1988-1989 Rothberg Yearbook

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The Hassid<br />

If you can spare th e tim e, I w o u ld like to tell you a story. It began in a sm all to w n as most of our<br />

stories do...<br />

The w ord w as spread, and so it began. A ll those interested practised th e ir craft w ith great<br />

anticipatio n as the judgem ent day grew near. Soon it w as upon them .<br />

They sang and told stories as the man named M ike w atched on, and those w hose num ber had not<br />

yet been called, w aited apprehensively.<br />

The selection had been made and the seem ingly im possible task of m aking som ething out of<br />

nothing had begun. The w ork w as hard and the hours long. Those w ho lacked the stam ina fe ll to the<br />

w ayside as th e place picked up. Those w ho rem ained became a strongly bonded w ell oiled acting<br />

machine. The <strong>1989</strong> Overseas Program 's presentation of "The H assid" w as to be a reality.<br />

Tim ing w as essential. Entrances, exits. Practise makes perfect. Do it again! FRUSTRATION —<br />

harm ony, hot lights, dance steps, make-up.<br />

O pening night ‏^י*‏ Tim e to do it — This is w h a t w e've w orked for. Standing room o n ly ^ th e curtain is<br />

drawn!®•^ some shnapps and song — Lechaim!<br />

Rich M aisel<br />

Beit-Midrash<br />

Over th e past year, students have had the opportunity to participate in the Hecht Synagogue's Beit-<br />

M idrash program. Every M onday night, over 100 students and th e ir tutors meet and discuss topics<br />

ranging from Jew ish Philosophy, to Torah, to various holidays. B eit-M idrash has offered students the<br />

chance to choose subjects w h ich interest them .<br />

O ften these one-on-one sessions have led to unexpected friendships and an occasional invitation<br />

for a Shabbat or a festival. W hen w e leave Israel, B eit-M idrash w ill be among those experiences w hich<br />

m ost affected us.<br />

J ill Finklestein and M arlene Rachelle

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