12.12.2012 Aufrufe





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wölfl: greeting<br />

that I wholly support this approach, without any ifs and<br />

buts. However, I am also fully aware of the fact that we<br />

may not be able to continue to subscribe to this ethos in<br />

the near future. In my view, the abolishment of compulsory<br />

civilian service (as an alternative to compulsory military<br />

service) and the introduction of a federal volunteer<br />

service are already the first signs of a future tendency to<br />

do so. Although it was then well-known that it was illegal<br />

to fill a job vacancy with someone doing their compulsory<br />

civilian service, besides the fact that they were hardly<br />

likely to have the respective qualifications, today this occasionally<br />

raises the following question: what is the extent<br />

of the vacancies that now exist due to the abolition<br />

of compulsory civilian service?<br />

You are all well aware that there are two sides to the<br />

current demographic development: on the one hand,<br />

increased life expectancy, on the other a declining<br />

birth rate. In light of this, I do wonder whether we will<br />

be able to fill all full-time jobs with paid employees 20<br />

or 30 years from now, or whether we will be forced to<br />

also rely on civic volunteering to do so. Please, don‘t<br />

get me wrong: I am not advocating the ‚exploitation‘<br />

of our citizens to the advantage of third parties; I am<br />

talking about the fact that active social involvement<br />

adds to the quality of volunteers‘ lives.<br />

I also wonder about this issue when I read about the financial<br />

and banking crisis and the alleged or factual drawbacks<br />

of globalisation in the daily papers. Banking crises<br />

almost inevitably lead to a drastic fall in tax revenue, accompanied<br />

by significant increases in government spending.<br />

In future, public budgets will no longer be able to<br />

cover what they still can today, not by a long shot.<br />

And finally: remember that the demands we are expected<br />

to meet in our daily working lives continue to rise<br />

and some of our citizens are simply not able to rise to<br />

these challenges. ‚If, in future, the vast majority of the<br />

population is either not yet in gainful employment, or<br />

no longer employed, or has no prospects of ever being<br />

so again, then paid employment can no longer be considered<br />

a raison d‘être, or our sole purpose in life. ...everyone<br />

needs a job. The feeling of being needed is more important<br />

than earning money. The act of doing something<br />

with a purpose, something that benefits the community,<br />

deserves social recognition.‘ (Horst W. Opaschowski).<br />

It will be one of the tasks of our volunteering policy to<br />

show those concerned the best way to achieve this.<br />

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me finish by saying a few<br />

words on the government‘s role in all this. Its task is<br />

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clear and unequivocal: it must create the requisite<br />

framework conditions to allow volunteering to continue<br />

today, tomorrow and even in the more distant<br />

future, from employment law to tax regulations,<br />

from civil law to social security legislation.<br />

What are the activities of the Free State of Bavaria<br />

in this context? Ladies and Gentlemen, volunteering<br />

has long been a focus of the Bavarian social and social<br />

security policy. The progress we have made over<br />

the past few years in this respect is remarkable indeed,<br />

we have no reason for false modesty.<br />

Our latest achievement is the recently introduced Bavarian<br />

‚Ehrenamtskarte‘, a ‚volunteer pass‘. It is just<br />

one element of the culture of recognition successfully<br />

practiced in Bavaria. Anyone engaged in voluntary<br />

work for a certain amount of time over longer periods<br />

is issued with a ‚volunteer pass‘. This entitles the holder<br />

to certain material benefits in all local communities<br />

in Bavaria that are participating in the project.<br />

We are particularly proud of the ‚Ehrenamtsnachweis<br />

Bayern‘, the ‚Bavarian volunteering accreditation<br />

scheme‘, which leads me back to the topic of your<br />

conference. The Bavarian volunteering accreditation<br />

scheme not only gives details of any involvement in<br />

voluntary or charitable work, but also of the skills acquired<br />

through this involvement. This enables the holder<br />

to include their volunteering accreditation in their<br />

CV when applying for a vacancy. If there are several<br />

applicants with equal professional qualifications, employers<br />

may well prefer applicants who have previously<br />

engaged in some form of voluntary work. So-called<br />

secondary skills, such as dedication to the job, organisational<br />

talent, reliability and so on are all typical for<br />

volunteers and are equally important in a paid career.<br />

Potential volunteers do not always know who to turn<br />

to to offer their services. To ensure that this interest<br />

does not go unheeded, we are in the process of establishing<br />

a network of volunteering agencies and<br />

‚co-ordination departments for civic volunteering<br />

activities‘ in Bavaria for interested citizens to turn to<br />

for more information.<br />

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is all I have to say. A<br />

welcome speech may also come to a rather abrupt<br />

ending, provided this fact has been announced in<br />

advance. I hope that you will hear some interesting<br />

lectures, have many stimulating discussions, and I<br />

generally wish you all the best.

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