July-August - Air Defense Artillery School

July-August - Air Defense Artillery School

July-August - Air Defense Artillery School


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\X'ar Fiction<br />

£ FIGHTING AMERICAN. Edited by F. van Wyck<br />

lason. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc .. 1943. 747<br />

aoes; $4.50.<br />

" "here Amatems at 'Var is an anthology of eyewitness actS<br />

of all our wars, TIle Fightillg Americall covers ,.ery<br />

h the same ground with fiction stories based on fact. The<br />

~ htillg American is much better reading, but is not as valuas<br />

a source of actual incidental history.<br />

lonel Mason has included fortv-fi,'e selections, from Brad-<br />

's campaign against Fort Du'quesne to \Vorld "VVar I.<br />

Fenimore Cooper, Inglis Fletcher, Stewart Edward<br />

'te. Zane Grey, Herman Melville, John \V. Thomason Jr.,<br />

Kinlay Kantor, and many other favorites have portions of<br />

, work in this book. The book is a fine gift for a soldier who<br />

. to read of soldiers at war.<br />

f<br />

The Unvanquished<br />

I:\A. By Kwok Ying Fung. New York: Henry Holt and<br />

mpanY, 1943. 191 Pages; Illustrated. $5.00.<br />

he sort of person who enjoys a good photograph for photogy's<br />

sake will treasure the eighty-four pictures in this book,<br />

the pictures are much more than mere examples of the art<br />

the camera expert. Combined with the restrained and unhdy<br />

text, the photographs present a conception of China that<br />

too little known to most of us. \Ve have learned to think of<br />

ally as a nation of squalor and suffering-China depicts<br />

of the beauty both of the land and of the spirit of the<br />

Ie. The pages of the book are 91;2 by 12 inches, which<br />

its the pictures to be reproduced large enough to bring<br />

their full effect.<br />

Nathan Hale Was First<br />

E Spy IN AMERICA. By George S. Bryan. Philadelhia:<br />

J. B. Lippincott Company, 1943. 234 Pages; Supplent;<br />

Bibliography; Index; Illustrated. $3.00.<br />

FromNathan Hale to Pablo \Vaberski, America has been a<br />

ground for spies, our own as well as those of our enemies.<br />

Brvan's research has enabled him to describe the work and<br />

pe;sonalities of the better known or more important spies<br />

operated in this country from Revolutionary \Var times<br />

the days of \VorId \Var I. During the Civil \Var spies for<br />

sides were most active. The story of Albert S. Rowan is<br />

from the Elbert Hubbard version, as are most of the other<br />

in this book different from the popular versions.<br />

No More Mata Hari<br />


ABOTEURS. By Will Irwin and T. 1\1. Johnson. New<br />

¥ork: W. W. Norton, 1943. 219 Pages; Index; Illustrated.<br />

.50.<br />

is is easily the most interesting, and probably the most<br />

hIe, of the entire Norton 'War Services" series. The<br />

rs have done a superb job of presenting the theory and<br />

ice of espionage and sabotage, with its ramifications.<br />

have worked conscientiously to strip the subject of its<br />

glamor, but have not let interest suffer in the process .<br />

. art of gaining information from the enemy or a p0-<br />

I enemy, and preventing him from obtaining like in forn<br />

from our own country. represents more hard work than<br />

BOOK REV IE\ \IS 93<br />

,.<br />


The most romplete \'olume on Coast <strong>Artillery</strong> tactics and technique<br />

available. More than 1600 pages, approximately 725 illustrations and<br />

numerous tablE'S...............•....................•...... S6.00<br />

ROOTS OF STRATEGy No. 37<br />

Lt. Co\. Thomas R. Phillips<br />

This i. the only compilation of the master words of the master<br />

soldiers of the centuries. The imperishable military tactics of Sun<br />

Tzu (500 B.C.). Vegetius (390 A.D.), Marshal de Saxe (1732), Frederick<br />

the Great (1747). and Napoleon, some of them unobtainable in<br />

English. have been newly translated and annotated. A fundamental<br />

militar;' book S3.00<br />


Carl von Clausewitz<br />

A historical distillation of YOM KRIEGE done by Clausewitz himself.<br />

and translated. edited and annotated by Hans W. Gatzke of<br />

Williams College. "The Nazis," says Major Miksche. author of<br />

BLITZKREIG. "apply Clausewitz in an eVen more total manner than<br />

Ludendortr ever thought of doing." This vital book is the Blueprint<br />

for German conquests SI.00<br />

S-2 IN ACTION No. 33<br />

Lt. CoI. Shipley Thomas<br />

The technique of securing combat information. Not a cut-and-dried<br />

textbook. but a vivid and easily understood exposition of military<br />

intelligence based on the experiences of the author-who has "been<br />

through the mill." One of the best how-to-do-it military books. $1.50<br />

e ....<br />

"Morale is the most powerful weapon known to man ... again<br />

and again it has been the means of turning defeat into victory."<br />

This is the crux of the author's belief, which is elaborated in easily<br />

understood. non-technical language. Covering a wide range from<br />

primitive fear to sex, this discussion of fighting psychology is both<br />

a challenge and a revelation S1.00<br />

e:<br />

-ass<br />

For the Coast <strong>Artillery</strong>man<br />

-*-<br />

BATTERY DUTIES: A Checklist No. 15<br />

The only summary of the varied duties that come under the head<br />

of "housekeeping" in a Coast Artiller;' battery. Some of the duties<br />

are prescribed in regulations. but most of the booklet deals with the<br />

rnan:r unwritten customs and shortcuts that have become more or<br />

Ipss standard practice-and great time savers $.25<br />

...,<br />

f:I ~J<br />

~ I:") • r. ..<br />


Norman Copeland<br />

MANEUVER IN WAR No. 43<br />

Colonel C. A. Willoughby<br />

The panorama of battlefield movements and the pattern of developing<br />

schemes of warfare are displayed in realistic array through the<br />

centuries of military history. 182 easily followed maps. divested of<br />

clutter, illustrate the "how" of mass, surprise, direction and all the<br />

principles of war from the earliest times through the Spanish<br />

Civil war S3.00<br />

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