Mineral Resources Potential - Geothermal Resources

Mineral Resources Potential - Geothermal Resources

Mineral Resources Potential - Geothermal Resources


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134 <strong>Mineral</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> Potwial of Ethiopia<br />

Applications<br />

Whik most people are familiar with the many uses of salt 'in<br />

cooking, they might be unaware that salt is used in a plethora of<br />

applications, from manufactwing pulp and paper a d dyeing<br />

textiIes and fabric to producing soaps and detergents. In most of<br />

Cam& and the northem USA, large quantities of rack sdt are used<br />

to help clear highways of ice during winter, although "Road Wtn<br />

loses its melting ability at temperatures blow -1 5°C to -20°C<br />

(5OF to 4OF). Salt is a h the raw material used to prodchlorine<br />

which itself is required for the production of many<br />

modern materids including PVC and pesticides used in human and<br />

animd diet, food seasoning and food presewations, to prepare<br />

sodium hydroxide, soda ash, cawtic soda, hydrochloric acid,<br />

chlorine; metallic sodium in ceramic glazes; metallurgy, cuijng of<br />

hides, mhmd wafers, soap mufwcture, home water softeners,<br />

highway de-icing, photography qnd in scientific equipment for<br />

optical parts. Single crystals are used for spectroscopy, ~Itraviolet<br />

and inhd transmission.<br />

Rock salt is produced hm the Danakil depression, which covers w<br />

dace of many thousands of square kilometres with reserves<br />

estimated at 3 Mt of salt (Getaneh, 1985). Common salt occurs<br />

both as brine and rock salt. Rock salt commonly occurs as thin<br />

stratified layers; gmerally less than one meter thick assaciated<br />

with marl and gypsum beds.<br />

Many salt water sources are exploited far salt in saIines<br />

which are located in Bale (e.g. Kalamis, Otrada, Creen, Dol,<br />

Hocdu, Eldere), Gojjam (50 km south-east of Debre Markm) and<br />

Sidamo, near Mega (e.g. El Sod). Ogaden, Afar and Sidamo me the<br />

most potential source areas. The potential salt resources of Afar<br />

are Bu&,Gekim, Afdm and Assale arm. The resources are

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