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. . . Gladys<br />

. . . Eddie<br />

. . Alberta<br />

—<br />

. . The<br />

ir-<br />

Antidiscrimination<br />

Proposal in St. Louis<br />

ST. LOUTS—A bill proposing to make it a<br />

misdemeanor for any attempt at segregation<br />

or discrimination according to race, color,<br />

creed or nationally in various public places,<br />

including motion picture theatres, has been<br />

introduced in the board of aldermen by Alderman<br />

Sidney R. Redmond, Negro.<br />

The measui'e carries provision for fines<br />

from $25 to $500. The bill also would pernut<br />

the posting of signs advertising such segregation<br />

or discrimination in public places. The<br />

proposed ordinance would place the board of<br />

aldermen on record as declaring "the practice<br />

of exclusion, segregation and discrimination<br />

in the use, operation and enjoyment of public<br />

places and accommodations against any<br />

of the resident of the city or those coming<br />

within its boimdaries because of race, religion,<br />

creed, color or natural origin are in derogation<br />

of the fundamental civil rights of the<br />

individuals involved."<br />

Redmond said he was requested to introduce<br />

the bill by various organizations including<br />

the National Ass'n for the Advancement<br />

of Colored People, the Mound City Bar Ass'n.<br />

and the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance.<br />

Empire Is Redecorated<br />

CHRISMAN, ILL. — The Empire, a 300-<br />

seater owned by George Barber of Villa Grove,<br />

111., and managed and operated by Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Garland "Peck" Keith, reopened April<br />

