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3. Methodology<br />

Methodology. Evidence levels and formulation of recommendations.<br />

The methodology used is recorded in the “Manual de elaboración de GPC” (Manual on how to<br />

create a Clinical Practice Guideline) from the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs 1 .<br />

The steps followed were:<br />

• Setting up the group in charge of creating the guide, which included the following professionals<br />

from: primary care (medicine, nursing, pharmacy), specialised care (endocrinologists<br />

and nursing educators on diabetes) and professionals experienced in the creation of a<br />

Clinical Practice Guideline.<br />

• Creating of clinical questions following the Patient / Intervention / Comparison / Outcome<br />

format.<br />

• Developing a qualitative study with diabetic patients (focal group and personal interviews)<br />

in order to validate and complete the list of questions.<br />

• Bibliographic review:<br />

— Data bases: Cochrane Library, DARE, Medline Pubmed, Evidence Based Review,<br />

Embase, CINHAL, Clinical Evidence, IME, IBECS.<br />

— Languages: English, French and Spanish.<br />

— Research structure: in a first phase, preliminary research of Clinical Practice Guidelines<br />

and systematic reviews was carried out. As a secondary evidence resource, a Clinical<br />

Practice Guideline on glycemic control 2 and specific Clinical Practice Guidelines on<br />

retinopathy, diabetic foot and nephropathy have been included 3, 4, 5 .<br />

— The Clinical Practice Guideline from the GEDAPS group has been used as additional<br />

reference material. (2).<br />

— In a second phase, wide research on original studies (randomised clinical trials, observational<br />

studies, studies of diagnosis and prognosis tests and clinical prediction rules)<br />

was carried out.<br />

— Research period: the research deadline was January 2008. However, a service of bibliographic<br />

alert was kept active until May 2008 to include the most relevant updated<br />

literature.<br />

1<br />

Grupo de trabajo sobre GPC, Elaboración de Guías de Práctica Clínica en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Manual Metodológico.<br />

Madrid: Plan Nacional para el SNS del MSC. Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud -I+CS; 2007. Guías de Práctica Clínica en el<br />

SNS: I+CS Nº 2006/0I.<br />

2<br />

NICE. Clinical Guideline. Management of type 2 diabetes: Management of blood glucose. London: National Institute for Clinical<br />

Excellence; 2002.<br />

3<br />

NICE. Clinical Guideline. Management of type 2 diabetes: Retinopathy, screening and early management. London: National<br />

Institute for Clinical Excellence; 2002.<br />

4<br />

NICE. Clinical Guideline. Management of type 2 diabetes: Prevention and management of foot problems. London: National Institute<br />

for Clinical Excellence; 2003.<br />

5<br />

National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Clinical Guideline F. Management of type 2 diabetes. Renal disease- prevention and early<br />

management. London: National Institute for Clinical Excellence; 2002.<br />


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