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Slim and Him Bob Rusch Interview<br />

S: So, what’s a W.C. Handy track that you would listen to at the time, or<br />

now, that you say, that sort of epitomizes W.C. Handy.<br />

BR: Well I would go by Louis Armstrong, what a wonderful record, I think<br />

produced by George Avakian, Satch Plays W.C. Handy, and “Memphis<br />

Blues” or any of those are wonderful.<br />

S: Let’s listen to that. (excerpt played)<br />

BR: That still sounds thrilling to me today! Good music is good music, it<br />

doesn’t matter who it is, and they don’t get any better than Louis Armstrong.<br />

We take him for granted because he became a pop personality and one<br />

of the best known people in the world at the time. In fact, it was Louis<br />

Armstrong they put on the thing they sent out into space, they put one of<br />

the Louis Armstrong tracks on that. Now we most know L.A. from that<br />

rather saccharin song “What a Wonderful World,” which doesn’t sound<br />

so bad to me now, I know when it came out it sounded bad and I trust first<br />

impressions. You hear it enough and eventually it doesn’t sound so bad.<br />

The thing about some Elton John songs, and those are really insipid songs<br />

that you hear over and over, and over again—you get used to them. Which<br />

explains the bad taste that most adults have ‘cause they listen to the radio.<br />

S: It’s a collective sort of familiarity, whereas with (the) jazz I don’t think<br />

it’s so collective. I think that’s one of the nice things about it, is you weren’t<br />

all necessarily in the same place when you heard the same song. It wasn’t<br />

the 60’s where you were hearing Janis Joplin and everybody was hearing<br />

H: That’s why people talk about the soundtrack of your life. You’re not<br />

necessarily saying these are great songs—you’re saying that you’ve lived<br />

your life to this music. So, the great moments of your life are associated<br />

with it.<br />

BR: I enjoy some of this music of your light (life?) nonsense that goes on, it<br />

makes me feel old, but there’s a certain familiarity. But I believe you were<br />

raised where jazz was sort of an integral part of your life.<br />

S: We’re fortunate enough that it just seemed normal, just like you going to<br />

clubs when you were 13, 14, and 15. It just seems normal because that’s all<br />

you know, then in hindsight.<br />

BR: For our listeners I have to add: Slim grew up in a household where<br />

crazy avant-garde music was normal and ordinary.<br />

H: To quiz her: You ever heard of the Beatles?<br />

S: Getting back to our guest, Bob Rusch. You had mentioned earlier that<br />

you began playing the drums. Can you tell us a little bit about that and if<br />

you ventured into any other instruments?<br />

BR: Well I started out on clarinet.<br />

S: Is that because of the Benny Goodman influence?<br />

BR: Benny Goodman influence, and I said: “That’s fantastic,” and I<br />

struggled with that terribly. During that period I was also intrigued by<br />

Charlie Parker, this would have been later 50’s I guess. The best thing I can<br />

63 | CadenCe Magazine | april May June 2013

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