Issue 22 - 1992

Issue 22 - 1992

Issue 22 - 1992


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Coe Review • <strong>Issue</strong> <strong>22</strong><br />

the same word, only spelled backwards. Little Elvis wrote on his<br />

ownself with an ink pen and Daddy laughed like a wild man when<br />

he seen it. You couldn’t read what was wrote but Little Elvis swore<br />

up and down it said Mountain Dew. It wasn’t even letters, more like<br />

worm tracks on the river bank.<br />

Daddy’s feet stunk bad, too. He said it was from wearing<br />

shoes all the time in La Grange, even in the shower and bed. Little<br />

Elvis started wearing his shoes to bed only Granny said it got the<br />

sheets muddied up and Daddy took her side because there wasn’t no<br />

mud in the joint. He said they had boys like girls in prison, too. Little<br />

Elvis wanted to know if their feet stunk, and Daddy laughed. He said<br />

we’d know we were grown up men when our feet had a good solid<br />

stink to them. Little Elvis wanted Daddy’s socks so he could hurry it<br />

up. Daddy said that was bad luck and we’d have to find another way.<br />

Little Elvis wanted bad to be a man and I started thinking on<br />

all the things that’s got a smell to them. Grasshopper piss for one.<br />

Polecats and rotten eggs. Road kill, too, but I didn’t feel like fooling<br />

with dead stuff. A boy that used to live down here did, and the state<br />

took him for cutting them animals up. He made his sister show me<br />

her thing once if I’d give him a bat my Daddy killed that got in the<br />

house. After seeing her poon, I wanted that bat back. I just know he<br />

cut it up.<br />

The only other stinking thing I could think of was the toilet<br />

shack which Granny called the White House. She planted<br />

honeysuckle around it to cut the smell but it drew mud-daubers big<br />

as tree frogs. Me and Little Elvis went to the woods mostly. He used<br />

poison vine to wipe with once and never did wipe again after.<br />

A month ago, I had to go bad and it was night time, with the<br />

moon not even white on the river. I sneaked out to a pine where the<br />

dead brown needles below was soft and would cover the smell up.<br />

Daddy was off fox-hunting and everybody else in the world was<br />

asleep but me and it felt fine, just fine, being in the woods alone at<br />

dark. Then the hunting dogs got on my trail and started howling. I<br />

had to climb that pine, getting stickered by needles every branch.<br />

Dogs were barking below me, trying to claw their way up the trunk.<br />

They ain’t a dog in all creation that climbs trees. That’s why trees are<br />

here, Daddy said, to give varmints somewhere to get away to.<br />


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