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Jazz Stories John McLaughlin<br />

jm: i was a nervous wreck, that's what it was like. no, i was thrilled, because i'd<br />

been following miles since '57 or '58, and Tony, i met for the first time in '64, in<br />

europe, in miles' band. and i loved Tony, at that point. i was just thrilled to be there<br />

to play with Tony and Khalid Yasin, which was larry Young's (religious) name. and<br />

i'd been following him, because he was like the new hammond organ guy, he was it.<br />

i was thrilled. and then miles coming in and saying "bring your guitar to the studio,"<br />

that was so unexpected for me. and of course i arrived there and nobody even knew<br />

there was a guitar player coming in that day. and they said to miles that there was<br />

no guitar part, so they had to make a photocopy real quick of joe Zawinul's piano<br />

part, which was behind this wonderful little anecdote, because it's joe's chillin, as<br />

you probably know, in a silent Way. and so we ran it down a couple times, and i just<br />

read the piano part, the top part. and miles said "stop that" and looked at me and<br />

said, "so play it on the guitar." i said "so you want the chords and everything?" he<br />

said "everything." i said, "Well, it's a piano part, you know, it's not a guitar part."<br />

"is that a fact?" he said! i mean i was already sweating blood. so he's waiting for<br />

me to play it, and it was gonna take a minute, and he wasn't happy about that. so<br />

he's looking at me, i mean the whole studio was stopped, everyone was in there,<br />

wondering what was gonna happen, and he turns around and says "play it like<br />

you don't know how to play the guitar." hahaha! he was like a zen master. and<br />

of course i heard the guys say, like, "oh that's a new one, i've never heard that<br />

one before." Because he was well-known for his cryptic remarks and his cryptic<br />

instructions to musicians. so anyway i said "i gotta do something," then i threw all<br />

the chords out, and i threw rhythm out, and i went off and played in e, everybody<br />

knows e, and off i went. miles had the light out, and i didn't really know what was<br />

going on, i was just on cloud nine and sweating and everything. We finished the<br />

take and miles loved it. he just loved it. and he loved it so much that he put it on the<br />

opening of side 1, and the closing of side 1. These were vinyl days. and that was my<br />

baptism of fire with miles in the studio.<br />

67 | CadenCe Magazine | april May June 2013

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