1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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ז<br />

Room — ״ mates"?<br />

Finally together, sharing at at last,<br />

How did Ellie and A nna m anage it so fast?!?<br />

A t A l and O l's the doors are alw ays open<br />

W hen it's goodbye, w e 'll be heart broken.<br />

U nderstanding the accents given by th e ir m other<br />

Is d iffic u lt w h e n Ju s tin and Daniel argue w ith each other.<br />

For Katy and S ue,it's cu rly hair on fire<br />

W hich goes perfectly w ith th a t Dahab attire.<br />

Sim on and Tony are real good friends<br />

W hat w ill they do w hen th is course ends?<br />

For Kim and M andy w a itin g fo r the tone,<br />

W henever you catch them it's, "I m ust phone hom e".<br />

Jonny's the eldest — too old for Ben, w ho should be sent back to his playpen.<br />

Jo and Eddie may w e ll be sm all<br />

But w h e n th e y sing they are 10 feet tall.<br />

To all on BASP, Pete has been a bastard<br />

Between us and Voel, how has he lasted? (w e 'll get you yet!)<br />

Raffi, w e w e re told, is quite a bear<br />

N ow w e know w h y M iria m likes to share.<br />

From Israel, Hampstead and M anchester new s finds its w ay<br />

To Emma and Sally nearly every day<br />

Isaac is so tidy, he's so neat<br />

How does he cope w h e n M arc trim s his feet?<br />

There's jive going dow n in 3 -5 -5<br />

A t Beccy and Sara's it's alw ays alive.<br />

A bout A nat and Joanne there's not m uch to say<br />

No one sees them from day to day.<br />

A dina's cooking is quite a feat,<br />

Given the kitchen is such a treat.<br />

Daniel Barnett, now alone in his room,<br />

Has replaced his room m ate w ith a broom.<br />

Diets, m usic, boys and clothes<br />

Keep Tali and M onique on each other's toes.<br />

For G rynny and El, Johnnie W alker's the go<br />

W alk into th e ir room, you'll see the show.<br />

A aron and Daniel are like chalk and cheese<br />

One is ta ll and one is not!<br />

Lisa and Tara: w h a t a pair,<br />

For th e ir messy room they do not care.<br />

J o h n n y Cantor, the football freak<br />

Know s all the scores every week.<br />

J u tte rs and Oppy, tw o guys tig h tly bound<br />

Two more alike could not be found.<br />

M egan and Sara, w ith them w e end<br />

To them and to all, best w ishes w e send.<br />

Gbodbye; Farewell, Am en<br />

Kim Pryer, A aron Solom on, M arc Israel<br />


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