1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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מעונות!‏<br />

In early Septem ber, the Overseas Program moved from the trenches of Givat-Ram to the relative<br />

luxury of M o u n t Scopus. W e had the pleasure of m oving into B uilding 6. W ow , a sink, a m irror, and if<br />

you w anted to you could spin around w ith o u t h ittin g a bed. Life w as set. Of th e ten rooms on o u rflo o r,<br />

three w ere Israeli, tw o w ere Canadian, tw o w ere C alifornian (surfing rules, hang loose dude), and one<br />

room contained our Spanish continge nt (we are ja m m in ' w ith a Spanish accent is the true w ay to sing<br />

it), and finally, one room w ith an Am erican and an Israeli (the horror, th e horror to quote Conrad). A t<br />

once, w e all realised th a t our floor w as unique in th a t m ost of us never slept and th a t th e ground floor<br />

of B uilding 6 w as th e m ost happening M oadon on cam pus. The difference betw een us and our<br />

counterparts w as th a t w e never closed. The m ost com m on hour to be aw ake seemed to be 3 a.m., so<br />

w e com piled a list of th in g s to do at th is ungodly hour:<br />

10. Sleep<br />

9. Do shm ira<br />

8. Have Israeli neighbour yell at you about m aturity levels of people<br />

6. Last m inute cram m ing fo r an 8 o'clock exam<br />

5. Cook food (eggs, rice, or beef patty hand-outs)<br />

4. Play the old five on one (a very sim ple card game) \<br />

3. Sing old camp tunes<br />

2. Phone home<br />

1. Have a "frie n d " sleep over<br />

Since the preservation of fu tu re OYP generations, is th e flo o r's goal, w e hope this list can benefit<br />

them and serve them as it has served us.<br />

A m i Sapir and Patrick A m ar

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