EAGLE Version 5 Update Information - Cadsoft

EAGLE Version 5 Update Information - Cadsoft

EAGLE Version 5 Update Information - Cadsoft


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- The new User Language function system() can be used to execute external<br />

programs.<br />

- The User Language objects UL_ELEMENT, UL_INSTANCE and UL_NET have new<br />

data members 'column' and 'row' which return the location within a<br />

drawing frame.<br />

- The User Language member functions UL_ELEMENT.smashed and<br />

UL_INSTANCE.smashed now accept an optional parameter text name that allows<br />

you to query whether there is a smashed parameter text by that name.<br />

- In the User Language the labels of a segment (both bus as well as net)<br />

can now be accessed through the new object type UL_LABEL, which is<br />

generated by the new loop member UL_SEGMENT.labels(). The old way of<br />

accessing labels through UL_SEGMENT.texts() is now deprecated and won't<br />

handle cross-reference labels correctly. The actual text of a label is<br />

now returned by UL_LABEL.text.<br />

- The User Language object UL_SCHEMATIC has a new member 'xreflabel',<br />

which returns the format string used to display cross-reference labels.<br />

- The User Language object UL_SCHEMATIC has a new member 'xrefpart',<br />

which returns the format string used to display part cross-references.<br />

- The User Language object UL_INSTANCE has a new loop member named 'xrefs',<br />

which loops through the gates that represent the contact cross-reference.<br />

* Screen drawing:<br />

- Drawing on screen no longer uses "raster OPs". The individual layers<br />

are now drawn using "alpha blending". Each color (except for the<br />

background color, which is always opaque) can have its own alpha value,<br />

which defines how transparent it is. A value of 0 means the color is<br />

fully transparent (i.e. invisible), while 255 means the color is<br />

completely opaque. When reading an eaglerc file from an older version,<br />

the alpha values of all colors are initialized to a default value if<br />

all palette entries have an alpha value of 0.<br />

You can use the script 'defaultcolors.scr' to set the colors to the<br />

new defaults.<br />

When printing, the alpha values are always set to 255.<br />

- Since the layer colors no longer use additive mixing, but rather use<br />

alpha blending, the default background color in the layout editor<br />

window has been changed to white.<br />

- If you want to have the old raster OP behavior on black background,<br />

you can uncheck the "Use alpha blending" box in the "Options/Set/Colors"<br />

dialog. In that case the alpha value defined for the colors is ignored<br />

when using a black background, and colors are mixed using an OR function.<br />

- The colors above index 15 in the color palettes are now by default<br />

initialized with a medium gray value.<br />

* User defined Attributes:<br />

- In a library, devices can now have "attributes", which are arbitrary<br />

user definable "name/value" pairs. Attributes are related to the individual<br />

"technology" variants of a device.<br />

- The new command ATTRIBUTE can be used to define the attributes of a given

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