mixed - Stata

mixed - Stata

mixed - Stata


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<strong>mixed</strong> — Multilevel <strong>mixed</strong>-effects linear regression 43<br />

. <strong>mixed</strong> isei female high_school college one_for both_for test_lang<br />

> [pw=w_fstuwt/wnrschbw] || id_school:, pweight(wnrschbw) pwscale(gk)<br />

(output omitted )<br />

Mixed-effects regression Number of obs = 2069<br />

Group variable: id_school Number of groups = 148<br />

Obs per group: min = 1<br />

avg = 14.0<br />

max = 28<br />

Wald chi2(6) = 291.37<br />

Log pseudolikelihood = -7270505.6 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000<br />

(Std. Err. adjusted for 148 clusters in id_school)<br />

Robust<br />

isei Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]<br />

female -.3519458 .7436334 -0.47 0.636 -1.80944 1.105549<br />

high_school 7.074911 1.139777 6.21 0.000 4.84099 9.308833<br />

college 19.27285 1.286029 14.99 0.000 16.75228 21.79342<br />

one_for -.9142879 1.783091 -0.51 0.608 -4.409082 2.580506<br />

both_for 1.214151 1.611885 0.75 0.451 -1.945085 4.373388<br />

test_lang 2.661866 1.556491 1.71 0.087 -.3887996 5.712532<br />

_cons 31.20145 1.907413 16.36 0.000 27.46299 34.93991<br />

Robust<br />

Random-effects Parameters Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]<br />

id_school: Identity<br />

var(_cons) 31.67522 6.792239 20.80622 48.22209<br />

var(Residual) 226.2429 8.150714 210.8188 242.7955<br />

The results are somewhat similar to before, which is good news from a sensitivity standpoint. Note<br />

that we specified [pw=w fstwtw/wnrschbw] and thus did the conversion from w ij to w i|j within<br />

our call to <strong>mixed</strong>.<br />

We close this section with a bit of bad news. Although weight rescaling and the issues that arise<br />

have been well studied for two-level models, as pointed out by Carle (2009), “. . . a best practice<br />

for scaling weights across multiple levels has yet to be advanced.” As such, pwscale() is currently<br />

supported only for two-level models. If you are fitting a higher-level model with survey data, you<br />

need to make sure your sampling weights are conditional on selection at the previous stage and not<br />

overall inclusion weights, because there is currently no rescaling option to fall back on if you do not.

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