Serial Programming - upload.wikimedia....

Serial Programming - upload.wikimedia....

Serial Programming - upload.wikimedia....


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<strong>Serial</strong> DOS<br />

the Escape key will be used to quit the program, which will in fact be where most of<br />

the changes to the program will happen. We are also introducing for the first time<br />

direct output into the UART instead of going through the standard I/O libraries with this line:<br />

Port[ComPort[1] + THR] := Ord(OutputLetter);<br />

The Transmit Holding Register (THR) is how data you want to transmit gets into<br />

the UART in the first place. DOS just took care of the details earlier, so now we<br />

don't need to open a "file" in order to send data. We are going to assume, to keep<br />

things very simple, that you can't type at 9600 baud, or roughly 11,000 words per<br />

minute. Only if you are dealing with very slow baud rates like 110 baud is that going<br />

to be an issue anyway (still at over 130 words per minute of typing... a very fast typist indeed).<br />

program SimpleTerminal;<br />

uses<br />

Crt;<br />

const<br />

THR = 0;<br />

RBR = 0;<br />

LCR = 3;<br />

LSR = 5;<br />

Latch_Low = $00;<br />

Latch_High = $01;<br />

{Character Constants}<br />

NullLetter = #0;<br />

EscapeKey = #27;<br />

var<br />

ComPort: array [1..4] of Word absolute $0040:$0000;<br />

InputLetter: Char;<br />

OutputLetter: Char;<br />

begin<br />

Writeln('Simple <strong>Serial</strong> Data Terminal Program. Press "Esc" to<br />

quit.');<br />

{Change UART Settings}<br />

Port[ComPort[1] + LCR] := $80;<br />

Port[ComPort[1] + Latch_High] := $00;<br />

Port[ComPort[1] + Latch_Low] := $0C;<br />

Port[ComPort[1] + LCR] := $03;<br />

{Scan for serial data}<br />

OutputLetter := NullLetter;<br />

repeat<br />

if (Port[ComPort[1] + LSR] and $01) > 0 then begin<br />

InputLetter := Chr(Port[ComPort[1] + RBR]);<br />

Write(InputLetter);<br />

end; {if}<br />

if KeyPressed then begin<br />

OutputLetter := ReadKey;<br />

Port[ComPort[1] + THR] := Ord(OutputLetter);<br />

end; {if}<br />

until OutputLetter = EscapeKey;<br />

end.<br />


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