1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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BASP: Character Resumes<br />

M r Peter Harold Clem ents: Peter, a prom inent m em ber of BASP, contained all the qualities of a<br />

w ell-bred, good J e w ish football hooligan. Such is his com m and of the English language (an A-1 at A-<br />

level, lest you forget), w ould make a hardened Israeli soldierfeel q uite ill, w ith m em orable and moving<br />

sayings like, "U p your s and f - - your m o th e r!" Peter has w on much respect w ith in the U niversity<br />

w ith his d u tifu l and studious approach w ith the Hebrew classes.<br />

Peter's gentlem anly chivalry comes to the fore fro n t w ith his courteous and rom antic behaviour to<br />

his loved one (or loved ones as the case may be), his charm ing declaration of his "a m o u r" can be heard<br />

fre q u e n tly echoing through the corridors of Resnick 4, "F --- off, you fa t bitch... F - - off! You s m e ll!" and<br />

other subtle innuendoes.<br />

M r. M arc Charles O ppenheim : Marc, w ho caused a large am ount of concern during th e program<br />

w h e n it w as revealed th a t he w as suffering from A norexia Nervosa. In fact, his infam ous generosity<br />

w h e n it com es to food, w as partly the cause of this. S m iling, he w ould w elcom e a hungry passer-by<br />

w ith , "m y fridge is alw ays open, it's not a problem ."<br />

M r. M ark Leonard G rynberg: M ark's athletic build and his v irility has w on him the adm iration of<br />

m any long-legged, m odel-like w om en w ith in the campus.<br />

Though M ark's excessive generosity has often led him into trouble, m any take advantage of his<br />

s p e n d th rift characteristic.<br />

Though M ark's sym pathetic nature is most prom inent during our Tuesday night poker sessions, his<br />

concern and com passion fo r those less fo rtu n a te than him is tru ly adm irable, w ith kind and caring<br />

rem arks like, "A royal flu sh of hearts is better than p— " ... or, "D o you need a loan of 5 shekels,<br />

though I need it back at 6 a.m. w ith interest. "Though, norm ally teetotal he still retains a rem arkable<br />

a b ility to consum e large am ounts of alcohol, w h ils t still rem aining cool, calm, and collected.<br />

Though com ing from a w e a lth y fam ily, M ark is surprisingly coy and bashful about his personal<br />

properties. He prefers to take a back-seat roll w hen it comes to conversations about financial m atters.<br />

M iss Kim Jaquelin e Pryer: K im 's pacifist nature and gentillesse became apparent from the very<br />

beginning, her soothing w ords to Mr. Peter Clem ents, "If you laugh, I'll burn a hole in your fa c e !" Her<br />

slender, sensuous fig u re is accentuated by her inexpensive choice of clothes. Kim prefers the<br />

Bohem ian look, one can see her w h irlin g m ajestically through the Resnicks w ith her colourful head<br />

scarves blow ing softly in the w ind.<br />

Though K im 's am azing athletic ability stunned many on the sea to sea hike, she became an<br />

exam ple fo r many, leading w ith the equally energetic Lisa. The tired and w eary saw her scarf as a<br />

symbol of strength.<br />

M iss Lisa M iriam Sotnick: Lisa, a shy and introverted girl, w ho unfortunately has been plagued by<br />

acne since th e beginning of the course, came to the Hebrew U niversity on a scholarship due to her<br />

poverty-stricken background. Her dainty footsteps and her modest, hum ble dress sense reflect her<br />

relaxed m e llo w tem peram ents.<br />

Her secure and solid relationship w ith the m ature and sensible Sim on is an exam ple to all other<br />

couples... Her ability to discuss, calm ly and quietly, dom estic problem s is rem arkable. Lisa, as w e can<br />

see, is a very in tim a te girl w h o w o u ld rather be alone w ith a good book than socialising w ith the<br />

w e a lth y Je w s in th e ir "R alph Lauren U n ifo rm " in places such as "L'E q u ip e ".<br />

Her relationship w ith others in BASP, especially w ith the skinny philanthropist, M arc Oppenheim,<br />

has laid the foundations fo r a long and lasting friendship. Her im m ortal w ords "Even my fa th e r doesn't<br />

speak to me th a t w a y " has become a touching catchphrase. M arc's pet-nam e, "piece of m eat", is<br />

equally m eaningful.<br />

M r Mark Jutsen: M ark is one of th e particularly obnoxious m em bers of BASP. M ark's loud boasting<br />

of his sexual conquests resound thro u g h o u t the campus. His "w a s tin g -a w a y " room m ate suffers<br />

endless hours of detailed descriptions, in particular about a short and fa t girl w h o lives on a kibbutz.<br />

M iss M iria m S chreiber and Mr. Raphael Berg: M iriam is a loud, dom inant m em ber of BASP.<br />

Frequently seen dow bing several pints w ith the lads at the Cavern, and leading the boys in a chorus of<br />

"W e are red, W e are w h ite , W e are f---in g d yn a m ite !" Her character in juxtaposition to her boyfriend<br />

Raffi is a stric t contrast. Raffi spends most days w andering aim lessly in his flared jeans and Jesus<br />

sandals, handing out leaflets or nuclear disarm am ent w ith an olive branch entw ined in his long,<br />

flo w in g hair.<br />

M r. A n th o n y G runfeld: Tony, th is m ysterious, enigm atic character is alm ost unknow n in the<br />

U niversity. His lofty, m anly fig u re moves silently in the corridors. His reclusive, introverted m anner<br />

happily com bines w ith his room m ate, and from th e ir room in Resnick 3 gentle, lyrical m usic subdues<br />

these tw o naturally quie t individuals.<br />

M r. E lliot G rossm ith: Elliot, a natural rugby player, w hose low intellect only allow s him to read<br />

trashy novels, and to listen to heavy m etal. But Elliot has suffered m uch during the program due to the<br />

lack of contact w ith home, especially his m other, w ho has forgotten his com plete existence.<br />

Ben A ustin, Sim on Usiskin, and M onique Barda

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