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1 Hh<br />

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Music Hall's Easter Stage - Screen<br />

Show, Art House Films, Big in N.Y.<br />

NEW YORK— Despite rainy weather for<br />

the weekend and Monday i9i, plus the<br />

Lenten period which always affects moviegoing<br />

to an extent, the Radio City Music<br />

Hall's annual Easter stage-screen show,<br />

headed by Disney's "Moon Pilot." opened<br />

to strong business, which will increase, of<br />

course, as the holidays approach. Tlie only<br />

other new film was "Bell' Antonio," which<br />

was good at the tiny Guild Theatre.<br />

Best among the holdover.s was "Sweet<br />

Bird of 'V^outh," which was strong in its<br />

second week at the Capitol and tremendous<br />

at the east side Sutton Theatre, which had<br />

block-long waiting lines during the rainy<br />

weekend. Long lines also were in evidence<br />

at most of the small art houses, particularly<br />

"Only Two Can Play, " in its third big week<br />

at the Forum: "Forever My Love," in its<br />

second near-record week at the 72nd Street<br />

Playhouse, and "Last Year at Marienbad,"<br />

in its fifth smash week at the Carnegie<br />

Hall Cinema.<br />

Most of the other Broadway houses were<br />

nearing the end of long rmis. Three hohday<br />

pictures which opened dui-ing the second<br />

week in April were "State Fair," which<br />

opened at the Paramount Wednesday Uli<br />

following a very mild two-w-eek fill-in,<br />

"Madison Avenue"; "All Fall Down," which<br />


BIG<br />




good enough in its 17th week of two-a-day<br />

at the Warner but will pick up during the<br />

holiday period.<br />

lAvoroge Is 100)<br />

Astor—The Children's Hour (UA), 4th wk<br />

Beekmon—Through o Gloss Dorkly (Joous),<br />

135<br />

4th wk 150<br />

Copitol—Sweet Bird of Youth (MGM), 2nd wk. 160<br />

Cornegic Hall Cinema Lost Yeor ot Morienbod<br />

Aston, 5;h wk 175<br />

Criterion Wolk on the Wild Side (Col), 7th wk. 120<br />

DeMille A View From the Bridge (Cont'l),<br />

wk 125<br />

Embassy Lo Dolce Vito (Astor), movoover,<br />

16th wk 125<br />

.<br />

5th Avenue Victim (Pottw-Americo), moveover,<br />

9fh wk 110<br />

opened the same day at Loews State, following<br />

a disappointing five-week run for 55th Street Victim (Pathe-Americo), moveovcr,<br />

9th w,<<br />

Horsemen," and "Experiment<br />

Arts Only Two Con Ploy (Kingsley),<br />

"The Four Fine<br />

no<br />

in Terror," which opened Friday il3i at 3rd wk 190<br />

Forum Soton in High Heels (Cosmic), 3rd wk. 140<br />

the Criterion, following a fine seven-week Guild Bell' Antonio (Embassy) 150<br />

run for "Walk on the Wild Side." "The Little Carnegie The Night (Lopert), 7th wk. ..140<br />

Loews Stote The Four Horsemen of the<br />

Children's Hour." which did well enough in Apocalypse (MGM), 5th wk 110<br />

its fourth week at the Astor and the east Murray Hill—Walk on the Wild Side (Col),<br />

7th wk 125<br />

side Trans-Lux 52nd Street, will be replaced<br />

at both houses by "Jessica" before moveover, 16th wk 145<br />

Normondie Les Lioisons Dangereuses (Astor),<br />

Palace Judgment at Nuremberg (UA), I6tti<br />

Easter. "The Day the Earth Caught Fire," wk, of fwo-OKlay 200<br />

which held up well for its third week at the Paromount Modison Avenue (20th-Fox), 2nd wk. 105<br />

Pons Viridiono (Kingsley), 3rd wk 150<br />

Victoria and east side Trans-Lux 85th Plozo Block Tights (Mogno), 7th wk 130<br />

Street, will also be replaced at both houses Radio City Music Hall Moon Pilot (BV),<br />

plus Eostcr stage show 165<br />

by "Cape Pear" April 18.<br />

West Side Story (UA), 25th wk. of<br />

Rivoli<br />

"West Side Story." which won 11 Academy<br />

Awards, was again a sellout in its moveover, I 4th wk I 40<br />

two-o-dcy 200<br />

68th Street Murder She Said (MGM),<br />

25th week of two-a-day at the Rivoli. where 72nd street Forever My Love (Poro), 2rvj wk. . .175<br />

