1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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V<br />

Here w e have Richard Spencer and his reflections of our special Ulpan:<br />

The class w as a m icrocosm of Israel. Sum m er Ulpan class, Bet 1, at Haifa U niversity — w here the<br />

U niversity of C alifornia had its Ulpan — contained all kinds of different folks. There was us, a fe w other<br />

Am ericans, a Swede, a Germ an, a couple of Latin A m ericans, and a South A frican w ith an accent so<br />

thick you could slice it w ith a machete.<br />

Now, I don't w a n t to sound like Jam es W att, Ronnie Reagan's old Secretary of the Interior, w ho was<br />

made fam ous by his "B lack, tw o Jew s, a w om an, and a cripple rem ark. Each one of these students<br />

came to represent a life-style, a country, a continent. It w as like learning Hebrew w ith the United<br />

Nations — only a pro-Israel UN! W e connected — most of us, anyway — by being Jew s draw n to the<br />

Jew ish state fo r as many reasons as there w ere Jew s in the class. And th e non-Jew ish students'<br />

desire to learn Hebrew brought them closer to the rest, w ho also shared th is desire.<br />

W e w ere also of vastly diffe re n t ages. There w ere young Californians, the m iddle-aged South<br />

A frica n im m igrant, and a retired A m erican w om an w ith some spare tim e on her hands. It w as at firs t a<br />

little strange to be in the same class as someone th a t could have voted for W arren Harding, but in tim e,<br />

distinguish ing features like nationality and age became less im portant as w e grew to know each other.<br />

So th is is ju st a taste ■— maybe ju st a sm ell — of my sum m er Ulpan class. Som etim es it seems like<br />

yesterday that I w as greeting th e Colom bian w ith a "Com o estas?", som etim es like an eternity.<br />

Richard Spencer

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