29.11.2012 Aufrufe

Biosynthese von 4-Hydroxy-2 5-dimethyl-3 - Bina

Biosynthese von 4-Hydroxy-2 5-dimethyl-3 - Bina

Biosynthese von 4-Hydroxy-2 5-dimethyl-3 - Bina


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vi<br />

Summary<br />

cally to 50 % in pink fruits and 75 % in red fruits. The total aldolase activity also increases<br />

after the pink ripening stage, apparently driven by the increase in cytosol aldolase activity.<br />

Both observations imply that this enzyme functions during fruit ripening. Further evidence<br />

was provided by a cloned cDNA, encoding the cytosolic form of aldolase from strawberry<br />

fruit (SCA1). Expression analyses with both microarrays and RNA gel blots showed that<br />

SCA1 mRNA level increases during strawberry ripening.<br />

Using specific photometric assays, the strawberry protein extract was tested for additional<br />

enzymatic activities relating to the degradation of sugars and sugar phosphates. Activity of<br />

fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, phosphohexose isomerase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase<br />

and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were all detected in the extract. Separation<br />

of phosphohexose isomerase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase isoenzymes was accomplished<br />

employing anion exchange chromatography. All enzymes except phosphohexose<br />

isomerase were found to be ripening induced.<br />

A strawberry fruit cDNA encoding for an alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) was cloned and<br />

transformed into E. coli BL21 (De 3) pLys bacteria. The isolated and purified expressed<br />

protein exhibits enzymatic activity towards different aldehydes. Acetaldehyde (Km-value<br />

43.5 µM) represented the substrate with the highest conversion rate. In addition, hexanal,<br />

isovaleraldehyde, butanal and propanal were also accepted. The putative involvement of<br />

ADH within the formation of HDMF was excluded by incubation experiments of ADH<br />

with D-fructose-1,6-diphosphate.<br />

An enzyme assay was developed to demonstrate for the first time the biochemical formation<br />

of HDMF in strawberry protein extract and to facilitate the protein purification of the<br />

enzymatic activity. Incubation experiments were performed with strawberry fruit protein<br />

extracts after addition of D-fructose-1,6-diphosphate and the reduction equivalents NADH<br />

and NADPH. HPLC-DAD as well as HPLC-MS analysis confirmed the formation of<br />

HDMF. Characterization of the presumed enzymatic formation allowed the delimitation<br />

towards a purely chemical formation of HDMF. Heat treatment of the extract prior to incubation<br />

led to inhibition of HDMF generation. Successive dilution of the extract with buffer<br />

resulted in a steady decrease in the amount of generated HDMF down to a constant<br />

amount, representing the chemical formation. The temperature optimum was around 35°C,

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