1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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H ow w as last night? W here did you go? -The Underground, The Tavern, Champs? Jerusalem<br />

n ig h tlife bow ls me over once again. It's not ju s t the variety of places th a t astounds you — but the<br />

people th a t you can so easily become acquainted w ith in them -yes, you guessed it, those delicious’<br />

chach-chacs. How can they be described? A fe w adjectives th a t spring th e m ind may be handsome,<br />

w itty , aloof, sophisticated- but no! If these are th e w ords on your lips you m ust eith e r be deranged or so<br />

drunk th a t your brain has tu rn e d to mush.<br />

Falafels- w e've tasted them all- ye llo w ones, green ones, brow n ones. W e're not quite sure<br />

w h e th e r its the ingredients th a t make them th is colour. On closer inspection,-it seems m ore likely to be<br />

th e 'h a n d s of man serving these delicious treats w h ic h colour th e falafels so pleasantly.<br />

A n o th e r popular student haunt is "C heesecake". However, the size of the ow ner alw ays serves as .<br />

\ . * ׳ there. a w a rn in g against too m any visits<br />

The cinem a can be described as an e x p e rie n ce E E s in the w a tching of the film th a t w e enjoy, or \<br />

listening to the Israelis? In England people tend to w h isper in the cinem a, and it is ever quite usual to<br />

w a tch the film — but no Israelis have found a new form of film w atching. This consists of talking<br />

contin u a lly thro u g h o u t the film and fu ll critism of w h a t's going on, and a general getting up and<br />

w andering around a n y tim e you feel like it. Yes, I really enjoy having to stand up every five m inutes so<br />

th a t som eone can get by. But alw ays at the most crucial m om ent up come th e lights, and our rush 200<br />

Israelis fo r th e interval.<br />

Transportation in Jerusalem — it s till amazes me how consistently good natured and happy the bus<br />

drivers in Jerusalem are. They are alw ays so w illin g to hand over a red bus card — and seem oblivious<br />

to th e fact th a t half the students at the Hebrew U niversity are 17 years old. But nothing beats a<br />

Jerusalem taxi — th e taxi drivers head on collisions. W hat is the most com forting is the w ay that they<br />

1 enjoy tu rn in g around w h ile driving and having a conversation w ith those backseat passengers, it<br />

' makes you feel really safe. *.<br />

But d e fin ite ly the best part of Jerusalem n ig h tlife is com ing hom e to bed.<br />

Sara A nton and Rebecca Birk<br />


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