Mineral Resources Potential - Geothermal Resources

Mineral Resources Potential - Geothermal Resources

Mineral Resources Potential - Geothermal Resources


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3.6 Chromite<br />

Metallic <strong>Mineral</strong>s 109<br />

An iron magnesium chromium oxide: (Fe,Mg)CrzOb is an oxide<br />

minerd belonging to the spinel gotip. Magnesium is always<br />

present in variable amounts, also aluminium and iron substitute for<br />

chromim. Chromite is found in peridotite and other layered<br />

ultramafic intrusive mks as well as in metamorphic racks such as<br />

serpentinites. Ore deposits of chromite form as early magmatic<br />

differentiate, It is commonly associatsd with olivine, magnetite,<br />

serpentine, and corundum, The vast Bushveld Igneous Complex of<br />

South Africa is a large layered d c to dtrarnafic igneous body<br />

with some layers, consisting of 90% chromite making the rare rock<br />

type chromitite. Chromite is found in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan,<br />

Oman, and Zimbabwe (Boyle, 1987).<br />

Origin<br />

,When dense minerals form early in the crystallisation sequence,<br />

they may sink to nmr the bottom of the magma chamber and<br />

accumulate. This process is called crystal settling. Such settling is<br />

aided by a low viscosity of the magma; so crystal settling is best<br />

developed in basaltic magmas. Chromite is one of the first minerals<br />

to crystallise hm basaltic melts, and may settle out to form dark<br />

bands of nearly pure chromite. Stratiform chromite deposits consist<br />

of laterally persistent chromite-rich layers (a few mm to several m<br />

thick) alternating with silicate layers. The silicate layers include<br />

ulb.amafic and d ~ rocks c such as dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite<br />

vd a variety of others, less commonly gabbroic rocks.<br />

\ Chromite deposits are the end product of the separation of<br />

solid phases (Cr-rich spinets, (Fe, Mg) (Al, Cr. Fe) 204) from a<br />

liquid and their accumulation into chmite-rich layers. The<br />

pmsses involved in the formation of chromite layers are<br />

Mional crystallization and gravity settling. Chromite crystallizes<br />

into mineral grains within the silicate liquid and, because they are

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