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The Industry's Market lot Purchase or Sale of Equipment, Theatres, Service<br />

• Classiliad Ada 10c Par Word. Poyabla ia Advoaca. Minimum Sl-OO. Ditploy RaUa on Rcqucal •<br />


1. Herlntr horwonljl genejjior, 80-160 umps.<br />

85 >oUi rlitostjls lor optrjlloti, includiii<br />

Siitirfii<br />

Cu^itiinteed<br />

meter and loluge irgulaior panel.<br />

contJIMon. Jdcjt Ume-ln A<br />

luf or large Ititalre,<br />

buy at present d.ii prices tut SiOU 2, Western<br />

Electric sounij eiiiili>mi'ni, serviced :inil euarjntetd<br />

condiiign. Wide rjiiKS aptrtures, raoior ttneraior.<br />

Brown & Broekmoer motors, 75 walls o( judlu.<br />

41. 42 jnd IHO 43 umDliriers modiriid Idejl<br />

(or Dme-ln or Ijrse ilie.itre. $500 3, Clnclnnjll<br />

Tirne recordrr suiitid equipment, oierhauled<br />

and eujrjfilred coiidilion Tito Bcoit Bjlbnr>iit<br />

*mi)lifie(5 E»tr:iiiil lor snull lliejire, J350<br />

Public ClMlr Insijllalton Co. 318 Fltni Bide<br />

21Q8 A>e Ohio<br />

r.iyiie . Cltiel^ind,<br />

Complete puruble 35mm sound projefiwri nut-<br />

(II. T"o 35mm Holmes Ijmp sound projectors<br />

"Hh 2m Ii m.iB.iiines Amplifier and speaker In<br />

cise. 5750 8\10 ll.illie be.ided. roll-up upe<br />


Stteral ifiousjnd u^cd upliolslered opeia clijir:><br />

on hand Ue are headyujrLcrs for the cream of<br />

ilie ilie used chair crop. We pick lots that we<br />

like. Ihink you will We furnish proper slope and<br />

fli leciions desired to juur theatre. Our many<br />

In li >ears experience the seating business jour<br />

for gujranlee Write exact piroto and price. We<br />

h.ive p^iris for all mikes of tli.iirs Also, kalhir-<br />

eile 25x25 In all colors, 55c ea Good qujIii)<br />

fhicugo Used thalr -Marl. 82a So Slaie Si<br />

i'tilcago 3. ill.<br />

Fcnsin Chair msinienuice besdijuarierB bu all<br />

parti and acccisorles for all cbslrs Also upbol-<br />

«lery fabrics and Ibeaire cbalr supplies fiend ue<br />

your lample for quotation Repsli serilee Bcallable<br />

right In jour tbeaire also Kensin Sealing<br />

Co E 13ib Bt . Chicago B. lU<br />

,<br />

CLtefilflGHOUSf<br />


Theatre: Oiegrni couniy seal lo«n 0"ner sajs<br />

cleared S50U last month after pa>ing manager's<br />

salary and all expenses. Nice nc» place to live<br />

included in deal 116,000 Cish will tutidle Theatre<br />

About one hour's drive hum meifopolitan<br />

Portland An eaiy llnng can be nude Py most<br />

an>orit here Siiualtd In Ihe heart ol one uf ihi<br />

In most scenic ^puts America $15.UU0 Include::<br />

moitern building Tlieatre. touni) leat.lown ol<br />

2.500 pupuljtiun Owner selling on aCiuuiit ul<br />

uiher hiieresi^ Ca^y terms vmiIi Ki>ly<br />

do«n Theatre I'orlland sul^urban New bi.ol<br />

equlpmtni. goud district JJ2,50O full prie.<br />

Might consider !oroe lerms Wiiie for hilur<br />

u^<br />

ilie'^e b

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