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Bentley: Ballade of Liquid Refreshment<br />


Last night we started with some dry vermouth;<br />

Some ancient sherry with a golden glow;<br />

Then many flagons of the soul of fruit<br />

Such as Burgundian vineyards only grow;<br />

A bottle each of port was not de trop;<br />

And then old brandy till the east was pink<br />

—But talking makes me hoarse as any crow.<br />

Excuse me while I go and have a drink.<br />

Some talk of Alexander: some impute<br />

Absorbency to Mirabeau-Tonneau;<br />

Some say that General Grant and King Canute,<br />

Falstaff and Pitt and Edgar Allan Poe,<br />

Prince Charlie, Carteret, Hans Breitmann—so<br />

The list goes on—they say that these could clink<br />

The can, and take their liquor—A propos!<br />

Excuse me while I go and have a drink.<br />

Spirit of all that lives, front God to brute,<br />

Spirit of love and life, of sun and snow,<br />

Spirit of leaf and limb, of race and root,<br />

How wonderfully art thou prison'd! Lo!<br />

I quaff the cup, I feel the magic flow,<br />

And Superman succeeds to Missing Link,<br />

(I say, 'I quaff; but am I quaffing? No!<br />

Excuse me while I go and have a drink.)<br />

Envoi<br />

Hullo there, Prince! Is that you down below<br />

Kicking and frying by the brimstone brink?<br />

Well, well! It had to come some time, you know.<br />

Excuse me while I go and have a drink.<br />

E. C. BENTLEY<br />


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