July-August - Air Defense Artillery School

July-August - Air Defense Artillery School

July-August - Air Defense Artillery School


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12<br />

Infantry Tank better known as the i\latilda. There were<br />

only t{\"enty-two ~ latildas in France. but they proved<br />

many things for the German tacticians. Here was one piece<br />

of enemy armor which outmoded the standard 37mm A.T.<br />

The French had experimented with a 47mm gun made<br />

principally by the Czechs, and no sooner did the Czech arms<br />

industry fall under German control than they seized upon<br />

this 47mm and produced it as a mobile A.T. gun. Shortly afterwards<br />

they produced it mounted on the early pzKw 1this<br />

vehicle was called by the Germans the Tank Hunter.<br />

This was the first of an e\:entual series of self-propelled high<br />

velocity AT. guns. J\leanwhile, the 37mm type had gone<br />

through usage in the pzKw III Tank and had been succeeded<br />

by the first of the 5cm I German tank guns (the<br />

K\V.K, Kampf 'Fago1l KmlOne).<br />

The German Afrika Korps was formed to bolster J\lussolini's<br />

unreliable colonial arm\' then in the midst of much<br />

difficulty in Libya. The Ko~ps armor carried a 20mm<br />

machine gun in their pzKw II's; the short barrelled 5cm<br />

gun in the pzKw Ill's; the short barrelled 7.5cm K\V.K in<br />

the pzKw IV's; while the pzKw I was used either as a light<br />

reconnaissance or command vehicle, or to carry the 4.7cm<br />

Czech gun in the role of Tank Hunter.<br />

Backing up the armor piercing possibilities of all these<br />

tank guns was the old 37mm A.T. gun plus the newly<br />

developed 5cm antitank P.AK 38-(the Pmlzer Abwehr<br />

Kano1le).<br />

The possibilities of attack or defense by these Gennan<br />

Panzer units was formidable indeed. The ammunition used<br />

in anyone of these weapons was such as to insure penetration<br />

with subsequent detonation at astonishing ranges. Long<br />

range battles became an actuality in the Libyan Desert;<br />

and when the bigger guns were in the tanks, battles often<br />

started at ranges of 4500 yards.<br />


Prior to 1940 the Germans had worked on developing a<br />

weapon which would demolish the then-formidable Maginot<br />

Line Forts. As the effective penetration of armor lies<br />

in giving the biggest shell possible the greatest velocity obtainable,<br />

only one really excellent weapon was then available.<br />

That was the German Flak 18 (Flllgzugabwehr<br />

Kanone) gun. By the simple expedient of making a worthwhile<br />

armor piercing shell for this already excellent AA<br />

gun, the Germans produced the weapon they needed. They<br />

carefully worked out all the problems and proved the gun<br />

on sample Maginot Line Forts built to specifications on<br />

their own proving grounds. And so by the time the Libyan<br />

campaigns were underway the Afrika Korps had a new dual<br />

purpose gun: the Flak 18 with its excellent AP-HE, C and<br />

BC shell.<br />

Now there is nothing astonishing in this weapon of itself;<br />

but the German adaptation together with clever tactical use<br />

made it a devastating surprise to the British 8th Army.<br />

It cost many Allied tanks to purchase the information that<br />

armor cannot protect a~ainst the Flak 18, but the gun must<br />

be mastered tactically. To armor against this weapon would<br />

produce a fort, not a tank. As 1941 neared its close the<br />

Germans realized that they would soon face bigger and<br />

better tanks. Never letting up in their unending drive for<br />

1Gennan calibers are usually stated in centimeters.<br />


the ultimate in tank destruction, they sensed the in<br />

quacy of their smaller weapons both in and out of ta<br />

And so they turned to a new e:-.:pedient.<br />

In Russia the German Army had captured quantities<br />

the fine 76.2mm combination AT. and field guns, toge<br />

with enough ammunition to equip several batteries for<br />

in Libya. They also substituted their own satisfactorv 7<br />

K.\\'.K. (short' barrel) AP-HE, C and BC shell fo~th<br />

Russian shell, loading it in captured cases. Thus a<br />

AT. gun appeared in the Desert early.in 1942. Later<br />

the year this same gun appeared mounted on German<br />

tracks. Crude as this modification was, it still was a<br />

propelled AT. gun which paved the way for the powe<br />

tank destroyer of today.<br />

As the earlv summer battles in the desert came to a cI<br />

and the hare( pressed 8th Army moved deep into Eg,<br />

the Germans realized that in the new medium Ameri<br />

tanks (the Grants and the Lees) they were facing g<br />

armor which represented a definite threat. l\Iany of t<br />

tanks survived scores of hits while dishing out greater fi<br />

power than the Germans had ever experienced. The fail<br />

of these hits to stop the Grants and Lees was attributable<br />

the use of the German short barrelled 5cm K.\V.K. \\"h,<br />

hits were registered by the 5cm P.AK, penetration \\<br />

usually effected.<br />

Because of this experience, Rommel in his trial pus<br />

along the edge of the Quatarrah Depression in the la<br />

summer used pzKw Ill's fitted with the 5cm long ba<br />

relied K.vV.K and pzKw IV's with a long barrelled 7.5<br />

gun. These new guns put the German tanks back in t<br />

field as a serious threat. However, this was September, a<br />

the brilliant 8th Army, newly equipped and under a ne<br />

commander, staved off attack. Another breathing spe<br />

now set in, with the 8th Army destined to pack a treme<br />

dous punch heavily augmented by new American Ort!<br />

nance.<br />


The Germans speedily appreciated the value of the Ru~<br />

sian 76.2mm piece in its original design; and practicall1<br />

parallel with it they developed a new P.AK. of 7.5 calibe<br />

called the P.A.K 40. >I- So we see the progression from 3.7~<br />

to 5cm to 7.5cm. I<br />

It is decidedly worthy of note that all these weapo~<br />

developed about the same velocity: about 2600 feet pel<br />

second; this despite the fact that the shell weights started al<br />

1.5 Ibs., went to 4.5 Ibs., and then to 15 Ibs.<br />

Each weapon was adequate for the job it had to do i~<br />

terms of existing tank armies at the time of develop~e.nJ<br />

The 7.Scm is able to destroy any tank attacking its pOSJtI<br />

today, as has been amply proven in Tunisia and RUSS<br />

The 5cm P.A.K is still able to penetrate heavy hom(<br />

gencous armor at ranges up to 1000 yards.<br />

Even while the 7.5 P.AK. 40 was being developed. ex<br />

periments were going on in the field of raising the velocitie<br />

of other and even older patterns of weapons. Here the ole<br />

Russian 76.2mm gun comes to the fore again, its chambe<br />

bored out to use the same case as the new 7.5cm. Ob\'iousk<br />

*The long.barrelled tank gun K.W.K. 40 is actually the tank vera<br />

of the P.A.K. 40 A.T. ,(:un. Proiectiles for both weapOns are the ~<br />

save for slightly different rotating bands. The cartridge cases are q.<br />

different. but the resulting velocities are believed to be almost iden u<br />

The K.W.K. case is shorter, but thicker.

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