22 after being dark for ten days. During that<br />

period it rmderwent remodeling and redecorating.<br />

New American seats, a larger<br />

screen, modern air conditioning and new<br />

aisle and side lights have been installed.<br />

Burglars Get $43 in Harvey, 111.<br />

HARVEY, ILL.—Manager Walter Grometer<br />

reported to police that bm-glars had ransacked<br />

his office and ripped open the safe at<br />

the Harvey Theatre, making off with $4S.61<br />

in cash.<br />


. . .<br />

ly/fanager Hugh Flannery of the Orpheum<br />

Theatre here and Mrs. Flannery left May<br />

1 for a month's vacation trip to Florida<br />

A film titled "Better Schools for Rural Wisconsin"<br />

will be released soon by the University<br />

of Wisconsin.<br />

John McKay, formerly with Fox Wisconsin<br />

in Milwaukee, has been named manager of<br />

the Eastwood here. He succeeds H. L.<br />

Mincheski ... A stenographer in the state industrial<br />

commission won a six-month pass<br />

to the Orpheum in that theatre's baby-sitter<br />

contest.<br />

The Commercial club at Monticello will<br />

sponsor free motion pictm-es this summer.<br />

A group of Monticello civic and business<br />

leaders are also reported considering raising<br />

a fund for a new theatre in that city . . .<br />

Mayor Verne Knoll of Beaver Dam has invited<br />

actor Fred MacMurray to visit his home<br />

city this summer to help dedicate a new<br />

carillon organ bought for use at the city park.<br />

The organ is similar to the one used in Mac-<br />

Murray's picture, "Miracle of the Bells."<br />


Dussell Bleeke, office manager and head<br />

booker at Republic, was home suffering<br />

from an abscess in his ear several days last<br />

week . . . Charles Acton, salesman for Republic,<br />

is spending his spare moments buying<br />

furniture and getting his newly acquired<br />

home arranged . Wells of the Na-<br />

vacation-<br />

tional Screen Service office staff is<br />

ing in Ai-izona. Betty Bradgon has been<br />

added to the NSS filing staff.<br />

Fred Dolle of the Fourth Avenue Amusement<br />

Co., Louisville, was here several days<br />

Edwin Brauer, Republic<br />

on business . . .<br />

manager, has gone to the New 'Vork office<br />

Daupert is the new typist at<br />

. . Jack Norris has taken over the<br />

RKO .<br />

Rialto Theatre in Walkerton, Ind.<br />

Milton Krueger, UA salesman, and Jack<br />

Benson, assistant booker at U-I, were overnight<br />

guests of Bob Harned at his drive-in<br />

. . Mrs. Jules Goldman,<br />

in Louisville the night before the race at<br />

Churchill Downs .<br />

wife of the Warner office manager, has returned<br />

to the city after spending six weeks<br />

with her father, seriously ill at his home<br />

in New York.<br />

Bob McCraven jr., son of the late salesman<br />

for Warner Bros., was here winding<br />

up his father's estate . . Brownstown, Ind.,<br />

.<br />

had a rabies scare and all dogs in the town<br />

were ordered vaccinated . . Eugene Steurle,<br />

.<br />

operator of the East Broadway, Louisville,<br />

has renovated his theatre and now will start<br />

the family garden plot . . . Joe and William<br />

Riese of the Riese circuit, Louisville,<br />

have supervised the renovating and the installation<br />

of new air conditioning in the Ideal<br />

Theatre.<br />

Robert and Mrs. Wayne, who operate the<br />

Orpheum in Louisville, entertained their<br />

many out-of-town guests during the Kentucky<br />

Derby. Earl Bell has acquired the Avalon<br />

here. Bell also operates the Howard in<br />

west Indianapolis . . . Mrs. Harvey Orr, who<br />

operates the Speedway Theatre, Speedway<br />

City, has returned to her post after a tenday<br />

rest . . . C. E. South, operator of the<br />

Dream Theatre here, reports considerable<br />

activity in his community by parents who desire<br />

to secure more pictures for children's<br />

matinees.<br />

Verne Jenkins acquired the Monroe at Monroe<br />

City . . . Mrs. Mary May, mother of Gilbert<br />

May, operator of the Dream, Corydon,<br />

Ind., is visiting her daughter in California<br />

Ornstein, who operates theatres<br />

in Milltown and Marengo, Ind., and in Brandenburg,<br />

Ky., has disposed his interest in<br />

the frozen locker btisiness and will devote<br />




—New Address<br />

1220 So. Michigan Ave.<br />

Phones WEBster 44G6-67<br />

CHICAGO 5, ILL.<br />



iOur Service Advertises)<br />

all his attention to his amusement business<br />

George T. Landis, 20th-Fox manager,<br />

. . .<br />

visited the home office in New York.<br />

Jerry Weiss, formerly living in Chicago, has<br />

joined the Eagle Lion sales staff. He will<br />

visit exhibitors in the northern territory . . .<br />

Richard "Dick" Stevens of the west coast<br />

office of Warner Bros., replaces Ira Epstein<br />

as publicity director in the Indianapolis area.<br />

Epstein goes to New York City for the company.<br />

George W. Lindsay is building a 218-seat<br />

theatre in Brownsville, Ky. The house will be<br />

called the Lindsay . Mary-Jane Theatre<br />

in Caneyville, Ky., built by Allen Bros.,<br />

will hold its formal opening the last week<br />

in May.<br />

C. C. Sims, Loretta, Ky., is building a new<br />

drive-in theatre at Lebanon, Ky . . . Paul<br />

Sanders, operator of the Alhambra Theatre,<br />

Campbellsville, Ky., has returned after visiting<br />

his daughter in the east . . . Mannie<br />

Marcus, head of the Marcus Enterprises, operators<br />

in Ohio and Indiana, visited his theatres<br />

in Cincinnati and Dayton.<br />

Renovated Lincoln Opens<br />

Again in Charleston, 111.<br />

CHARLESTON, ILL.—The Lincoln Theatre,<br />

a unit of the Charleston Theatre Co.,<br />

which also owns the Will Rogers here, has<br />

been playing to nice business since its grand<br />

reopening April 25.<br />

While the theatre was closed, the owners,<br />

headed by Ed Clark, spent some $50,000 on<br />

improvements. Air conditioning was installed;<br />

the ticket window was moved forward to the<br />

center of the doorway: new rubber tile floor<br />

was laid in the lobby which was redecorated;<br />

concrete flooring was laid in the balcony,<br />

where seats were rearranged, and indirect<br />

lighting, new automatically controlled curtains<br />

and a new screen were installed.<br />

Poplar Bluff Job Resumed<br />

By I. W. Rodgers Circuit<br />

POPLAR BLUFF, MO.—Work was resiuned<br />

on the de luxe theatre being built<br />

here by the Rodgers circuit of Cairo, 111.,<br />

following the lifting of restrictions on theatre<br />

construction. W. M. Griffin, spokesman for<br />

the circuit, said the project probably would<br />

take a year to complete. The house will be a<br />

monument to I. W. Rodgers, founder of the<br />

circuit, whose first theatre was the Criterion<br />

in Poplar Bluff.<br />








Write for free literature<br />

Theatre Equipment Co.<br />

AL BOUDOURIS, Manager<br />

109 Michigan St., Toledo 2, Ohio<br />

ADams 8511<br />


: May<br />

15. 1948<br />


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