1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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Elections<br />

Like everything else in Israel, the U niversity does not escape com plete politicalization. The student<br />

Ijn io n is run by political parties aligned w ith the national ones. Everyone has th e ir ow n political<br />

fconvictions, or th e y're te rrib ly confused. The cam pus is transform ed at election tim e. Posters, t-shirts,<br />

■lyers, and, m ost of all, stickers control the w a lls and blind the eyes. A rgum ents flair, friendships are<br />

te m p o ra rily suspended, and w hispered conversations echo the halls of Goldsm ith. The elections for<br />

■he 3 overseas seats w ere contested by the GILAD (the LIKUD faction) against a coalition of OFEK-<br />

13METZ (the labour and RATZ-M APAM factions). Each day, tables in fro n t of G oldsm ith advertised the<br />

■nerits of each group. Door to door cam paigning interrupted one at 11:00 p.m. By the last fe w days, the<br />

■ w o sides w ere fa r from speaking term s. But, afterw ards, friendships w ere renewed. The political<br />

■ever forgotten, the vote w as w on by GILAD, w ho captured all three seats.<br />

I<br />

Josh Schwarcz<br />

*<br />

Student Committee<br />

The S tudent C om m ittee is a group of students w h o either realised that the bureaucracy of the<br />

school w o u ld not give us everything w e w anted, or just w anted to get involved in helping do<br />

som ething. In addition to the num erous parties organised ( The opening at the One Year Party, and the<br />

February Opening Party being ju st two), the com m ittee w as involved in the "M issionary Go Hom e"<br />

sem inar, distrib u tin g sufganiot for Hanukkah, organising certain sporting events: the year and in<br />

organising the Beit H illel-O S A theatre w orkshop's play "O n ly Fools are Sad". In addition they played a<br />

m ajor role in reopening the Apple M acintosh Com puter Room w ith in weeks of its being closed. In all,<br />

th is year has been a relatively successful one for the Student Committee, despite some brief rocky<br />

periods.<br />

Shaun Lacob

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