191-209 (<strong>2003</strong>) ISBN 92-3-103871-035

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