Sutton Sweet Bird of Youth (MGM), 2nd wk. ..185<br />

lines of ticket-buyers are now buying advance<br />

dates, while "Judgment at Nurem-<br />

4th wk 130<br />

Trans-Lux 52nd St —The Children's Hour (UA),<br />

Trans-Lux 85th St The Day the Earth Cought<br />

berg" was also capacity in its 16th week of Fire (U-n, 3rd wk 130<br />

two-a-day at the Palace. "El Cid" was Victoria the Day the Earth Caught Fire<br />

(U-l), 3rd wk 125<br />

Warner El Cid 1 40<br />

World<br />

(AA), 17th<br />

Many Ways to Sin<br />

wk. of two-o-doy . . .<br />

(Mishkin-Exploitotion<br />

film) 200<br />

All Buffalo First Runs<br />

Score Average or Better<br />

BUFFALO—"West Side Story" at the<br />

Teck in its fifth week was doing 150 business<br />

and so was "Sweet Bird of Youth" in<br />

its second stanza at the Buffalo. "The Outsider"<br />

reported a 125 at the Lafayette.<br />

"Lover Come Back" moved into the Cinema<br />

from a long run in the Lafayette and<br />

tacked up a 250 in this 500-seat downtown<br />

art house.<br />

Buffalo Sweet Bird of Youth (MGM), 2nd wk...l50<br />

Center Splendor in the Gross (WB); Fonny<br />

WB), return runs (<br />

Century Wolk on the Wild Side (Col), 4tti wk.<br />

1 30<br />

100<br />

Cinema Lover Come Bock (U-l), 2nd d.t. run ..250<br />

Granada El Cid (AA), 8th wk 130<br />

Lafayette The Outsider (U-l) 125<br />

Paramount— Lost of the Vikings (Medallion) 110<br />

Teck—West Side Story (UA), 5th wk 150<br />

inch<br />

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Made for PEERLESS MAGNARC & STRONG MOGUL lamphouses.<br />

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SPiCIAl<br />

OFFER<br />

PurchoM only $0 (>o«tiv«$ oixJ 50 oegofivet oni<br />

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diarges in order that you moy "tee riie LIGHT'<br />


GUARANTEES $1,000.00<br />

that no other rarbDii presently on<br />

the market can out-perform ROMAN<br />

MIRIO in your own laniphouse.<br />

E-2<br />

Finest Cinema Carbon the World<br />

Has Ever Knownl<br />

, Lee ARTOE<br />

ElectroCarbons<br />

Chlcogo 14, III.<br />

.<br />

Holdover Fare and Lent Team<br />

To Drop Baltimore Scores<br />

BALTIMORE— Except for weekend patronage,<br />

current seven-day grcsses appear<br />

to reflect competition of pre-Easter shopping.<br />

Overall figures run just about average.<br />

Then. too. practically all attractions<br />

were holdovers and several have worn out<br />

their welcome. "Sweet Bird of Youth" was<br />

quite biusy over the weekend: so was "A<br />

View From the Bridge" and two roadshows,<br />

"El Cid" and "West Side Story," were<br />

crowded. Monday night gave evidence that<br />

movie fans watched the Academy Awards<br />

show on home screens.<br />

Aurora The Guns of Novorone (Col),<br />

rclurn run 100<br />

Charles Soton Never Sleeps (20th-Fox), 3fd wk. 80<br />

Five Doy Lover (Kingsley), 3rd wk. 100<br />

Cinema— The<br />

Five West- Summer and Smoke (Pora), 6th wk. 120<br />

Hipp:drome Sweet Bird of Youth (MCiM),<br />

2nd wk. MO<br />

Little Light in the Piozzo (MGM), 3rd wk 115<br />

Moyfair-West Side Story (UA), 8th wk 150<br />

New— Fanny (WB), Splendor in the Gross<br />

(WB), return runs '00<br />

Playhouse A View From the Bridge<br />

(Confl), 2nd wk 150<br />

Stanton- Lover Come Bock (U-l), 7ttl wk 100<br />

Town— El Cid ( AA), 5th wk 1 35<br />

BOXOFFICE :: April 16, 1962

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