02.12.2012 Aufrufe

Untitled - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde

Untitled - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde

Untitled - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde


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132<br />

Ankündigungen<br />

From the Africanist perspective, we witness discourses featuring a<br />

“new nativism” (Mbembe), and there are successful movements to obtain<br />

guaranteed land titles (Botswana) or shares from the commercialisation of<br />

medical plants (Namibia) linked to the promotion of indigenous rights. In<br />

these cases, the concept is used to remedy wrongs committed against minority<br />

groups. On the other hand, rhetorics of exclusion, primarily based<br />

on “autochthony” principles (a dominant notion above all in West Africa)<br />

are gaining ground, sometimes even sustained by national laws. So while<br />

indigeneity can be used by minorities in an emancipatory way to claim<br />

their rights, it takes on an oppressive and exclusive character if used by<br />

a majority group. Clearly, the political problems of both cases go hand in<br />

hand with the conceptual ones: the categorical difference between “autochthonous”<br />

and strangers (often themselves born in a country) can only be<br />

established by the political act of focusing on (often invented) origins, and<br />

by fixing fluid identities in a clear ascription of indigeneity.<br />

The workshop discusses the usefulness and pitfalls of the concept, promotes<br />

the discussion of comparative case studies also beyond Africa with<br />

respect to various local understandings and cultural constructions of indigeneity,<br />

strategies of local actors, but also legal contexts and political<br />

frameworks. Finally, we may discuss whether alternative concepts can be<br />

developed that both meet scholarly standards and comprise universal human<br />

rights standards, or whether the political ascription of rights based on<br />

such group differences is doomed to become oppressive.<br />

Convenors: Gregor Dobler (gregor.dobler@unibas.ch), Tilo Grätz (tilograetz@yahoo.de)<br />

Discussant: Adam Kuper (angefragt)

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